
Library for handling media grains in pure python.

The library contains the functions: Grain, VideoGrain, CodedVideoGrain, AudioGrain, CodedAudioGrain, and EventGrain as well as the module gsf.

The individual functions document their useage.

The classes returned from the functions are fully useable as if they were a tuple:

(meta, data)

where "meta" is a dictionary containing grain metadata in a standard format, and "data" is a bytes-like object. When the various constructor functions are used in a way that constructs a new data element they will construct a bytearray object of the apropriate size. Remember that in Python 2 bytes-like objects are stringlike, but in Python 3 they resemble sequences of integers.

Notably this means that the data element of these grains is fully compatible with numpy and similar libraries.

The gsf and grains submodules have their own documentation.

 2# Copyright 2018 British Broadcasting Corporation
 4# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 5# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 6# You may obtain a copy of the License at
10# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14# limitations under the License.
18Library for handling media grains in pure python.
20The library contains the functions: Grain, VideoGrain, CodedVideoGrain,
21AudioGrain, CodedAudioGrain, and EventGrain as well as the module gsf.
23The individual functions document their useage.
25The classes returned from the functions are fully useable as if they were a
28(meta, data)
30where "meta" is a dictionary containing grain metadata in a standard format,
31and "data" is a bytes-like object. When the various constructor functions
32are used in a way that constructs a new data element they will construct a
33bytearray object of the apropriate size. Remember that in Python 2 bytes-like
34objects are stringlike, but in Python 3 they resemble sequences of integers.
36Notably this means that the data element of these grains is fully compatible
37with numpy and similar libraries.
39The gsf and grains submodules have their own documentation.
41from .grains import Grain, VideoGrain, CodedVideoGrain, AudioGrain, CodedAudioGrain, EventGrain, GrainFactory
42from .typing import ParseGrainType
44__all__ = [
45    "Grain",
46    "VideoGrain",
47    "CodedVideoGrain",
48    "AudioGrain",
49    "CodedAudioGrain",
50    "EventGrain",
51    "ParseGrainType",
52    "GrainFactory"
class Grain(
171class Grain(Sequence):
172    """\
173A class representing a generic media grain.
175Any grain can be freely cast to a tuple:
177  (meta, data)
179where meta is a dictionary containing the grain metadata, and data is None or one of the following:
180* a bytes-like object
181* An object supporting the __bytes__ magic method
182* An awaitable returning a valid data element
184In addition the class provides a number of properties which can be used to
185access parts of the standard grain metadata, and all other grain classes
186inherit these:
189    The meta dictionary object
192    One of the following:
193        * A byteslike object -- This becomes the grain's data element
194        * An object that has a method __bytes__ which returns a bytes-like object, which will be the grain's data
195          element
196        * None -- This grain has no data
198    If the data parameter passed on construction is an awaitable which will return a valid data element when awaited
199    then the grain's data element is
200    initially None, but the grain can be awaited to populate it
202    For convenience any grain can be awaited and will return the data element, regardless of whether the underlying
203    data is asynchronous or not
205    For additional convenience using a grain as an async context manager will ensure that the data element is populated
206    if it needs to be and can be.
209    A string containing the type of the grain, any value is possible
212    A uuid.UUID object representing the source_id in the grain
215    A uuid.UUID object representing the flow_id in the grain
218    An mediatimestamp.Timestamp object representing the origin timestamp
219    of this grain.
222    An mediatimestamp.Timestamp object representing the sync timestamp
223    of this grain.
226    An mediatimestamp.Timestamp object representing the creation timestamp
227    of this grain.
230    A fractions.Fraction object representing the grain rate in grains per second.
233    A fractions.Fraction object representing the grain duration in seconds.
236    A list object containing time label data
239    The length of the data property, or 0 if it is None
242    How long the data would be expected to be based on what's listed in the metadata
245In addition these methods are provided for convenience:
249    The origin timestamp of the final sample in the grain. For most grain types this is the same as
250    origin_timestamp, but not for audio grains.
253    The origin time range covered by the samples in the grain.
256    The presentation timeline origin timestamp for the grain.
259    The presentation origin timestamp of the final sample in the grain. For most grain types this is the same as
260    presentation_origin_timestamp, but not for audio grains.
263    The presentation timeline origin time range covered by the samples in the grain.
266    Returns a normalised Timestamp, TimeOffset or TimeRange using the media rate.
269    The video frame rate or audio sample rate as a Fraction or None. Returns None if there is no media
270    rate or the media rate == 0.
272    """
273    def __init__(self, meta: GrainMetadataDict, data: GrainDataParameterType, **kwargs):
275        self.meta = meta
277        if meta is None:
278            pass
280        self._data_fetcher_coroutine: Optional[Awaitable[Optional[GrainDataType]]]
281        self._data_fetcher_length: int = 0
282        self._data: Optional[GrainDataType]
284        if isawaitable(data):
285            self._data_fetcher_coroutine = cast(Awaitable[Optional[GrainDataType]], data)
286            self._data = None
287        else:
288            self._data_fetcher_coroutine = None
289            self._data = cast(Optional[GrainDataType], data)
290        self._factory = "Grain"
291        if self.meta is not None:
292            # This code is here to deal with malformed inputs, and as such needs to cast away the type safety to operate
293            if "@_ns" not in self.meta:
294                cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['@_ns'] = "urn:x-ipstudio:ns:0.1"
295            if 'grain' not in self.meta:
296                cast(dict, self.meta)['grain'] = {}
297            if 'grain_type' not in self.meta['grain']:
298                cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['grain']['grain_type'] = "empty"
299            if 'creation_timestamp' not in self.meta['grain']:
300                cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['grain']['creation_timestamp'] = str(Timestamp.get_time())
301            if 'origin_timestamp' not in self.meta['grain']:
302                cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta
303                     )['grain']['origin_timestamp'] = self.meta['grain']['creation_timestamp']
304            if 'sync_timestamp' not in self.meta['grain']:
305                cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['grain']['sync_timestamp'] = \
306                                                        self.meta['grain']['origin_timestamp']
307            if 'rate' not in self.meta['grain']:
308                cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['grain']['rate'] = {'numerator': 0,
309                                                                            'denominator': 1}
310            if 'duration' not in self.meta['grain']:
311                cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['grain']['duration'] = {'numerator': 0,
312                                                                                'denominator': 1}
313            if 'source_id' not in self.meta['grain']:
314                cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['grain']['source_id'] = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
315            if 'flow_id' not in self.meta['grain']:
316                cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['grain']['flow_id'] = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
318            if isinstance(self.meta["grain"]["source_id"], UUID):
319                cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['grain']['source_id'] = str(self.meta['grain']['source_id'])
320            if isinstance(self.meta["grain"]["flow_id"], UUID):
321                cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['grain']['flow_id'] = str(self.meta['grain']['flow_id'])
322            if not isinstance(self.meta["grain"]["origin_timestamp"], str):
323                cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['grain']['origin_timestamp'] = _stringify_timestamp_input(
324                    self.meta['grain']['origin_timestamp'])
325            if not isinstance(self.meta["grain"]["sync_timestamp"], str):
326                cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['grain']['sync_timestamp'] = _stringify_timestamp_input(
327                    self.meta['grain']['sync_timestamp'])
328            if not isinstance(self.meta["grain"]["creation_timestamp"], str):
329                cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['grain']['creation_timestamp'] = _stringify_timestamp_input(
330                    self.meta['grain']['creation_timestamp'])
331            if isinstance(self.meta['grain']['rate'], Fraction):
332                cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['grain']['rate'] = {
333                    'numerator': self.meta['grain']['rate'].numerator,
334                    'denominator': self.meta['grain']['rate'].denominator}
335            if isinstance(self.meta['grain']['duration'], Fraction):
336                cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['grain']['duration'] = {
337                    'numerator': self.meta['grain']['duration'].numerator,
338                    'denominator': self.meta['grain']['duration'].denominator}
339        else:
340            raise ValueError("Metadata dict passed to Grain was none!!")
342    def __len__(self) -> int:
343        return 2
345    @overload
346    def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> Union[GrainMetadataDict, Optional[GrainDataType]]: ...
348    @overload  # noqa: F811
349    def __getitem__(self, index: slice) -> Union[Tuple[GrainMetadataDict],
350                                                 Tuple[GrainMetadataDict, Optional[GrainDataType]],
351                                                 Tuple[Optional[GrainDataType]],
352                                                 Tuple[()]]: ...
354    def __getitem__(self, index):  # noqa: F811
355        return (self.meta,[index]
357    def __repr__(self) -> str:
358        if not hasattr(, "__len__"):
359            return "{}({!r})".format(self._factory, self.meta)
360        else:
361            return "{}({!r},< binary data of length {} >)".format(self._factory, self.meta, len(cast(Sized,
363    def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
364        return tuple(self) == other
366    def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool:
367        return not (self == other)
369    def __copy__(self) -> "Grain":
370        return GrainFactory(copy(self.meta),
372    def __deepcopy__(self, memo) -> "Grain":
373        return GrainFactory(deepcopy(self.meta), deepcopy(
375    def __bytes__(self) -> Optional[bytes]:
376        if isinstance(self._data, bytes):
377            return self._data
378        elif self._data is None:
379            return None
380        return bytes(self._data)
382    def has_data(self) -> bool:
383        return self._data is not None
385    def __await__(self) -> Generator[Any, None, Optional[GrainDataType]]:
386        async def __inner():
387            if self._data is None and self._data_fetcher_coroutine is not None:
388                self._data = await self._data_fetcher_coroutine
389            return self._data
390        return __inner().__await__()
392    async def __aenter__(self):
393        await self
394        return self
396    async def __aexit__(self, *args, **kwargs):
397        pass
399    @property
400    def data(self) -> Optional[GrainDataType]:
401        return self._data
403    @data.setter
