
Some guidelines for the specification of host hardware needed to run BUG.

Disk Space

The BUG image itself is around 300MB. You’ll need 2GB of storage space free on your hard-drive to run BUG with another 200MB for every adaitional panel you add.


BUG itself requires 1GB of free RAM. Each container uses around of 100MB of RAM, you should budget accordingly.

Some modules, have higher memory requirements. For exmapled the Cisco-SG module which requires 250MB. When this is the cause it is defined as an optional field memory in the module.json definition file. This additional memory requirement is down to the number of workers these modules run. Each additional worker requires approximately 10MB of memory.

Note - If you’re building a development build of BUG you’ll require at least 4GB of RAM in order to create-react-app to compile the development build.



Currently BUG runs on x64 CPU architectures only. In future support may be extended to ARMv7 for Raspberry Pi.