Status Handling

Modules should implement a status endpoint. This is used by Bug core to generate the coloured alerts on the home page and toolbar.

It should be located at /container/yourpanelid/status and have the following response:

When working:


When there are problems:

    "status": "success",
    "data": [
        "key": "staleleasesdata",
        "message": [
          "There is no recent router data for this device.",
          "Check your connection and authentication settings."
        "type": "critical",
        "timestamp": 1638349987832,
        "flags": [

The following fields should be included: | name | description | | ——— | ———– | | key | A unique key - can be anything | | message | An array containing messages to be displayed in the alert. The first line will always be displayed | | type | one of info/warning/error/critical - note that a critical error will make the panel unavailable for use | timestamp | a javascript timestamp when the alert was generated | flags | An array including any of: restartPanel/configurePanel - these will show an appropriate action button the alert |

There is a helper class which will validate and assist you when creating this response:

You can use it like this:

const StatusItem = require("@core/StatusItem");
module.exports = async () => {
    ... your logic code here ....
    if (!result) {
        return [
            new StatusItem({
                key: `errorresult`,
                message: [`Device has an unspecified error`],
                type: "warning",
    return [];