Interface Events

These are the events that the consumer emits. Each event will receive QueueMetadata as the last argument.

consumer.on('message_received', (message, metadata) => {
console.log(`Received message from queue: ${metadata.queueUrl}`);
interface Events {
    aborted: [];
    empty: [];
    error: [Error, void | Message | Message[]];
    message_processed: [Message];
    message_received: [Message];
    option_updated: [UpdatableOptions, number];
    processing_error: [Error, Message];
    response_processed: [];
    started: [];
    stopped: [];
    timeout_error: [Error, Message];
    waiting_for_polling_to_complete: [];
    waiting_for_polling_to_complete_timeout_exceeded: [];


aborted: []

Fired when requests to SQS were aborted.

empty: []

Fired when the queue is empty (All messages have been consumed).

error: [Error, void | Message | Message[]]

Fired when an error occurs interacting with the queue.

If the error correlates to a message, that message is included in Params

message_processed: [Message]

Fired when a message is successfully processed and removed from the queue.

message_received: [Message]

Fired when a message is received.

option_updated: [UpdatableOptions, number]

Fired when an option is updated

processing_error: [Error, Message]

Fired when an error occurs processing the message.

response_processed: []

Fired after one batch of items (up to batchSize) has been successfully processed.

started: []

Fired when the consumer starts its work..

stopped: []

Fired when the consumer finally stops its work.

timeout_error: [Error, Message]

Fired when handleMessageTimeout is supplied as an option and if handleMessage times out.

waiting_for_polling_to_complete: []

Fired when the Consumer is waiting for polling to complete before stopping.

waiting_for_polling_to_complete_timeout_exceeded: []

Fired when the Consumer has waited for polling to complete and is stopping due to a timeout.