Pseudocode to Python translation

The vc2_pseudocode_parser.python_transformer module and vc2-pseudocode-to-python command line tool automatically translate pseudocode listings into valid Python.

In general, the translation between pseudocode and Python is ‘obvious’. The only non-obvious part, perhaps, is that labels are translated into Python string literals. The output is pretty-printed in a style similar to the Black code style with comments and vertical whitespace retained (in a semi-normalised fashion).

For example, the following pseudocode:

add(a, b, c):
    # A function which adds three numbers together
    total = 0  # An accumulator
    for each n in a, b, c:
        total += n
    return total

    state[count] += 1

Is translated in the the following Python:

def add(a, b, c):
    A function which adds three numbers together
    total = 0  # An accumulator
    for n in [a, b, c]:
        total += n
    return total

def update_state(state):
    state["count"] += 1

Command-line utility

The vc2-pseudocode-to-python command line utility is provided which can convert a pseudocode listing into Python.

Example usage:

$ vc2-pseudocode-to-python input.pc

Python API

The pseudocode_to_python() utility function may be used to directly translate pseudocode into Python.

pseudocode_to_python(pseudocode_source, indent='    ', generate_docstrings=True, add_translation_note=False)

Transform a pseudocode listing into Python.

Will throw a ParseError or ASTConstructionError if the supplied pseudocode contains syntactic errors.


The pseudocode source code to translate.


The string to use for indentation in the generated Python source. Defaults to four spaces.


If True, the first block of comments in the file and each function will be converted into a docstring. Otherwise they’ll be left as ordinary comments. Defaulse to True.


If True, adds a comment to the top of the generated output indicating that this file was automatically translated from the pseudocode. Defaulse to False.

Example usage:

>>> from vc2_pseudocode_parser.python_transformer import pseudocode_to_python

>>> print(pseudocode_to_python("""
...     foo(state, a):
...         state[bar] = a + 1
... """))
def foo(state, a):
    state["bar"] = a + 1