
Combine the results of several batched runs of vc2-static-filter-analysis into a single set of results.

Example usage

$ vc2-static-filter-analysis \
    --wavelet-index le_gall_5_3 \
    --dwt-depth 2 \
    --num-batches 2 \
    --batch-num 0 \
    --output static_analysis_batch_0.json
$ vc2-static-filter-analysis \
    --wavelet-index le_gall_5_3 \
    --dwt-depth 2 \
    --num-batches 2 \
    --batch-num 1 \
    --output static_analysis_batch_1.json

$ vc2-static-filter-analysis-combine \
    static_analysis_batch_0.json \
    static_analysis_batch_1.json \
    --output static_analysis.json


The complete set of arguments can be listed using --help

usage: vc2-static-filter-analysis-combine [-h] [--output OUTPUT]
                                          inputs [inputs ...]

Combine the outputs of a series of batched calls to vc2-static-filter-

positional arguments:
  inputs                A complete set of matching batched filter analysis

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        The name of the file to write the computed JSON output
                        to. Defaults to stdout.