npm install bigscreen-player --save
Get To Playback
For a start, let's play back an on-demand video.
To start a playback session you must minimally provide:
- Some configuration. See Configuration
- A streaming manifest. See Minimal Data
- A HTML element to render playback. See Initialisation
Configuration for bigscreen-player can be set using an object on the window:
You must provide a playback strategy to use BigscreenPlayer:
window.bigscreenPlayer.playbackStrategy = 'msestrategy' // OR 'nativestrategy' OR 'basicstrategy'
The MSEStrategy uses DASH. It is most likely what you want. More detail in the documentation on playback strategies. You should also have a peek at the documentation on settings and overrides
Minimal Data
You must provide a manifest and its MIME type.
const minimalData = {
media: {
type: 'application/dash+xml',
urls: [{ url: '' }]
A playback session can be initialised by simply calling the init()
function with some initial data.
The player will render itself into a supplied parent element, and playback will begin as soon as enough data has buffered.
import { BigscreenPlayer, MediaKinds, WindowTypes } from 'bigscreen-player'
// See Configuration
// See Minimal Data
const minimalData
const bigscreenPlayer = BigscreenPlayer()
const body = document.querySelector('body')
const playbackElement = document.createElement('div') = 'BigscreenPlayback'
const enableSubtitles = false
bigscreenPlayer.init(playbackElement, optionalData, WindowTypes.STATIC, enableSubtitles)
All Options
The full set of options for BigscreenPlayer is:
const optionalData = {
initialPlaybackTime: 0, // Time (in seconds) to begin playback from
media: {
type: 'application/dash+xml',
kind: MediaKinds.VIDEO, // Can be VIDEO, or AUDIO
urls: [
// Multiple urls offer the ability to fail-over to another CDN if required
url: '',
cdn: 'origin' // For Debug Tool reference
}, {
url: '',
cdn: 'failover'
captions: [{
url: '$segment$', // $segment$ required for replacement for live subtitle segments
segmentLength: 3.84, // Required to calculate live subtitle segment to fetch & live subtitle URL.
cdn: 'origin' // Displayed by Debug Tool
}, {
url: '$segment$',
segmentLength: 3.84,
cdn: 'failover'
captionsUrl: '', // NB This parameter is being deprecated in favour of the captions array shown above.
subtitlesRequestTimeout: 5000, // Optional override for the XHR timeout on sidecar loaded subtitles
subtitleCustomisation: {
size: 0.75,
lineHeight: 1.10,
fontFamily: 'Arial',
backgroundColour: 'black' // (css colour, hex)
playerSettings: { // See settings documentation for more details
failoverResetTime: 60000,
streaming: {
buffer: {
bufferToKeep: 8