
This page contains some examples to show how tests may be set up and executed.



XCode UI Tests

Since XCode 8 it has been possible to create a build for testing that can then be zipped up into a package and used in a Hive batch. The method for creating the build is shown below but first the project in Hive Scheduler needs to be set up.

On the Hive Scheduler, create a new test script with the ‘iOS IPA’ target with the template:

# Copy the uploaded build and rename as a zip file
cp $APP_PATH your_project.zip

# Unpack
unzip your_project.zip

cd Products

# Find the xctestrun file
TEST_FILE=`ls *.xctestrun`
if [ x$TEST_FILE == 'x' ]
  echo No xctestrun file found >> $HIVE_SCRIPT_ERRORS
  exit 1
  # Execute the tests
  xcodebuild -xctestrun "$TEST_FILE" \
             -destination "platform=iOS,id=$DEVICE_TARGET" \
             test-without-building > raw_output.txt

  # Generate a JUnit and xcpretty results files
  cat raw_output.txt | xcpretty --report junit > xcpretty.out

  # Convert the JUnit result file into RES format for uploading to the Hive
  res --junit build/reports/junit.xml

# Copy all results files to the results directory for uploading
cp raw_output.txt xcpretty.out *.res $HIVE_RESULTS

# Report an error if XCodeBuild failed to run
if [ $XC_EXIT -ne 0 ]
  echo XCodeBuild exited with error >> $HIVE_SCRIPT_ERROR

Create a project using this script. It is not necessary to specify a source repository or branch and the execution directory should be set to .. Remember to set the ‘Population Mechanism’ as appropriate as well as any default queues.

Now that the project has been set up in Hive Scheduler, create a ‘build for testing’ from your XCode project:

xcodebuild -workspace your_project.xcworkspace \
           -scheme 'your test schema' \
           -destination 'generic/platform=iOS' \
           clean build-for-testing

The destination generic/platform=iOS indicates that the tests can be executed on any suitably provisioned device that satisfies the requirements of the project.

The build-for-testing and test-without-building actions in this command and the script created above together make up the test action that can be used with xcodebuild for compiling and executing on a connected device. You can try the test-without-building command as shown in the script above to verify this.

The above command will create a build inside the DerivedData directory together with an xctestrun file. These should be packaged up with zip.

cd DerivedData/your_project/Build
ls Products
# =>    your_project.xctestrun   Debug-iphoneos/

zip -r your_project.zip Products
# The Hive Scheduler currently requires iOS build files to have an ipa extension
mv your_project.zip your_project.ipa

The your_project.ipa file is the build to be uploaded to the Hive Scheduler when creating the batch.

You can now execute the project using the your_project.ipa file generated above as the build.

Note that all the commands for creating and packaging the build can be built into a CI pipeline and the Hive Batch can then be triggered with:

# PROJECT_ID = Project Id from Hive Scheduler
curl http://your_hive_scheduler_url/api/batches \
     --form version=1.0 \
     --form project_id=$PROJECT_ID \
     --form batch[name]='My iOS project' \
     --form build=your_project.ipa \
     --form execution_variables[queues]='queue_1,queue_2,queue_3'
