BUG’s project structure is documented here - what types of files are in each folder. What there general functions are and in some case what is passed to and from the functions they contain.
- should contain route logic
- if request params are needed, they should be extracted and passed from here
- no req or resp should be passed to services
- should return http error codes if problem
- no logging?
- one file for each service ‘user’, ‘config’, ‘docker’
- lots of business logic
- can combine results from multiple sources
- or just direct model
- may well be complex
- read a file, access a db, save a file etc
- divided up by logical group, but includes all CRUD for that thing
- no business logic - access only
- the following api endpoints should be defined:
- /api/status - returns an array including:
- state: ‘starting’, ‘ready’, ‘failed’
- /api/config - should be able to receive a config object and save it locally
- module logging should be to console only
- module APIs must follow JSON output standard (status, data, error)