404    def data(self, value: GrainDataParameterType):
405        if isawaitable(value):
406            self._data = None
407            self._data_fetcher_coroutine = cast(Awaitable[Optional[GrainDataType]], value)
408        else:
409            self._data = cast(Optional[GrainDataType], value)
410            self._data_fetcher_coroutine = None
412    @property
413    def grain_type(self) -> str:
414        if not hasattr(self, 'meta'):
415            pass
416        return self.meta['grain']['grain_type']
418    @grain_type.setter
419    def grain_type(self, value: str) -> None:
420        # We ignore the type safety rules for this assignment
421        self.meta['grain']['grain_type'] = value  # type: ignore
423    @property
424    def source_id(self) -> UUID:
425        # Our code ensures that this will always be a string at runtime
426        return UUID(cast(str, self.meta['grain']['source_id']))
428    @source_id.setter
429    def source_id(self, value: Union[UUID, str]) -> None:
430        cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['grain']['source_id'] = str(value)
432    @property
433    def src_id(self) -> UUID:
434        # Our code ensures that this will always be a string at runtime
435        return UUID(cast(str, self.meta['grain']['source_id']))
437    @src_id.setter
438    def src_id(self, value: Union[UUID, str]) -> None:
439        cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['grain']['source_id'] = str(value)
441    @property
442    def flow_id(self) -> UUID:
443        return UUID(cast(str, self.meta['grain']['flow_id']))
445    @flow_id.setter
446    def flow_id(self, value: Union[UUID, str]) -> None:
447        cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['grain']['flow_id'] = str(value)
449    @property
450    def origin_timestamp(self) -> Timestamp:
451        return Timestamp.from_tai_sec_nsec(cast(str, self.meta['grain']['origin_timestamp']))
453    @origin_timestamp.setter
454    def origin_timestamp(self, value: Union[SupportsMediaTimestamp, SupportsMediaTimeOffset, str]):
455        cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['grain']['origin_timestamp'] = _stringify_timestamp_input(value)
457    def final_origin_timestamp(self) -> Timestamp:
458        return self.origin_timestamp
460    def origin_timerange(self) -> TimeRange:
461        return TimeRange(self.origin_timestamp, self.final_origin_timestamp(), TimeRange.INCLUSIVE)
463    @property
464    def presentation_origin_timestamp(self) -> Timestamp:
465        return self.origin_timestamp
467    def final_presentation_origin_timestamp(self) -> Timestamp:
468        return self.final_origin_timestamp()
470    def presentation_origin_timerange(self) -> TimeRange:
471        return self.origin_timerange()
473    @overload
474    def normalise_time(self, value: TimeOffset) -> TimeOffset: ...
476    @overload
477    def normalise_time(self, value: TimeRange) -> TimeRange: ...
479    def normalise_time(self, value):
480        if self.media_rate is not None:
481            return value.normalise(self.media_rate.numerator, self.media_rate.denominator)
482        else:
483            return value
485    @property
486    def media_rate(self) -> Optional[Fraction]:
487        return None
489    @property
490    def sync_timestamp(self) -> Timestamp:
491        return Timestamp.from_tai_sec_nsec(cast(str, self.meta['grain']['sync_timestamp']))
493    @sync_timestamp.setter
494    def sync_timestamp(self, value: Union[SupportsMediaTimestamp, SupportsMediaTimeOffset, str]) -> None:
495        cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['grain']['sync_timestamp'] = _stringify_timestamp_input(value)
497    @property
498    def creation_timestamp(self) -> Timestamp:
499        return Timestamp.from_tai_sec_nsec(cast(str, self.meta['grain']['creation_timestamp']))
501    @creation_timestamp.setter
502    def creation_timestamp(self, value: Union[SupportsMediaTimestamp, SupportsMediaTimeOffset, str]) -> None:
503        cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['grain']['creation_timestamp'] = _stringify_timestamp_input(value)
505    @property
506    def rate(self) -> Fraction:
507        return Fraction(cast(FractionDict, self.meta['grain']['rate'])['numerator'],
508                        cast(FractionDict, self.meta['grain']['rate'])['denominator'])
510    @rate.setter
511    def rate(self, value: RationalTypes) -> None:
512        value = Fraction(value)
513        cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['grain']['rate'] = {
514            'numerator': value.numerator,
515            'denominator': value.denominator
516        }
518    @property
519    def duration(self) -> Fraction:
520        return Fraction(cast(FractionDict, self.meta['grain']['duration'])['numerator'],
521                        cast(FractionDict, self.meta['grain']['duration'])['denominator'])
523    @duration.setter
524    def duration(self, value: RationalTypes) -> None:
525        value = Fraction(value)
526        cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['grain']['duration'] = {
527            'numerator': value.numerator,
528            'denominator': value.denominator
529        }
531    @property
532    def timelabels(self) -> "Grain.TIMELABELS":
533        return Grain.TIMELABELS(self)
535    @timelabels.setter
536    def timelabels(self, value: "Union[List[Grain.TIMELABEL], Grain.TIMELABELS]") -> None:
537        cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['grain']['timelabels'] = []
538        for x in value:
539            self.timelabels.append(x)
541    def add_timelabel(self, tag: str, count: int, rate: Fraction, drop_frame: bool = False) -> None:
542        tl = Grain.TIMELABEL()
543        tl.tag = tag
544        tl.count = count
545        tl.rate = rate
546        tl.drop_frame = drop_frame
547        self.timelabels.append(tl)
549    class TIMELABEL(Mapping):
550        GrainMetadataDict = Dict[str, Any]
552        def __init__(self, meta: "Optional[Grain.TIMELABEL.GrainMetadataDict]" = None):
553            if meta is None:
554                meta = {}
555            self.meta = meta
556            if 'tag' not in self.meta:
557                self.meta['tag'] = ''
558            if 'timelabel' not in self.meta:
559                self.meta['timelabel'] = {}
560            if 'frames_since_midnight' not in self.meta['timelabel']:
561                self.meta['timelabel']['frames_since_midnight'] = 0
562            if 'frame_rate_numerator' not in self.meta['timelabel']:
563                self.meta['timelabel']['frame_rate_numerator'] = 0
564            if 'frame_rate_denominator' not in self.meta['timelabel']:
565                self.meta['timelabel']['frame_rate_denominator'] = 1
566            if 'drop_frame' not in self.meta['timelabel']:
567                self.meta['timelabel']['drop_frame'] = False
569        def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Union[str, Dict[str, Union[int, bool]]]:
570            return self.meta[key]
572        def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Union[str, Dict[str, Union[int, bool]]]) -> None:
573            if key not in ['tag', 'timelabel']:
574                raise KeyError
575            self.meta[key] = value
577        def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]:
578            return self.meta.__iter__()
580        def __len__(self) -> int:
581            return 2
583        def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
584            return dict(self) == other
586        def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool:
587            return not (self == other)
589        @property
590        def tag(self) -> str:
591            return self.meta['tag']
593        @tag.setter
594        def tag(self, value: str) -> None:
595            self.meta['tag'] = value
597        @property
598        def count(self) -> int:
599            return self.meta['timelabel']['frames_since_midnight']
601        @count.setter
602        def count(self, value: int) -> None:
603            self.meta['timelabel']['frames_since_midnight'] = int(value)
605        @property
606        def rate(self) -> Fraction:
607            return Fraction(self.meta['timelabel']['frame_rate_numerator'],
608                            self.meta['timelabel']['frame_rate_denominator'])
610        @rate.setter
611        def rate(self, value: RationalTypes) -> None:
612            value = Fraction(value)
613            self.meta['timelabel']['frame_rate_numerator'] = value.numerator
614            self.meta['timelabel']['frame_rate_denominator'] = value.denominator
616        @property
617        def drop_frame(self) -> bool:
618            return self.meta['timelabel']['drop_frame']
620        @drop_frame.setter
621        def drop_frame(self, value: bool) -> None:
622            self.meta['timelabel']['drop_frame'] = bool(value)
624    class TIMELABELS(MutableSequence):
625        def __init__(self, parent: "Grain"):
626            self.parent = parent
628        @overload
629        def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> "Grain.TIMELABEL": ...
631        @overload  # noqa: F811
632        def __getitem__(self, key: slice) -> "List[Grain.TIMELABEL]": ...
634        def __getitem__(self, key):  # noqa: F811
635            if 'timelabels' not in self.parent.meta['grain']:
636                raise IndexError("list index out of range")
637            if isinstance(key, int):
638                return Grain.TIMELABEL(self.parent.meta['grain']['timelabels'][key])
639            else:
640                return [Grain.TIMELABEL(self.parent.meta['grain']['timelabels'][n]) for n in range(len(self))[key]]
642        @overload
643        def __setitem__(self, key: int, value: "Grain.TIMELABEL.GrainMetadataDict") -> None: ...
645        @overload  # noqa: F811
646        def __setitem__(self, key: slice, value: "Iterable[Grain.TIMELABEL.GrainMetadataDict]") -> None: ...
648        def __setitem__(self, key, value):  # noqa: F811
649            if 'timelabels' not in self.parent.meta['grain']:
650                raise IndexError("list assignment index out of range")
651            if isinstance(key, int):
652                self.parent.meta['grain']['timelabels'][key] = dict(Grain.TIMELABEL(value))
653            else:
654                values = iter(value)
655                for n in key:
656                    self.parent.meta['grain']['timelabels'][n] = dict(Grain.TIMELABEL(next(values)))
658        def __delitem__(self, key: Union[int, slice]) -> None:
659            if 'timelabels' not in self.parent.meta['grain']:
660                raise IndexError("list assignment index out of range")
662            del self.parent.meta['grain']['timelabels'][key]
663            if len(self.parent.meta['grain']['timelabels']) == 0:
664                del self.parent.meta['grain']['timelabels']
666        def insert(self, key: int, value: "Grain.TIMELABEL.GrainMetadataDict") -> None:
667            if 'timelabels' not in self.parent.meta['grain']:
668                cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.parent.meta)['grain']['timelabels'] = []
669            self.parent.meta['grain']['timelabels'].insert(key, cast(TimeLabel, dict(Grain.TIMELABEL(value))))
671        def __len__(self) -> int:
672            if 'timelabels' not in self.parent.meta['grain']:
673                return 0
674            return len(self.parent.meta['grain']['timelabels'])
676        def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
677            return list(self) == other
679        def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool:
680            return not (self == other)
682    @property
683    def length(self) -> int:
684        if hasattr(, "__len__"):
685            return len(cast(Sized,
686        elif hasattr(, "__bytes__"):
687            return len(bytes(cast(SupportsBytes,
688        elif is None and self._data_fetcher_coroutine is not None:
689            return self._data_fetcher_length
690        else:
691            return 0
693    @length.setter
694    def length(self, L: int) -> None:
695        if is None and self._data_fetcher_coroutine is not None:
696            self._data_fetcher_length = L
697        else:
698            raise AttributeError
700    @property
701    def expected_length(self) -> int:
702        if 'length' in self.meta['grain']:
703            return cast(dict, self.meta['grain'])['length']
704        else:
705            return self.length

A class representing a generic media grain.

