
Compute the signal ranges and bit widths required for each part of a VC-2 analysis and synthesis filter and present the results in a CSV table.


The values printed by this tool are valid only for the wavelet transform, depth, picture bit width and quantisation matrix specified. See Caveats for further limitations and assumptions made by this software.

Example usage

$ vc2-static-filter-analysis \
    --wavelet-index le_gall_5_3 \
    --dwt-depth 2 \
    --output static_analysis.json

$ vc2-bit-widths-table \
    static_analysis.json \
    --picture-bit-width 10 \
    --custom-quantisation-matrix \
        0 LL 1 \
        1 HL 2   1 LH 0   1 HH 4 \
        2 HL 1   2 LH 3   2 HH 3 \
    --output bit_widths.csv

$ column -t -s, bit_widths.csv | head
type       level  array_name  lower_bound  test_pattern_min  test_pattern_max  upper_bound  bits
analysis   2      Input       -512         -512              511               511          10
analysis   2      DC          -1024        -1024             1022              1022         11
analysis   2      DC'         -2047        -2046             2046              2047         12
analysis   2      DC''        -2047        -2046             2046              2047         12
analysis   2      L           -1537        -1535             1534              1535         12
analysis   2      H           -2047        -2046             2046              2047         12
analysis   2      L'          -3071        -3069             3069              3071         13
analysis   2      H'          -4094        -4092             4092              4094         13
analysis   2      L''         -3071        -3069             3069              3071         13

The command can also be used to display the signal ranges of optimised test patterns produced by vc2-optimise-synthesis-test-patterns:

$ vc2-bit-widths-table \
    static_analysis.json \
    optimised_patterns.json \
    --output bit_widths.csv


The complete set of arguments can be listed using --help

usage: vc2-bit-widths-table [-h] [--picture-bit-width PICTURE_BIT_WIDTH]
                            [--custom-quantisation-matrix CUSTOM_QUANTISATION_MATRIX [CUSTOM_QUANTISATION_MATRIX ...]]
                            [--show-all-filter-phases] [--verbose]
                            [--output OUTPUT]

Compute the signal ranges and bit widths required for each part of a VC-2
analysis and synthesis filter and present the results in a CSV table.

positional arguments:
                        The static analysis JSON data produced by vc2-static-
                        A set of optimised synthesis test patterns produced by

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --picture-bit-width PICTURE_BIT_WIDTH, -b PICTURE_BIT_WIDTH
                        The number of bits in the picture signal.
                        Use a custom quantisation matrix. Optional except for
                        filters without a default quantisation matrix defined.
                        Should be specified as a series 3-argument tuples
                        giving the level, orientation and quantisation matrix
                        value for every entry in the quantisation matrix.
  --show-all-filter-phases, -p
                        Show signal bounds broken down into individual filter
                        phases. Without this option, the bounds are shown for
                        all filter phases.
  --verbose, -v         Show more detailed status information during
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        The name of the file to write the CSV bit widths table
                        to. Defaults to stdout.

CSV Format

The generated CSV have one row per analysis and synthesis filter phase. The columns are defined as follows:

type, level, array_name, x, y

Specifies the filter phase represented by the row (see Terminology). The ‘x’ and ‘y’ columns are omitted, and the aggregate worst-case shown for all phases unless --show-all-filter-phases is used.

lower_bound, upper_bound

The theoretical worst-case lower- and upper-bounds for the signal. These values may be over-estimates but are guaranteed not to be under estimates of the true worst-case.

test_pattern_min, test_pattern_max

The minimum and maximum values produced by the test patterns when they’re passed through a real encoder and decoder. These values may not represent true worst-case signal levels, though they may often be close.


It is possible that both minimum and maximum test pattern values could have the same sign. This occurs when quantisation errors are sufficiently strong as to make worst-case encodings/decodings of the test pattern have the same sign. The true signal range would still include zero.


The final column summarises the number of bits required for a signed two’s complement representation of the values in the ranges indicated. If the test pattern and theory disagree, a range of bits is indicated. The true bit width required lies somewhere in the given range.