
Generate test pictures for VC-2 encoders and decoders which produce extreme (large-magnitude) signal values.

Example usage

In the example below we generate a series of test pictures for encoders and decoders which use/expect:

  • 2-level 2D LeGall (5, 3) transform

  • A particular custom quantisation matrix

  • 10-bit pictures

  • HD (1920x1080) resolution pictures with 4:2:2 colour subsampling

This tool generates test pictures for a single picture component at a time. Where picture components have different resolutions (as in this example) the vc2-bit-width-test-pictures command must be used twice.

$ vc2-static-filter-analysis \
    --wavelet-index le_gall_5_3 \
    --dwt-depth 2 \
    --output static_analysis.json

$ mkdir luma_test_pictures
$ vc2-bit-width-test-pictures \
    static_analysis.json \
    1920 1080 \
    --picture-bit-width 10 \
    --custom-quantisation-matrix \
        0 LL 1 \
        1 HL 2   1 LH 0   1 HH 4 \
        2 HL 1   2 LH 3   2 HH 3 \
    --output-directory luma_test_pictures

$ mkdir color_diff_test_pictures
$ vc2-bit-width-test-pictures \
    static_analysis.json \
    1920 540 \
    --picture-bit-width 10 \
    --custom-quantisation-matrix \
        0 LL 1 \
        1 HL 2   1 LH 0   1 HH 4 \
        2 HL 1   2 LH 3   2 HH 3 \
    --output-directory color_diff_test_pictures

$ ls luma_test_pictures/
analysis_0.json         synthesis_1_qi35.json   synthesis_6_qi48.json
analysis_0.png          synthesis_1_qi35.png    synthesis_6_qi48.png
synthesis_0_qi34.json   synthesis_2_qi44.json   synthesis_7_qi49.json
synthesis_0_qi34.png    synthesis_2_qi44.png    synthesis_7_qi49.png
synthesis_10_qi52.json  synthesis_3_qi45.json   synthesis_8_qi50.json
synthesis_10_qi52.png   synthesis_3_qi45.png    synthesis_8_qi50.png
synthesis_11_qi54.json  synthesis_4_qi46.json   synthesis_9_qi51.json
synthesis_11_qi54.png   synthesis_4_qi46.png    synthesis_9_qi51.png
synthesis_12_qi58.json  synthesis_5_qi47.json
synthesis_12_qi58.png   synthesis_5_qi47.png

The two generated directories containing test pictures suitable for testing the luminance and colour-difference picture components.

Test picture format and usage

The test pictures generated by this software are saved as 8-bit monochrome PNG images, regardless of the picture bit width specified. These pictures must be extended to the correct picture bit width before use. The test pictures contain only black (minimum signal level), mid-gray (0) and white (maximum signal level) pixels. An example is shown below:


Analysis test pictures have names of the form analysis_*.png. These must be presented to an encoder under test and the output validated against a reference implementation. The results should be comparable with those achieved by the reference implementation.

Synthesis test pictures have names of the form synthesis_*_qi*.png. These must first be encoded using an encoder configured to use the quantisation index given in the filename (after qi) for all picture slices. The encoded pictures must be presented to the decoder under test and compared with a reference implementation. The results should be bit-for-bit identical.

JSON metadata format

Each test picture (*.png) is accompanied by a JSON metadata file (*.json) with a matching name. This JSON file enumerates the test patterns contained within the picture and which values within an encoder or decoder implementation are being targeted.

Each file has the following structure:

        "level": 1,
        "array_name": "L''",
        "x": 0,
        "y": 0,
        "maximise": true,
        "tx": 2,
        "ty": 4

Each object describes a particular test pattern within the picture and its intended target within the encoder or decoder.

The level, array_name, x and y values define the specific filter phase targeted (see Terminology).

The maximise value is true for patterns intended to maximise a signal value and false for those intended to minimise.

The tx and ty values give the coordinates of the specific value within the targeted filter array which is being targeted by the pattern.


The complete set of arguments can be listed using --help

usage: vc2-bit-width-test-pictures [-h]
                                   [--picture-bit-width PICTURE_BIT_WIDTH]
                                   [--custom-quantisation-matrix CUSTOM_QUANTISATION_MATRIX [CUSTOM_QUANTISATION_MATRIX ...]]
                                   [--output-directory OUTPUT_DIRECTORY]
                                   static_filter_analysis width height

Generate test pictures for VC-2 encoders and decoders which produce extreme
(large-magnitude) signal values.

positional arguments:
                        The static analysis JSON data produced by vc2-static-
  width                 The width (in samples) of the test pictures to
  height                The height (in samples) of the test pictures to
                        A set of optimised synthesis test patterns produced by

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --picture-bit-width PICTURE_BIT_WIDTH, -b PICTURE_BIT_WIDTH
                        The number of bits in the picture signal.
                        Use a custom quantisation matrix. Optional except for
                        filters without a default quantisation matrix defined.
                        Should be specified as a series 3-argument tuples
                        giving the level, orientation and quantisation matrix
                        value for every entry in the quantisation matrix.
  --verbose, -v         Show more detailed status information during
                        The name of the directory to write the generated test
                        patterns and metadata files to. Must already exist.
                        Existing files will be overwitten. (Default: .).