Any grain can be freely cast to a tuple:

(meta, data)

where meta is a dictionary containing the grain metadata, and data is None or one of the following:

  • a bytes-like object
  • An object supporting the __bytes__ magic method
  • An awaitable returning a valid data element

In addition the class provides a number of properties which can be used to access parts of the standard grain metadata, and all other grain classes inherit these:

meta The meta dictionary object

data One of the following: * A byteslike object -- This becomes the grain's data element * An object that has a method __bytes__ which returns a bytes-like object, which will be the grain's data element * None -- This grain has no data

If the data parameter passed on construction is an awaitable which will return a valid data element when awaited
then the grain's data element is
initially None, but the grain can be awaited to populate it

For convenience any grain can be awaited and will return the data element, regardless of whether the underlying
data is asynchronous or not

For additional convenience using a grain as an async context manager will ensure that the data element is populated
if it needs to be and can be.

grain_type A string containing the type of the grain, any value is possible

source_id A uuid.UUID object representing the source_id in the grain

flow_id A uuid.UUID object representing the flow_id in the grain

origin_timestamp An mediatimestamp.Timestamp object representing the origin timestamp of this grain.

sync_timestamp An mediatimestamp.Timestamp object representing the sync timestamp of this grain.

creation_timestamp An mediatimestamp.Timestamp object representing the creation timestamp of this grain.

rate A fractions.Fraction object representing the grain rate in grains per second.

duration A fractions.Fraction object representing the grain duration in seconds.

timelabels A list object containing time label data

length The length of the data property, or 0 if it is None

expected_length How long the data would be expected to be based on what's listed in the metadata

In addition these methods are provided for convenience:

final_origin_timestamp() The origin timestamp of the final sample in the grain. For most grain types this is the same as origin_timestamp, but not for audio grains.

origin_timerange() The origin time range covered by the samples in the grain.

presentation_origin_timestamp The presentation timeline origin timestamp for the grain.

final_presentation_origin_timestamp() The presentation origin timestamp of the final sample in the grain. For most grain types this is the same as presentation_origin_timestamp, but not for audio grains.

presentation_origin_timerange() The presentation timeline origin time range covered by the samples in the grain.

normalise_time(value) Returns a normalised Timestamp, TimeOffset or TimeRange using the media rate.

media_rate The video frame rate or audio sample rate as a Fraction or None. Returns None if there is no media rate or the media rate == 0.

Grain( meta: Union[mediagrains.typing.EmptyGrainMetadataDict, mediagrains.typing.AudioGrainMetadataDict, mediagrains.typing.CodedAudioGrainMetadataDict, mediagrains.typing.VideoGrainMetadataDict, mediagrains.typing.CodedVideoGrainMetadataDict, mediagrains.typing.EventGrainMetadataDict], data: Union[SupportsBytes, bytes, numpy.ndarray, Awaitable[Union[SupportsBytes, bytes, numpy.ndarray, NoneType]], NoneType], **kwargs)
273    def __init__(self, meta: GrainMetadataDict, data: GrainDataParameterType, **kwargs):
275        self.meta = meta
277        if meta is None:
278            pass
280        self._data_fetcher_coroutine: Optional[Awaitable[Optional[GrainDataType]]]
281        self._data_fetcher_length: int = 0
282        self._data: Optional[GrainDataType]
284        if isawaitable(data):
285            self._data_fetcher_coroutine = cast(Awaitable[Optional[GrainDataType]], data)
286            self._data = None
287        else:
288            self._data_fetcher_coroutine = None
289            self._data = cast(Optional[GrainDataType], data)
290        self._factory = "Grain"
291        if self.meta is not None:
292            # This code is here to deal with malformed inputs, and as such needs to cast away the type safety to operate
293            if "@_ns" not in self.meta:
294                cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['@_ns'] = "urn:x-ipstudio:ns:0.1"
295            if 'grain' not in self.meta:
296                cast(dict, self.meta)['grain'] = {}
297            if 'grain_type' not in self.meta['grain']:
298                cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['grain']['grain_type'] = "empty"
299            if 'creation_timestamp' not in self.meta['grain']:
300                cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['grain']['creation_timestamp'] = str(Timestamp.get_time())
301            if 'origin_timestamp' not in self.meta['grain']:
302                cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta
303                     )['grain']['origin_timestamp'] = self.meta['grain']['creation_timestamp']
304            if 'sync_timestamp' not in self.meta['grain']:
305                cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['grain']['sync_timestamp'] = \
306                                                        self.meta['grain']['origin_timestamp']
307            if 'rate' not in self.meta['grain']:
308                cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['grain']['rate'] = {'numerator': 0,
309                                                                            'denominator': 1}
310            if 'duration' not in self.meta['grain']:
311                cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['grain']['duration'] = {'numerator': 0,
312                                                                                'denominator': 1}
313            if 'source_id' not in self.meta['grain']:
314                cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['grain']['source_id'] = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
315            if 'flow_id' not in self.meta['grain']:
316                cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['grain']['flow_id'] = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
318            if isinstance(self.meta["grain"]["source_id"], UUID):
319                cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['grain']['source_id'] = str(self.meta['grain']['source_id'])
320            if isinstance(self.meta["grain"]["flow_id"], UUID):
321                cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['grain']['flow_id'] = str(self.meta['grain']['flow_id'])
322            if not isinstance(self.meta["grain"]["origin_timestamp"], str):
323                cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['grain']['origin_timestamp'] = _stringify_timestamp_input(
324                    self.meta['grain']['origin_timestamp'])
325            if not isinstance(self.meta["grain"]["sync_timestamp"], str):
326                cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['grain']['sync_timestamp'] = _stringify_timestamp_input(
327                    self.meta['grain']['sync_timestamp'])
328            if not isinstance(self.meta["grain"]["creation_timestamp"], str):
329                cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['grain']['creation_timestamp'] = _stringify_timestamp_input(
330                    self.meta['grain']['creation_timestamp'])
331            if isinstance(self.meta['grain']['rate'], Fraction):
332                cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['grain']['rate'] = {
333                    'numerator': self.meta['grain']['rate'].numerator,
334                    'denominator': self.meta['grain']['rate'].denominator}
335            if isinstance(self.meta['grain']['duration'], Fraction):
336                cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.meta)['grain']['duration'] = {
337                    'numerator': self.meta['grain']['duration'].numerator,
338                    'denominator': self.meta['grain']['duration'].denominator}
339        else:
340            raise ValueError("Metadata dict passed to Grain was none!!")
def has_data(self) -> bool:
382    def has_data(self) -> bool:
383        return self._data is not None
data: Union[SupportsBytes, bytes, numpy.ndarray, NoneType]
399    @property
400    def data(self) -> Optional[GrainDataType]:
401        return self._data
grain_type: str
412    @property
413    def grain_type(self) -> str:
414        if not hasattr(self, 'meta'):
415            pass
416        return self.meta['grain']['grain_type']
source_id: uuid.UUID
423    @property
424    def source_id(self) -> UUID:
425        # Our code ensures that this will always be a string at runtime
426        return UUID(cast(str, self.meta['grain']['source_id']))
src_id: uuid.UUID
432    @property
433    def src_id(self) -> UUID:
434        # Our code ensures that this will always be a string at runtime
435        return UUID(cast(str, self.meta['grain']['source_id']))
flow_id: uuid.UUID
441    @property
442    def flow_id(self) -> UUID:
443        return UUID(cast(str, self.meta['grain']['flow_id']))
origin_timestamp: mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp
449    @property
450    def origin_timestamp(self) -> Timestamp:
451        return Timestamp.from_tai_sec_nsec(cast(str, self.meta['grain']['origin_timestamp']))
def final_origin_timestamp(self) -> mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp:
457    def final_origin_timestamp(self) -> Timestamp:
458        return self.origin_timestamp
def origin_timerange(self) -> mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange:
460    def origin_timerange(self) -> TimeRange:
461        return TimeRange(self.origin_timestamp, self.final_origin_timestamp(), TimeRange.INCLUSIVE)
presentation_origin_timestamp: mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp
463    @property
464    def presentation_origin_timestamp(self) -> Timestamp:
465        return self.origin_timestamp
def final_presentation_origin_timestamp(self) -> mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp:
467    def final_presentation_origin_timestamp(self) -> Timestamp:
468        return self.final_origin_timestamp()
def presentation_origin_timerange(self) -> mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange:
470    def presentation_origin_timerange(self) -> TimeRange:
471        return self.origin_timerange()
def normalise_time(self, value):
479    def normalise_time(self, value):
480        if self.media_rate is not None:
481            return value.normalise(self.media_rate.numerator, self.media_rate.denominator)
482        else:
483            return value
media_rate: Optional[fractions.Fraction]
485    @property
486    def media_rate(self) -> Optional[Fraction]:
487        return None
sync_timestamp: mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp
489    @property
490    def sync_timestamp(self) -> Timestamp:
491        return Timestamp.from_tai_sec_nsec(cast(str, self.meta['grain']['sync_timestamp']))
creation_timestamp: mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp
497    @property
498    def creation_timestamp(self) -> Timestamp:
499        return Timestamp.from_tai_sec_nsec(cast(str, self.meta['grain']['creation_timestamp']))
rate: fractions.Fraction
505    @property
506    def rate(self) -> Fraction:
507        return Fraction(cast(FractionDict, self.meta['grain']['rate'])['numerator'],
508                        cast(FractionDict, self.meta['grain']['rate'])['denominator'])
duration: fractions.Fraction
518    @property
519    def duration(self) -> Fraction:
520        return Fraction(cast(FractionDict, self.meta['grain']['duration'])['numerator'],
521                        cast(FractionDict, self.meta['grain']['duration'])['denominator'])
timelabels: Grain.TIMELABELS
531    @property
532    def timelabels(self) -> "Grain.TIMELABELS":
533        return Grain.TIMELABELS(self)
def add_timelabel( self, tag: str, count: int, rate: fractions.Fraction, drop_frame: bool = False) -> None:
541    def add_timelabel(self, tag: str, count: int, rate: Fraction, drop_frame: bool = False) -> None:
542        tl = Grain.TIMELABEL()
543        tl.tag = tag
544        tl.count = count
545        tl.rate = rate
546        tl.drop_frame = drop_frame
547        self.timelabels.append(tl)
length: int
682    @property
683    def length(self) -> int:
684        if hasattr(, "__len__"):
685            return len(cast(Sized,
686        elif hasattr(, "__bytes__"):
687            return len(bytes(cast(SupportsBytes,
688        elif is None and self._data_fetcher_coroutine is not None:
689            return self._data_fetcher_length
690        else:
691            return 0
expected_length: int
700    @property
701    def expected_length(self) -> int:
702        if 'length' in self.meta['grain']:
703            return cast(dict, self.meta['grain'])['length']
704        else:
705            return self.length
Inherited Members
class Grain.TIMELABEL(
549    class TIMELABEL(Mapping):
550        GrainMetadataDict = Dict[str, Any]
552        def __init__(self, meta: "Optional[Grain.TIMELABEL.GrainMetadataDict]" = None):
553            if meta is None:
554                meta = {}
555            self.meta = meta
556            if 'tag' not in self.meta:
557                self.meta['tag'] = ''
558            if 'timelabel' not in self.meta:
559                self.meta['timelabel'] = {}
560            if 'frames_since_midnight' not in self.meta['timelabel']:
561                self.meta['timelabel']['frames_since_midnight'] = 0
562            if 'frame_rate_numerator' not in self.meta['timelabel']:
563                self.meta['timelabel']['frame_rate_numerator'] = 0
564            if 'frame_rate_denominator' not in self.meta['timelabel']:
565                self.meta['timelabel']['frame_rate_denominator'] = 1
566            if 'drop_frame' not in self.meta['timelabel']:
567                self.meta['timelabel']['drop_frame'] = False
569        def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Union[str, Dict[str, Union[int, bool]]]:
570            return self.meta[key]
572        def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Union[str, Dict[str, Union[int, bool]]]) -> None:
573            if key not in ['tag', 'timelabel']:
574                raise KeyError
575            self.meta[key] = value
577        def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]:
578            return self.meta.__iter__()
580        def __len__(self) -> int:
581            return 2
583        def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
584            return dict(self) == other
586        def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool:
587            return not (self == other)
589        @property
590        def tag(self) -> str:
591            return self.meta['tag']
593        @tag.setter
594        def tag(self, value: str) -> None:
595            self.meta['tag'] = value
597        @property
598        def count(self) -> int:
599            return self.meta['timelabel']['frames_since_midnight']
601        @count.setter
602        def count(self, value: int) -> None:
603            self.meta['timelabel']['frames_since_midnight'] = int(value)
605        @property
606        def rate(self) -> Fraction:
607            return Fraction(self.meta['timelabel']['frame_rate_numerator'],
608                            self.meta['timelabel']['frame_rate_denominator'])
610        @rate.setter
611        def rate(self, value: RationalTypes) -> None:
612            value = Fraction(value)
613            self.meta['timelabel']['frame_rate_numerator'] = value.numerator
614            self.meta['timelabel']['frame_rate_denominator'] = value.denominator
616        @property
617        def drop_frame(self) -> bool:
618            return self.meta['timelabel']['drop_frame']
620        @drop_frame.setter
621        def drop_frame(self, value: bool) -> None:
622            self.meta['timelabel']['drop_frame'] = bool(value)

