Android Plugin

The Android Hive Runner plugin is used for managing tests on Android mobile and tablet devices.



Although it is theoretically possible to run an Android Hive on any operating system that supports Android SDK, for best results it is recommended to use Linux. Specifically, Ubuntu is known to work well.

The Android Hive communicates with devices using adb and so Android SDK need to be installed. Specifically, it must be possible to execute the following commands; adb and aapt. A recent version of Android SDK should be installed in preference to versions supplied with the Linux distribution as these can have problems working with multiple devices concurrently.


The Ruby gem for the Android Hive plugin is hive-runner-android and it can be added to an existing hive by adding

gem 'hive-runner-android'

to Gemfile and executing bundle install while the Hive is stopped. Before restarting the Hive the following lines should be added to the config/settings.yml file inside the controller section:

      name_stub: ANDROID_WORKER
      port_range_size: 10

Alternatively, the Android plugin can be included when setting up a new Hive. Select the option to ‘Add module’ and enter android as the module name.

Keeping devices healthy

The Android plugin includes some diagnostic checks for memory usage, battery temperature and uptime. In order to use these diagnostics you need to enable them in config/settings.yml. The following settings will reboot all devices every 2 hours (7200 seconds) and stop tests running if the battery temperature increases above 32C or the voltage increases above 4600mV:

        reboot_timeout: 7200
        temperature: 320,
        voltage: 4600
