
A batch is an instance of a project for a specific version or build of the product. A batch comprises one or more jobs, which execute the same project with the same configuration and product build for different devices.
The controller is part of the Hive Runner and its purpose is to manage all devices of a particular type so, for example, a Hive for Android devices will have a single Android controller. The controller for a device type is responsible for creating and managing workers of that type. The Hive Runner gem includes the controller for shell runners and each plugin gem includes its own controller.
Device API
Device API is a Ruby library used by the runner to abstract device management functions.
Execution Script
An execution script or script is a set of commands used as the foundation of a test in the hive scheduler. An execution script may be used by one or more projects.
A Hive is a server running the Hive Runner software.
Hive CI
Hive CI is a collection of one or more hives together with a Hive Scheduler server and optionally a Hive Mind server.
Hive Messages
Hive Messages is a Ruby library providing the communication mechanism between the runner and the scheduler.
Hive Mind
Hive Mind is the device management web application for Hive CI
Hive Runner
The Hive Runner or Runner is the software for managing devices and executing tests. The runner includes one or more controllers as appropriate for the devices. The core Hive Runner, including the shell controller, is contained in the hive-runner gem and plugins for device types follow the naming convention hive-runner-device_type. For example, hive-runner-android and hive-runner-ios.
Hive Scheduler
The Hive Scheduler or Scheduler is a web application for creating and managing test jobs, and assigning them to devices running on hives. The scheduler normally runs on a server separate from the hive runner and can provide tests for devices on multiple hives and of various types.
Mind Meld
Mind Meld is a Ruby library providing an API for Hive Mind.
A job is an execution of a batch for a single device chosen according to the queue attached to the job. A batch is made up of multiple jobs configured for different queues.
A project in the Hive Scheduler denotes a test set of a particular product. A project comprises an execution script together with configuration details.
A queue is a label attached to one or more devices to indicate them as candidates for executing a job. For example, a queue may contain all devices of a given operating system version while another queue may contain only devices of a very specific make, model and operating system.
Res is a results format used for reporting test results from the runner back to the scheduler.
See Hive Runner
See Hive Scheduler
See Execution Script
The worker is part of the Hive Runner and its purpose is to control a single device of a particular type. A worker for a device is created by the controller for the device’s type and it is responsible for requesting and executing tests from hive scheduler, reporting results back to the scheduler, reporting device information to Hive Mind and keeping the device in a healthy state. The core Hive Runner includes a shell worker that allows tests to be executed on the Hive itself. The shell worker can be used as an example for the creation of plugins for other device types.