A Mapping is a generic container for associating key/value pairs.

This class provides concrete generic implementations of all methods except for __getitem__, __iter__, and __len__.

Grain.TIMELABEL(meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None)
552        def __init__(self, meta: "Optional[Grain.TIMELABEL.GrainMetadataDict]" = None):
553            if meta is None:
554                meta = {}
555            self.meta = meta
556            if 'tag' not in self.meta:
557                self.meta['tag'] = ''
558            if 'timelabel' not in self.meta:
559                self.meta['timelabel'] = {}
560            if 'frames_since_midnight' not in self.meta['timelabel']:
561                self.meta['timelabel']['frames_since_midnight'] = 0
562            if 'frame_rate_numerator' not in self.meta['timelabel']:
563                self.meta['timelabel']['frame_rate_numerator'] = 0
564            if 'frame_rate_denominator' not in self.meta['timelabel']:
565                self.meta['timelabel']['frame_rate_denominator'] = 1
566            if 'drop_frame' not in self.meta['timelabel']:
567                self.meta['timelabel']['drop_frame'] = False
GrainMetadataDict = typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]
tag: str
589        @property
590        def tag(self) -> str:
591            return self.meta['tag']
count: int
597        @property
598        def count(self) -> int:
599            return self.meta['timelabel']['frames_since_midnight']
rate: fractions.Fraction
605        @property
606        def rate(self) -> Fraction:
607            return Fraction(self.meta['timelabel']['frame_rate_numerator'],
608                            self.meta['timelabel']['frame_rate_denominator'])
drop_frame: bool
616        @property
617        def drop_frame(self) -> bool:
618            return self.meta['timelabel']['drop_frame']
Inherited Members
class Grain.TIMELABELS(
624    class TIMELABELS(MutableSequence):
625        def __init__(self, parent: "Grain"):
626            self.parent = parent
628        @overload
629        def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> "Grain.TIMELABEL": ...
631        @overload  # noqa: F811
632        def __getitem__(self, key: slice) -> "List[Grain.TIMELABEL]": ...
634        def __getitem__(self, key):  # noqa: F811
635            if 'timelabels' not in self.parent.meta['grain']:
636                raise IndexError("list index out of range")
637            if isinstance(key, int):
638                return Grain.TIMELABEL(self.parent.meta['grain']['timelabels'][key])
639            else:
640                return [Grain.TIMELABEL(self.parent.meta['grain']['timelabels'][n]) for n in range(len(self))[key]]
642        @overload
643        def __setitem__(self, key: int, value: "Grain.TIMELABEL.GrainMetadataDict") -> None: ...
645        @overload  # noqa: F811
646        def __setitem__(self, key: slice, value: "Iterable[Grain.TIMELABEL.GrainMetadataDict]") -> None: ...
648        def __setitem__(self, key, value):  # noqa: F811
649            if 'timelabels' not in self.parent.meta['grain']:
650                raise IndexError("list assignment index out of range")
651            if isinstance(key, int):
652                self.parent.meta['grain']['timelabels'][key] = dict(Grain.TIMELABEL(value))
653            else:
654                values = iter(value)
655                for n in key:
656                    self.parent.meta['grain']['timelabels'][n] = dict(Grain.TIMELABEL(next(values)))
658        def __delitem__(self, key: Union[int, slice]) -> None:
659            if 'timelabels' not in self.parent.meta['grain']:
660                raise IndexError("list assignment index out of range")
662            del self.parent.meta['grain']['timelabels'][key]
663            if len(self.parent.meta['grain']['timelabels']) == 0:
664                del self.parent.meta['grain']['timelabels']
666        def insert(self, key: int, value: "Grain.TIMELABEL.GrainMetadataDict") -> None:
667            if 'timelabels' not in self.parent.meta['grain']:
668                cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.parent.meta)['grain']['timelabels'] = []
669            self.parent.meta['grain']['timelabels'].insert(key, cast(TimeLabel, dict(Grain.TIMELABEL(value))))
671        def __len__(self) -> int:
672            if 'timelabels' not in self.parent.meta['grain']:
673                return 0
674            return len(self.parent.meta['grain']['timelabels'])
676        def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
677            return list(self) == other
679        def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool:
680            return not (self == other)

All the operations on a read-write sequence.

Concrete subclasses must provide __new__ or __init__, __getitem__, __setitem__, __delitem__, __len__, and insert().

Grain.TIMELABELS(parent: Grain)
625        def __init__(self, parent: "Grain"):
626            self.parent = parent
def insert(self, key: int, value: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
666        def insert(self, key: int, value: "Grain.TIMELABEL.GrainMetadataDict") -> None:
667            if 'timelabels' not in self.parent.meta['grain']:
668                cast(EmptyGrainMetadataDict, self.parent.meta)['grain']['timelabels'] = []
669            self.parent.meta['grain']['timelabels'].insert(key, cast(TimeLabel, dict(Grain.TIMELABEL(value))))

