
Use a stochastic search to enchance the synthesis test patterns produced by vc2-static-filter-analysis so that they produce even more extreme values.


The enhanced test patterns produced by this tool are valid only for the wavelet transform, depth, picture bit width and quantisation matrix specified. See Caveats for further limitations and assumptions made by this software.

Example usage

$ vc2-static-filter-analysis \
    --wavelet-index le_gall_5_3 \
    --dwt-depth 2 \
    --output static_analysis.json

$ vc2-maximum-quantisation-index \
    static_analysis.json \
    --picture-bit-width 10 \
    --custom-quantisation-matrix \
        0 LL 1 \
        1 HL 2   1 LH 0   1 HH 4 \
        2 HL 1   2 LH 3   2 HH 3 \
    --number-of-searches 10 \
    --added-corruption-rate 0.2 \
    --removed-corruption-rate 0.05 \
    --base-iterations 1000 \
    --added-iterations-per-improvement 500 \
    --output optimised_patterns.json


The complete set of arguments can be listed using --help

usage: vc2-optimise-synthesis-test-patterns [-h] --picture-bit-width
                                            [--custom-quantisation-matrix CUSTOM_QUANTISATION_MATRIX [CUSTOM_QUANTISATION_MATRIX ...]]
                                            [--seed SEED]
                                            [--number-of-searches NUMBER_OF_SEARCHES]
                                            [--terminate-early TERMINATE_EARLY]
                                            [--added-corruption-rate ADDED_CORRUPTION_RATE]
                                            [--removed-corruption-rate REMOVED_CORRUPTION_RATE]
                                            [--base-iterations BASE_ITERATIONS]
                                            [--added-iterations-per-improvement ADDED_ITERATIONS_PER_IMPROVEMENT]
                                            [--output OUTPUT] [--verbose]

Use a stochastic search to enchance the synthesis test patterns produced by
vc2-static-filter-analysis so that they produce even more extreme values.

positional arguments:
                        The static analysis JSON data produced by vc2-static-

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --picture-bit-width PICTURE_BIT_WIDTH, -b PICTURE_BIT_WIDTH
                        The number of bits in the picture signal.
                        Use a custom quantisation matrix for the search.
                        Optional except for filters without a default
                        quantisation matrix defined. Should be specified as a
                        series 3-argument tuples giving the level, orientation
                        and quantisation matrix value for every entry in the
                        quantisation matrix.
  --seed SEED, -s SEED  The seed for the random number generator used to
                        perform searches.
                        The number of independent search runs to use. The
                        larger this option, the more likely it is that the
                        search will avoid local minima (default: 10).
                        Terminate optimisation early if this many searches
                        fail to find an improvement. (Default: 1).
                        The proportion of pixel values to corrupt in each
                        search iteration. (Default: 0.05).
                        The proportion of pixel values to reset to their
                        original state in each search iteration. (Default:
                        The base number of trials to run the search for. The
                        larger this value, the longer the search will run
                        without finding any improvements before terminating.
                        (Default: 200).
                        The number of additional search iterations to perform
                        when an improved test pattern is found. (Default:
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        The name of the file to write the optimised test
                        pattern JSON file to. Defaults to stdout.
  --verbose, -v         Show more detailed status information during

Choosing parameters

The runtime and output quality of the optimisation algorithm is highly dependent on the paramters supplied. The best performing parameters for one wavelet transform may not be the best for others.

Choosing good parameters requires manual exploration and experimentation and is unfortunately out of the scope of this manual.

See optimise_synthesis_test_patterns() for additional details.

JSON file format

The output is a JSON file with the following structure:

    "wavelet_index": <int>,
    "wavelet_index_ho": <int>,
    "dwt_depth": <int>,
    "dwt_depth_ho": <int>,
    "picture_bit_width": <int>,
    "quantisation_matrix": <quantisation-matrix>,
    "optimised_synthesis_test_patterns": [<test-pattern-specification>, ...],

Quantisation matrix

The "quantisation_matrix" field encodes the quantisation matrix used in the same fashion as the VC-2 pseudocode and its format should be self-explanatory. For example, the quantisation matrix passed to the example above is encoded as:

    0: {"LL": 1},
    1: {"HL": 2, "LH": 0, "HH": 4},
    2: {"HL": 1, "LH": 3, "HH": 3},


The deserialise_quantisation_matrix() Python utility function is provided for unpacking this structure.

Test patterns

The <test-pattern-specification> values follow the same format used by vc2-static-filter-analysis (see Test patterns) with some additional fields:

<test-pattern-specification> = {
    "quantisation_index": <int>,
    "decoded_value": <int>,
    "num_search_iterations": <int>,

These fields give the quantisation index found to produce the most extreme value for the test pattern, the value it managed to produce and the number of search iterations taken to reach that test pattern. This information is provided for informational purposes only.


The deserialise_test_pattern_specifications() Python utility function is provided for unpacking this structure.

Missing values

Only intermediate arrays are included which contain novel values. Arrays which are just renamings, interleavings and subsamplings of other arrays are omitted.