S.insert(index, value) -- insert value before index

Inherited Members
class VideoGrain(mediagrains.Grain):
 29class VideoGrain(Grain):
 30    """\
 31A class representing a raw video grain.
 33Any grain can be freely cast to a tuple:
 35  (meta, data)
 37where meta is a dictionary containing the grain metadata, and data is the data element described below.
 39The Grain class provides a number of properties which can be used to access
 40parts of the standard grain metadata, and this class inherits these:
 43    The meta dictionary object
 46    Either None or an object which can be cast to bytes by passing it to the bytes
 47    constructor and will in of itself respond to the python-level portions of the bytes-like
 48    object protocol. It is not guaranteed that this object will always respond correctly to the
 49    C buffer-protocol, but it can always be converted into something that will by calling bytes on it.
 52    A string containing the type of the grain, always "video"
 55    A uuid.UUID object representing the source_id in the grain
 58    A uuid.UUID object representing the flow_id in the grain
 61    An mediatimestamp.Timestamp object representing the origin timestamp
 62    of this grain.
 65    An mediatimestamp.Timestamp object representing the sync timestamp
 66    of this grain.
 69    An mediatimestamp.Timestamp object representing the creation timestamp
 70    of this grain.
 73    A fractions.Fraction object representing the grain rate in grains per second.
 76    A fractions.Fraction object representing the grain duration in seconds.
 79    A list object containing time label data
 82    The length of the data element or 0 if that is None
 84The VideoGrain class also provides additional properies
 87    An enumerated value of type CogFrameFormat
 90    The video width in pixels
 93    The video height in pixels
 96    An enumerated value of type CogFrameLayout
 99    A numeric value indicating the offset from the start of the data array to
100    the start of the actual data, usually 0.
103    A fractions.Fraction object indicating the video source aspect ratio, or None
106    A fractions.Fraction object indicating the video pixel aspect ratio, or None
109    A list-like sequence of VideoGrain.COMPONENT objects
110    """
112    class COMPONENT(Mapping):
113        """
114A class representing a video component, it may be treated as a dictionary of the form:
116    {"stride": <an integer>,
117     "offset": <an integer>,
118     "width": <an integer>,
119     "height": <an integer>,
120     "length": <an integer>}
122with additional properties allowing access to the members:
125    The offset in bytes between the first data byte of each line in the data
126    array and the first byte of the next.
129    The offset in bytes from the start of the data array to the first byte of
130    the first line of the data in this component.
133    The number of samples per line in this component
136    The number of lines in this component
139    The total length of the data for this component in bytes
141        def __init__(self, meta: VideoGrainComponentDict):
142            self.meta = meta
144        def __getitem__(self, key: Literal['stride', 'offset', 'width', 'height', 'length']) -> int:
145            return self.meta[key]
147        def __setitem__(self, key: Literal['stride', 'offset', 'width', 'height', 'length'], value: int) -> None:
148            self.meta[key] = value
150        def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]:
151            return self.meta.__iter__()
153        def __len__(self) -> int:
154            return self.meta.__len__()
156        def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
157            return dict(self) == other
159        def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool:
160            return not (self == other)
162        @property
163        def stride(self) -> int:
164            return self.meta['stride']
166        @stride.setter
167        def stride(self, value: int) -> None:
168            self.meta['stride'] = value
170        @property
171        def offset(self) -> int:
172            return self.meta['offset']
174        @offset.setter
175        def offset(self, value: int) -> None:
176            self.meta['offset'] = value
178        @property
179        def width(self) -> int:
180            return self.meta['width']
182        @width.setter
183        def width(self, value: int) -> None:
184            self.meta['width'] = value
186        @property
187        def height(self) -> int:
188            return self.meta['height']
190        @height.setter
191        def height(self, value: int) -> None:
192            self.meta['height'] = value
194        @property
195        def length(self) -> int:
196            return self.meta['length']
198        @length.setter
199        def length(self, value: int) -> None:
200            self.meta['length'] = value
202    class COMPONENT_LIST(MutableSequence):
203        def __init__(self, parent: "VideoGrain"):
204            self.parent = parent
206        @overload
207        def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> "VideoGrain.COMPONENT": ...
209        @overload  # noqa: F811
210        def __getitem__(self, key: slice) -> "List[VideoGrain.COMPONENT]": ...
212        def __getitem__(self, key):  # noqa: F811
213            if isinstance(key, int):
214                return type(self.parent).COMPONENT(self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['components'][key])
215            else:
216                return [type(self.parent).COMPONENT(
217                    self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['components'][k]) for k in range(len(self))[key]]
219        @overload
220        def __setitem__(self, key: int, value: VideoGrainComponentDict) -> None: ...
222        @overload  # noqa: F811
223        def __setitem__(self, key: slice, value: Iterable[VideoGrainComponentDict]) -> None: ...
225        def __setitem__(self, key, value):  # noqa: F811
226            if isinstance(key, int):
227                self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['components'][key] = type(self.parent).COMPONENT(value)
228            else:
229                values = iter(value)
230                for n in range(len(self))[key]:
231                    self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['components'][n] = type(self.parent).COMPONENT(next(values))
233        def __delitem__(self, key: Union[int, slice]) -> None:
234            del self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['components'][key]
236        def insert(self, key: int, value: VideoGrainComponentDict) -> None:
237            self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['components'].insert(
238                key, type(self.parent).COMPONENT(value))  # type: ignore
240        def __len__(self) -> int:
241            return len(self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['components'])
243        def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
244            return list(self) == other
246        def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool:
247            return not (self == other)
249    def __init__(self,
250                 meta: Optional[VideoGrainMetadataDict] = None,
251                 data: Optional[GrainDataParameterType] = None,
252                 src_id: Optional[UUID] = None,
253                 flow_id: Optional[UUID] = None,
254                 origin_timestamp: Optional[SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None,
255                 creation_timestamp: Optional[SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None,
256                 sync_timestamp: Optional[SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None,
257                 rate: Fraction = Fraction(25, 1),
258                 duration: Fraction = Fraction(1, 25),
259                 cog_frame_format: CogFrameFormat = CogFrameFormat.UNKNOWN,
260                 width: int = 1920,
261                 height: int = 1080,
262                 cog_frame_layout: CogFrameLayout = CogFrameLayout.UNKNOWN):
264        if meta is None:
265            if not isinstance(src_id, UUID) and src_id is not None:
266                raise AttributeError(f"src_id: Seen type {type(src_id)}, expected UUID.")
267            if not isinstance(flow_id, UUID) and flow_id is not None:
268                raise AttributeError(f"flow_id: Seen type {type(flow_id)}, expected UUID.")
270            if creation_timestamp is None:
271                creation_timestamp = Timestamp.get_time()
272            if origin_timestamp is None:
273                origin_timestamp = creation_timestamp
274            if sync_timestamp is None:
275                sync_timestamp = origin_timestamp
276            meta = {
277                "@_ns": "urn:x-ipstudio:ns:0.1",
278                "grain": {
279                    'grain_type': "video",
280                    'source_id': str(src_id),
281                    'flow_id': str(flow_id),
282                    'origin_timestamp': str(mediatimestamp(origin_timestamp)),
283                    'sync_timestamp': str(mediatimestamp(sync_timestamp)),
284                    'creation_timestamp': str(mediatimestamp(creation_timestamp)),
285                    'rate': {
286                        'numerator': Fraction(rate).numerator,
287                        'denominator': Fraction(rate).denominator,
288                    },
289                    'duration': {
290                        'numerator': Fraction(duration).numerator,
291                        'denominator': Fraction(duration).denominator,
292                    },
293                    'cog_frame': {
294                        "format": cog_frame_format,
295                        "width": width,
296                        "height": height,
297                        "layout": cog_frame_layout,
298                        "extension": 0,
299                        "components": []
300                    }
301                },
302            }
304        def size_for_format(fmt: CogFrameFormat, w: int, h: int) -> int:
305            if ((fmt >> 8) & 0x1) == 0x00:  # Cog frame is not packed
306                h_shift = (fmt & 0x01)
307                v_shift = ((fmt >> 1) & 0x01)
308                depth = (fmt & 0xc)
309                if depth == 0:
310                    bpv = 1
311                elif depth == 4:
312                    bpv = 2
313                else:
314                    bpv = 4
315                return (w*h + 2*((w*h) >> (h_shift + v_shift)))*bpv
316            else:
317                if fmt in (CogFrameFormat.YUYV, CogFrameFormat.UYVY, CogFrameFormat.AYUV):
318                    return w*h*2
319                elif fmt in (CogFrameFormat.RGBx,
320                             CogFrameFormat.RGBA,
321                             CogFrameFormat.xRGB,
322                             CogFrameFormat.ARGB,
323                             CogFrameFormat.BGRx,
324                             CogFrameFormat.BGRA,
325                             CogFrameFormat.xBGR,
326                             CogFrameFormat.ABGR):
327                    return w*h*4
328                elif fmt == CogFrameFormat.RGB:
329                    return w*h*3
330                elif fmt == CogFrameFormat.v210:
331                    return h*(((w + 47) // 48) * 128)
332                elif fmt == CogFrameFormat.v216:
333                    return w*h*4
334                else:
335                    return 0
336        if data is None:
337            size = size_for_format(cog_frame_format, width, height)
338            data = bytearray(size)
340        def components_for_format(fmt: CogFrameFormat, w: int, h: int) -> List[VideoGrainComponentDict]:
341            components: List[VideoGrainComponentDict] = []
342            if ((fmt >> 8) & 0x1) == 0x00:  # Cog frame is not packed
343                h_shift = (fmt & 0x01)
344                v_shift = ((fmt >> 1) & 0x01)
345                depth = (fmt & 0xc)
346                if depth == 0:
347                    bpv = 1
348                elif depth == 4:
349                    bpv = 2
350                else:
351                    bpv = 4
352                offset = 0
353                components.append({
354                    'stride': w*bpv,
355                    'offset': offset,
356                    'width': w,
357                    'height': h,
358                    'length': w*h*bpv
359                })
360                offset += w*h*bpv
361                components.append({
362                    'stride': (w >> h_shift)*bpv,
363                    'offset': offset,
364                    'width': w >> h_shift,
365                    'height': h >> v_shift,
366                    'length': ((w*h) >> (h_shift + v_shift))*bpv
367                })
368                offset += ((w*h) >> (h_shift + v_shift))*bpv
369                components.append({
370                    'stride': (w >> h_shift)*bpv,
371                    'offset': offset,
372                    'width': w >> h_shift,
373                    'height': h >> v_shift,
374                    'length': ((w*h) >> (h_shift + v_shift))*bpv
375                })
376                offset += ((w*h) >> (h_shift + v_shift))*bpv
377            else:
378                if fmt in (CogFrameFormat.YUYV, CogFrameFormat.UYVY, CogFrameFormat.AYUV):
379                    components.append({
380                        'stride': w*2,
381                        'offset': 0,
382                        'width': w,
383                        'height': h,
384                        'length': h*w*2
385                    })
386                elif fmt in (CogFrameFormat.RGBx,
387                             CogFrameFormat.RGBA,
388                             CogFrameFormat.xRGB,
389                             CogFrameFormat.ARGB,
390                             CogFrameFormat.BGRx,
391                             CogFrameFormat.BGRA,
392                             CogFrameFormat.xBGR,
393                             CogFrameFormat.ABGR):
394                    components.append({
395                        'stride': w*4,
396                        'offset': 0,
397                        'width': w,
398                        'height': h,
399                        'length': h*w*4
400                    })
401                elif fmt == CogFrameFormat.RGB:
402                    components.append({
403                        'stride': w*3,
404                        'offset': 0,
405                        'width': w,
406                        'height': h,
407                        'length': h*w*3
408                    })
409                elif fmt == CogFrameFormat.v210:
410                    components.append({
411                        'stride': (((w + 47) // 48) * 128),
412                        'offset': 0,
413                        'width': w,
414                        'height': h,
415                        'length': h*(((w + 47) // 48) * 128)
416                    })
417                elif fmt == CogFrameFormat.v216:
418                    components.append({
419                        'stride': w*4,
420                        'offset': 0,
421                        'width': w,
422                        'height': h,
423                        'length': h*w*4
424                    })
425            return components
427        if ("cog_frame" in meta['grain'] and
428                ("components" not in meta['grain']['cog_frame'] or
429                    len(meta['grain']['cog_frame']['components']) == 0)):
430            meta['grain']['cog_frame']['components'] = components_for_format(cog_frame_format, width, height)
432        super().__init__(meta=meta, data=data)
433        self.meta: VideoGrainMetadataDict
435        self._factory = "VideoGrain"
436        self.meta['grain']['grain_type'] = 'video'
437        if 'cog_frame' not in self.meta['grain']:
438            self.meta['grain']['cog_frame'] = {
439                'format': int(CogFrameFormat.UNKNOWN),
440                'width': 0,
441                'height': 0,
442                'layout': int(CogFrameLayout.UNKNOWN),
443                'extension': 0,
444                'components': []
445            }
446        self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['format'] = int(self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['format'])
447        self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['layout'] = int(self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['layout'])
448        self.components = VideoGrain.COMPONENT_LIST(self)
450    @property
451    @deprecated(version="4.0.0", reason="Referencing `format` directly is deprecated in favour of `cog_frame_format`")
452    def format(self) -> CogFrameFormat:
453        return CogFrameFormat(self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['format'])
455    @format.setter
456    @deprecated(version="4.0.0", reason="Referencing `format` directly is deprecated in favour of `cog_frame_format`")
457    def format(self, value: CogFrameFormat) -> None:
458        self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['format'] = int(value)
460    @property
461    def cog_frame_format(self) -> CogFrameFormat:
462        return CogFrameFormat(self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['format'])
464    @cog_frame_format.setter
465    def cog_frame_format(self, value: CogFrameFormat) -> None:
466        self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['format'] = int(value)
468    @property
469    def width(self) -> int:
470        return self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['width']
472    @width.setter
473    def width(self, value: int) -> None:
474        self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['width'] = value
476    @property
477    def height(self) -> int:
478        return self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['height']
480    @height.setter
481    def height(self, value: int) -> None:
482        self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['height'] = value
484    @property
485    @deprecated(version="4.0.0", reason="Referencing `layout` directly is deprecated in favour of `cog_frame_layout`")
486    def layout(self) -> CogFrameLayout:
487        return CogFrameLayout(self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['layout'])
489    @layout.setter
490    @deprecated(version="4.0.0", reason="Referencing `layout` directly is deprecated in favour of `cog_frame_layout`")
491    def layout(self, value: CogFrameLayout) -> None:
492        self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['layout'] = int(value)
494    @property
495    def cog_frame_layout(self) -> CogFrameLayout:
496        return CogFrameLayout(self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['layout'])
498    @cog_frame_layout.setter
499    def cog_frame_layout(self, value: CogFrameLayout) -> None:
500        self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['layout'] = int(value)
502    @property
503    def extension(self) -> int:
504        return self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['extension']
506    @extension.setter
507    def extension(self, value: int) -> None:
508        self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['extension'] = value
510    @property
511    def source_aspect_ratio(self) -> Optional[Fraction]:
512        if 'source_aspect_ratio' in self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']:
513            return Fraction(cast(FractionDict, self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['source_aspect_ratio'])['numerator'],
514                            cast(FractionDict, self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['source_aspect_ratio'])['denominator'])
515        else:
516            return None
518    @source_aspect_ratio.setter
519    def source_aspect_ratio(self, value: RationalTypes) -> None:
520        value = Fraction(value)
521        self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['source_aspect_ratio'] = {'numerator': value.numerator,
522                                                                  'denominator': value.denominator}
524    @property
525    def pixel_aspect_ratio(self) -> Optional[Fraction]:
526        if 'pixel_aspect_ratio' in self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']:
527            return Fraction(cast(FractionDict, self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['pixel_aspect_ratio'])['numerator'],
528                            cast(FractionDict, self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['pixel_aspect_ratio'])['denominator'])
529        else:
530            return None
532    @pixel_aspect_ratio.setter
533    def pixel_aspect_ratio(self, value: RationalTypes) -> None:
534        value = Fraction(value)
535        self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['pixel_aspect_ratio'] = {'numerator': value.numerator,
536                                                                 'denominator': value.denominator}
538    @property
539    def expected_length(self) -> int:
540        length = 0
541        for component in self.components:
542            if component.offset + component.length > length:
543                length = component.offset + component.length
544        return length
546    @property
547    def media_rate(self) -> Optional[Fraction]:
548        if self.rate:
549            return self.rate
550        else:
551            return None

A class representing a raw video grain.

Any grain can be freely cast to a tuple:

(meta, data)

where meta is a dictionary containing the grain metadata, and data is the data element described below.

The Grain class provides a number of properties which can be used to access parts of the standard grain metadata, and this class inherits these:

meta The meta dictionary object

data Either None or an object which can be cast to bytes by passing it to the bytes constructor and will in of itself respond to the python-level portions of the bytes-like object protocol. It is not guaranteed that this object will always respond correctly to the C buffer-protocol, but it can always be converted into something that will by calling bytes on it.

grain_type A string containing the type of the grain, always "video"

source_id A uuid.UUID object representing the source_id in the grain

flow_id A uuid.UUID object representing the flow_id in the grain

origin_timestamp An mediatimestamp.Timestamp object representing the origin timestamp of this grain.

sync_timestamp An mediatimestamp.Timestamp object representing the sync timestamp of this grain.

creation_timestamp An mediatimestamp.Timestamp object representing the creation timestamp of this grain.

rate A fractions.Fraction object representing the grain rate in grains per second.

duration A fractions.Fraction object representing the grain duration in seconds.

timelabels A list object containing time label data

length The length of the data element or 0 if that is None

The VideoGrain class also provides additional properies

format An enumerated value of type CogFrameFormat

width The video width in pixels

height The video height in pixels

layout An enumerated value of type CogFrameLayout

extension A numeric value indicating the offset from the start of the data array to the start of the actual data, usually 0.

source_aspect_ratio A fractions.Fraction object indicating the video source aspect ratio, or None

pixel_aspect_ratio A fractions.Fraction object indicating the video pixel aspect ratio, or None

components A list-like sequence of VideoGrain.COMPONENT objects

VideoGrain( meta: Optional[mediagrains.typing.VideoGrainMetadataDict] = None, data: Union[SupportsBytes, bytes, numpy.ndarray, Awaitable[Union[SupportsBytes, bytes, numpy.ndarray, NoneType]], NoneType] = None, src_id: Optional[uuid.UUID] = None, flow_id: Optional[uuid.UUID] = None, origin_timestamp: Optional[mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None, creation_timestamp: Optional[mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None, sync_timestamp: Optional[mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None, rate: fractions.Fraction = Fraction(25, 1), duration: fractions.Fraction = Fraction(1, 25), cog_frame_format: mediagrains.cogenums.CogFrameFormat = <CogFrameFormat.UNKNOWN: 4294967294>, width: int = 1920, height: int = 1080, cog_frame_layout: mediagrains.cogenums.CogFrameLayout = <CogFrameLayout.UNKNOWN: 4294967294>)
249    def __init__(self,
250                 meta: Optional[VideoGrainMetadataDict] = None,
251                 data: Optional[GrainDataParameterType] = None,
252                 src_id: Optional[UUID] = None,
253                 flow_id: Optional[UUID] = None,
254                 origin_timestamp: Optional[SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None,
255                 creation_timestamp: Optional[SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None,
256                 sync_timestamp: Optional[SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None,
257                 rate: Fraction = Fraction(25, 1),
258                 duration: Fraction = Fraction(1, 25),
259                 cog_frame_format: CogFrameFormat = CogFrameFormat.UNKNOWN,
260                 width: int = 1920,
261                 height: int = 1080,
262                 cog_frame_layout: CogFrameLayout = CogFrameLayout.UNKNOWN):
264        if meta is None:
265            if not isinstance(src_id, UUID) and src_id is not None:
266                raise AttributeError(f"src_id: Seen type {type(src_id)}, expected UUID.")
267            if not isinstance(flow_id, UUID) and flow_id is not None:
268                raise AttributeError(f"flow_id: Seen type {type(flow_id)}, expected UUID.")
270            if creation_timestamp is None:
271                creation_timestamp = Timestamp.get_time()
272            if origin_timestamp is None:
273                origin_timestamp = creation_timestamp
274            if sync_timestamp is None:
275                sync_timestamp = origin_timestamp
276            meta = {
277                "@_ns": "urn:x-ipstudio:ns:0.1",
278                "grain": {
279                    'grain_type': "video",
280                    'source_id': str(src_id),
281                    'flow_id': str(flow_id),
282                    'origin_timestamp': str(mediatimestamp(origin_timestamp)),
283                    'sync_timestamp': str(mediatimestamp(sync_timestamp)),
284                    'creation_timestamp': str(mediatimestamp(creation_timestamp)),
285                    'rate': {
286                        'numerator': Fraction(rate).numerator,
287                        'denominator': Fraction(rate).denominator,
288                    },
289                    'duration': {
290                        'numerator': Fraction(duration).numerator,
291                        'denominator': Fraction(duration).denominator,
292                    },
293                    'cog_frame': {
294                        "format": cog_frame_format,
295                        "width": width,
296                        "height": height,
297                        "layout": cog_frame_layout,
298                        "extension": 0,
299                        "components": []
300                    }
301                },
302            }
304        def size_for_format(fmt: CogFrameFormat, w: int, h: int) -> int:
305            if ((fmt >> 8) & 0x1) == 0x00:  # Cog frame is not packed
306                h_shift = (fmt & 0x01)
307                v_shift = ((fmt >> 1) & 0x01)
308                depth = (fmt & 0xc)
309                if depth == 0:
310                    bpv = 1
311                elif depth == 4:
312                    bpv = 2
313                else:
314                    bpv = 4
315                return (w*h + 2*((w*h) >> (h_shift + v_shift)))*bpv
316            else:
317                if fmt in (CogFrameFormat.YUYV, CogFrameFormat.UYVY, CogFrameFormat.AYUV):
318                    return w*h*2
319                elif fmt in (CogFrameFormat.RGBx,
320                             CogFrameFormat.RGBA,
321                             CogFrameFormat.xRGB,
322                             CogFrameFormat.ARGB,
323                             CogFrameFormat.BGRx,
324                             CogFrameFormat.BGRA,
325                             CogFrameFormat.xBGR,
326                             CogFrameFormat.ABGR):
327                    return w*h*4
328                elif fmt == CogFrameFormat.RGB:
329                    return w*h*3
330                elif fmt == CogFrameFormat.v210:
331                    return h*(((w + 47) // 48) * 128)
332                elif fmt == CogFrameFormat.v216:
333                    return w*h*4
334                else:
335                    return 0
336        if data is None:
337            size = size_for_format(cog_frame_format, width, height)
338            data = bytearray(size)
340        def components_for_format(fmt: CogFrameFormat, w: int, h: int) -> List[VideoGrainComponentDict]:
341            components: List[VideoGrainComponentDict] = []
342            if ((fmt >> 8) & 0x1) == 0x00:  # Cog frame is not packed
343                h_shift = (fmt & 0x01)
344                v_shift = ((fmt >> 1) & 0x01)
345                depth = (fmt & 0xc)
346                if depth == 0:
347                    bpv = 1
348                elif depth == 4:
349                    bpv = 2
350                else:
351                    bpv = 4
352                offset = 0
353                components.append({
354                    'stride': w*bpv,
355                    'offset': offset,
356                    'width': w,
357                    'height': h,
358                    'length': w*h*bpv
359                })
360                offset += w*h*bpv
361                components.append({
362                    'stride': (w >> h_shift)*bpv,
363                    'offset': offset,
364                    'width': w >> h_shift,
365                    'height': h >> v_shift,
366                    'length': ((w*h) >> (h_shift + v_shift))*bpv
367                })
368                offset += ((w*h) >> (h_shift + v_shift))*bpv
369                components.append({
370                    'stride': (w >> h_shift)*bpv,
371                    'offset': offset,
372                    'width': w >> h_shift,
373                    'height': h >> v_shift,
374                    'length': ((w*h) >> (h_shift + v_shift))*bpv
375                })
376                offset += ((w*h) >> (h_shift + v_shift))*bpv
377            else:
378                if fmt in (CogFrameFormat.YUYV, CogFrameFormat.UYVY, CogFrameFormat.AYUV):
379                    components.append({
380                        'stride': w*2,
381                        'offset': 0,
382                        'width': w,
383                        'height': h,
384                        'length': h*w*2
385                    })
386                elif fmt in (CogFrameFormat.RGBx,
387                             CogFrameFormat.RGBA,
388                             CogFrameFormat.xRGB,
389                             CogFrameFormat.ARGB,
390                             CogFrameFormat.BGRx,
391                             CogFrameFormat.BGRA,
392                             CogFrameFormat.xBGR,
393                             CogFrameFormat.ABGR):
394                    components.append({
395                        'stride': w*4,
396                        'offset': 0,
397                        'width': w,
398                        'height': h,
399                        'length': h*w*4
400                    })
401                elif fmt == CogFrameFormat.RGB:
402                    components.append({
403                        'stride': w*3,
404                        'offset': 0,
405                        'width': w,
406                        'height': h,
407                        'length': h*w*3
408                    })
409                elif fmt == CogFrameFormat.v210:
410                    components.append({
411                        'stride': (((w + 47) // 48) * 128),
412                        'offset': 0,
413                        'width': w,
414                        'height': h,
415                        'length': h*(((w + 47) // 48) * 128)
416                    })
417                elif fmt == CogFrameFormat.v216:
418                    components.append({
419                        'stride': w*4,
420                        'offset': 0,
421                        'width': w,
422                        'height': h,
423                        'length': h*w*4
424                    })
425            return components
427        if ("cog_frame" in meta['grain'] and
428                ("components" not in meta['grain']['cog_frame'] or
429                    len(meta['grain']['cog_frame']['components']) == 0)):
430            meta['grain']['cog_frame']['components'] = components_for_format(cog_frame_format, width, height)
432        super().__init__(meta=meta, data=data)
433        self.meta: VideoGrainMetadataDict
435        self._factory = "VideoGrain"
436        self.meta['grain']['grain_type'] = 'video'
437        if 'cog_frame' not in self.meta['grain']:
438            self.meta['grain']['cog_frame'] = {
439                'format': int(CogFrameFormat.UNKNOWN),
440                'width': 0,
441                'height': 0,
442                'layout': int(CogFrameLayout.UNKNOWN),
443                'extension': 0,
444                'components': []
445            }
446        self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['format'] = int(self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['format'])
447        self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['layout'] = int(self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['layout'])
448        self.components = VideoGrain.COMPONENT_LIST(self)
meta: mediagrains.typing.VideoGrainMetadataDict
format: mediagrains.cogenums.CogFrameFormat
450    @property
451    @deprecated(version="4.0.0", reason="Referencing `format` directly is deprecated in favour of `cog_frame_format`")
452    def format(self) -> CogFrameFormat:
453        return CogFrameFormat(self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['format'])
cog_frame_format: mediagrains.cogenums.CogFrameFormat
460    @property
461    def cog_frame_format(self) -> CogFrameFormat:
462        return CogFrameFormat(self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['format'])
width: int
468    @property
469    def width(self) -> int:
470        return self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['width']
height: int
476    @property
477    def height(self) -> int:
478        return self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['height']
layout: mediagrains.cogenums.CogFrameLayout
484    @property
485    @deprecated(version="4.0.0", reason="Referencing `layout` directly is deprecated in favour of `cog_frame_layout`")
486    def layout(self) -> CogFrameLayout:
487        return CogFrameLayout(self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['layout'])
cog_frame_layout: mediagrains.cogenums.CogFrameLayout
494    @property
495    def cog_frame_layout(self) -> CogFrameLayout:
496        return CogFrameLayout(self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['layout'])
extension: int
502    @property
503    def extension(self) -> int:
504        return self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['extension']
source_aspect_ratio: Optional[fractions.Fraction]
510    @property
511    def source_aspect_ratio(self) -> Optional[Fraction]:
512        if 'source_aspect_ratio' in self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']:
513            return Fraction(cast(FractionDict, self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['source_aspect_ratio'])['numerator'],
514                            cast(FractionDict, self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['source_aspect_ratio'])['denominator'])
515        else:
516            return None
pixel_aspect_ratio: Optional[fractions.Fraction]
524    @property
525    def pixel_aspect_ratio(self) -> Optional[Fraction]:
526        if 'pixel_aspect_ratio' in self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']:
527            return Fraction(cast(FractionDict, self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['pixel_aspect_ratio'])['numerator'],
528                            cast(FractionDict, self.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['pixel_aspect_ratio'])['denominator'])
529        else:
530            return None
expected_length: int
538    @property
539    def expected_length(self) -> int:
540        length = 0
541        for component in self.components:
542            if component.offset + component.length > length:
543                length = component.offset + component.length
544        return length
media_rate: Optional[fractions.Fraction]
546    @property
547    def media_rate(self) -> Optional[Fraction]:
548        if self.rate:
549            return self.rate
550        else:
551            return None
class VideoGrain.COMPONENT(
112    class COMPONENT(Mapping):
113        """
114A class representing a video component, it may be treated as a dictionary of the form:
116    {"stride": <an integer>,
117     "offset": <an integer>,
118     "width": <an integer>,
119     "height": <an integer>,
120     "length": <an integer>}
122with additional properties allowing access to the members:
125    The offset in bytes between the first data byte of each line in the data
126    array and the first byte of the next.
129    The offset in bytes from the start of the data array to the first byte of
130    the first line of the data in this component.
133    The number of samples per line in this component
136    The number of lines in this component
139    The total length of the data for this component in bytes
141        def __init__(self, meta: VideoGrainComponentDict):
142            self.meta = meta
144        def __getitem__(self, key: Literal['stride', 'offset', 'width', 'height', 'length']) -> int:
145            return self.meta[key]
147        def __setitem__(self, key: Literal['stride', 'offset', 'width', 'height', 'length'], value: int) -> None:
148            self.meta[key] = value
150        def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]:
151            return self.meta.__iter__()
153        def __len__(self) -> int:
154            return self.meta.__len__()
156        def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
157            return dict(self) == other
159        def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool:
160            return not (self == other)
162        @property
163        def stride(self) -> int:
164            return self.meta['stride']
166        @stride.setter
167        def stride(self, value: int) -> None:
168            self.meta['stride'] = value
170        @property
171        def offset(self) -> int:
172            return self.meta['offset']
174        @offset.setter
175        def offset(self, value: int) -> None:
176            self.meta['offset'] = value
178        @property
179        def width(self) -> int:
180            return self.meta['width']
182        @width.setter
183        def width(self, value: int) -> None:
184            self.meta['width'] = value
186        @property
187        def height(self) -> int:
188            return self.meta['height']
190        @height.setter
191        def height(self, value: int) -> None:
192            self.meta['height'] = value
194        @property
195        def length(self) -> int:
196            return self.meta['length']
198        @length.setter
199        def length(self, value: int) -> None:
200            self.meta['length'] = value

A class representing a video component, it may be treated as a dictionary of the form:

{"stride": <an integer>,
 "offset": <an integer>,
 "width": <an integer>,
 "height": <an integer>,
 "length": <an integer>}

with additional properties allowing access to the members:

stride The offset in bytes between the first data byte of each line in the data array and the first byte of the next.

offset The offset in bytes from the start of the data array to the first byte of the first line of the data in this component.

width The number of samples per line in this component

height The number of lines in this component

length The total length of the data for this component in bytes

VideoGrain.COMPONENT(meta: mediagrains.typing.VideoGrainComponentDict)
141        def __init__(self, meta: VideoGrainComponentDict):
142            self.meta = meta
stride: int
162        @property
163        def stride(self) -> int:
164            return self.meta['stride']
offset: int
170        @property
171        def offset(self) -> int:
172            return self.meta['offset']
width: int
178        @property
179        def width(self) -> int:
180            return self.meta['width']
height: int
186        @property
187        def height(self) -> int:
188            return self.meta['height']
length: int
194        @property
195        def length(self) -> int:
196            return self.meta['length']
Inherited Members
class VideoGrain.COMPONENT_LIST(
202    class COMPONENT_LIST(MutableSequence):
203        def __init__(self, parent: "VideoGrain"):
204            self.parent = parent
206        @overload
207        def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> "VideoGrain.COMPONENT": ...
209        @overload  # noqa: F811
210        def __getitem__(self, key: slice) -> "List[VideoGrain.COMPONENT]": ...
212        def __getitem__(self, key):  # noqa: F811
213            if isinstance(key, int):
214                return type(self.parent).COMPONENT(self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['components'][key])
215            else:
216                return [type(self.parent).COMPONENT(
217                    self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['components'][k]) for k in range(len(self))[key]]
219        @overload
220        def __setitem__(self, key: int, value: VideoGrainComponentDict) -> None: ...
222        @overload  # noqa: F811
223        def __setitem__(self, key: slice, value: Iterable[VideoGrainComponentDict]) -> None: ...
225        def __setitem__(self, key, value):  # noqa: F811
226            if isinstance(key, int):
227                self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['components'][key] = type(self.parent).COMPONENT(value)
228            else:
229                values = iter(value)
230                for n in range(len(self))[key]:
231                    self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['components'][n] = type(self.parent).COMPONENT(next(values))
233        def __delitem__(self, key: Union[int, slice]) -> None:
234            del self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['components'][key]
236        def insert(self, key: int, value: VideoGrainComponentDict) -> None:
237            self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['components'].insert(
238                key, type(self.parent).COMPONENT(value))  # type: ignore
240        def __len__(self) -> int:
241            return len(self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['components'])
243        def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
244            return list(self) == other
246        def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool:
247            return not (self == other)

All the operations on a read-write sequence.

Concrete subclasses must provide __new__ or __init__, __getitem__, __setitem__, __delitem__, __len__, and insert().

VideoGrain.COMPONENT_LIST(parent: VideoGrain)
203        def __init__(self, parent: "VideoGrain"):
204            self.parent = parent
def insert( self, key: int, value: mediagrains.typing.VideoGrainComponentDict) -> None:
236        def insert(self, key: int, value: VideoGrainComponentDict) -> None:
237            self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_frame']['components'].insert(
238                key, type(self.parent).COMPONENT(value))  # type: ignore

S.insert(index, value) -- insert value before index

Inherited Members
class CodedVideoGrain(mediagrains.Grain):
 25class CodedVideoGrain(Grain):
 26    """\
 27A class representing a coded video grain.
 29Any grain can be freely cast to a tuple:
 31  (meta, data)
 33where meta is a dictionary containing the grain metadata, and data is the data element described below.
 35The Grain class provides a number of properties which can be used to access
 36parts of the standard grain metadata, and this class inherits these:
 39    The meta dictionary object
 42    Either None or an object which can be cast to bytes by passing it to the bytes
 43    constructor and will in of itself respond to the python-level portions of the bytes-like
 44    object protocol. It is not guaranteed that this object will always respond correctly to the
 45    C buffer-protocol, but it can always be converted into something that will by calling bytes on it.
 48    A string containing the type of the grain, always "coded_video"
 51    A uuid.UUID object representing the source_id in the grain
 54    A uuid.UUID object representing the flow_id in the grain
 57    An mediatimestamp.Timestamp object representing the origin timestamp
 58    of this grain.
 61    An mediatimestamp.Timestamp object representing the sync timestamp
 62    of this grain.
 65    An mediatimestamp.Timestamp object representing the creation timestamp
 66    of this grain.
 69    A fractions.Fraction object representing the grain rate in grains per second.
 72    A fractions.Fraction object representing the grain duration in seconds.
 75    A list object containing time label data
 78    The length of the data element or 0 if that is None
 80The CodedVideoGrain class also provides additional properies
 83    An enumerated value of type CogFrameFormat
 86    An enumerated value of type CogFrameLayout
 89    The original video width in pixels
 92    The original video height in pixels
 95    The coded video width in pixels
 98    The coded video height in pixels
101    An optional signed integer value indicating the offset from the origin timestamp of
102    this grain to the expected presentation time of the picture in frames.
105    A list-like object containing integer offsets of coded units within the
106    data array.
108    def __init__(self,
109                 meta: Optional[CodedVideoGrainMetadataDict] = None,
110                 data: Optional[GrainDataParameterType] = None,
111                 src_id: Optional[UUID] = None,
112                 flow_id: Optional[UUID] = None,
113                 origin_timestamp: Optional[SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None,
114                 creation_timestamp: Optional[SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None,
115                 sync_timestamp: Optional[SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None,
116                 rate: Fraction = Fraction(25, 1),
117                 duration: Fraction = Fraction(1, 25),
118                 cog_frame_format: CogFrameFormat = CogFrameFormat.UNKNOWN,
119                 origin_width: int = 1920,
120                 origin_height: int = 1080,
121                 coded_width: Optional[int] = None,
122                 coded_height: Optional[int] = None,
123                 is_key_frame: Optional[bool] = None,
124                 temporal_offset: Optional[int] = None,
125                 length: Optional[int] = None,
126                 cog_frame_layout: CogFrameLayout = CogFrameLayout.UNKNOWN,
127                 unit_offsets: Optional[List[int]] = None):
128        if coded_width is None:
129            coded_width = origin_width
130        if coded_height is None:
131            coded_height = origin_height
133        if length is None:
134            if data is not None and hasattr(data, "__len__"):
135                length = len(cast(Sized, data))
136            else:
137                length = 0
139        if meta is None:
140            if not isinstance(src_id, UUID) and src_id is not None:
141                raise AttributeError(f"src_id: Seen type {type(src_id)}, expected UUID.")
142            if not isinstance(flow_id, UUID) and flow_id is not None:
143                raise AttributeError(f"flow_id: Seen type {type(flow_id)}, expected UUID.")
145            if creation_timestamp is None:
146                creation_timestamp = Timestamp.get_time()
147            if origin_timestamp is None:
148                origin_timestamp = creation_timestamp
149            if sync_timestamp is None:
150                sync_timestamp = origin_timestamp
151            meta = {
152                "@_ns": "urn:x-ipstudio:ns:0.1",
153                "grain": {
154                    "grain_type": "coded_video",
155                    "source_id": str(src_id),
156                    "flow_id": str(flow_id),
157                    "origin_timestamp": str(mediatimestamp(origin_timestamp)),
158                    "sync_timestamp": str(mediatimestamp(sync_timestamp)),
159                    "creation_timestamp": str(mediatimestamp(creation_timestamp)),
160                    "rate": {
161                        "numerator": Fraction(rate).numerator,
162                        "denominator": Fraction(rate).denominator,
163                        },
164                    "duration": {
165                        "numerator": Fraction(duration).numerator,
166                        "denominator": Fraction(duration).denominator,
167                        },
168                    "cog_coded_frame": {
169                        "format": cog_frame_format,
170                        "origin_width": origin_width,
171                        "origin_height": origin_height,
172                        "coded_width": coded_width,
173                        "coded_height": coded_height,
174                        "layout": cog_frame_layout
175                    }
176                },
177            }
178            if is_key_frame is not None:
179                meta["grain"]["cog_coded_frame"]["is_key_frame"] = is_key_frame
180            if temporal_offset is not None:
181                meta["grain"]["cog_coded_frame"]["temporal_offset"] = temporal_offset
183        if data is None:
184            data = bytearray(length)
186        if "grain" in meta and "cog_coded_frame" in meta['grain'] and unit_offsets is not None:
187            meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['unit_offsets'] = unit_offsets
189        super().__init__(meta, data)
190        self.meta: CodedVideoGrainMetadataDict
192        self._factory = "CodedVideoGrain"
193        self.meta['grain']['grain_type'] = 'coded_video'
194        if 'cog_coded_frame' not in self.meta['grain']:
195            self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame'] = {}  # type: ignore
196        if 'format' not in self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']:
197            self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['format'] = int(CogFrameFormat.UNKNOWN)
198        if 'layout' not in self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']:
199            self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['layout'] = int(CogFrameLayout.UNKNOWN)
200        if 'origin_width' not in self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']:
201            self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['origin_width'] = 0
202        if 'origin_height' not in self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']:
203            self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['origin_height'] = 0
204        if 'coded_width' not in self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']:
205            self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['coded_width'] = 0
206        if 'coded_height' not in self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']:
207            self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['coded_height'] = 0
208        if 'length' not in self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']:
209            self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['length'] = 0
210        self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['format'] = int(self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['format'])
211        self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['layout'] = int(self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['layout'])
213    @property
214    def format(self) -> CogFrameFormat:
215        return CogFrameFormat(self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['format'])
217    @format.setter
218    def format(self, value: CogFrameFormat) -> None:
219        self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['format'] = int(value)
221    @property
222    def cog_frame_format(self) -> CogFrameFormat:
223        return CogFrameFormat(self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['format'])
225    @cog_frame_format.setter
226    def cog_frame_format(self, value: CogFrameFormat) -> None:
227        self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['format'] = int(value)
229    @property
230    def layout(self) -> CogFrameLayout:
231        return CogFrameLayout(self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['layout'])
233    @layout.setter
234    def layout(self, value: CogFrameLayout) -> None:
235        self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['layout'] = int(value)
237    @property
238    def cog_frame_layout(self) -> CogFrameLayout:
239        return CogFrameLayout(self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['layout'])
241    @cog_frame_layout.setter
242    def cog_frame_layout(self, value: CogFrameLayout) -> None:
243        self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['layout'] = int(value)
245    @property
246    def origin_width(self) -> int:
247        return self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['origin_width']
249    @origin_width.setter
250    def origin_width(self, value: int) -> None:
251        self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['origin_width'] = value
253    @property
254    def origin_height(self) -> int:
255        return self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['origin_height']
257    @origin_height.setter
258    def origin_height(self, value: int) -> None:
259        self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['origin_height'] = value
261    @property
262    def coded_width(self) -> int:
263        return self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['coded_width']
265    @coded_width.setter
266    def coded_width(self, value: int) -> None:
267        self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['coded_width'] = value
269    @property
270    def coded_height(self) -> int:
271        return self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['coded_height']
273    @coded_height.setter
274    def coded_height(self, value: int) -> None:
275        self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['coded_height'] = value
277    @property
278    def is_key_frame(self) -> bool | None:
279        return self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame'].get('is_key_frame')
281    @is_key_frame.setter
282    def is_key_frame(self, value: bool | None) -> None:
283        if value is not None:
284            self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['is_key_frame'] = bool(value)
285        else:
286            try:
287                del self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['is_key_frame']
288            except KeyError:
289                pass
291    @property
292    def temporal_offset(self) -> int | None:
293        return self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame'].get('temporal_offset')
295    @temporal_offset.setter
296    def temporal_offset(self, value: int | None) -> None:
297        if value is not None:
298            self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['temporal_offset'] = value
299        else:
300            try:
301                del self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['temporal_offset']
302            except KeyError:
303                pass
305    @property
306    def source_aspect_ratio(self) -> Optional[Fraction]:
307        if 'source_aspect_ratio' in self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']:
308            return Fraction(cast(FractionDict,
309                                 self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['source_aspect_ratio'])['numerator'],
310                            cast(FractionDict,
311                                 self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['source_aspect_ratio'])['denominator'])
312        else:
313            return None
315    @source_aspect_ratio.setter
316    def source_aspect_ratio(self, value: RationalTypes) -> None:
317        value = Fraction(value)
318        self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['source_aspect_ratio'] = {'numerator': value.numerator,
319                                                                        'denominator': value.denominator}
321    @property
322    def pixel_aspect_ratio(self) -> Optional[Fraction]:
323        if 'pixel_aspect_ratio' in self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']:
324            return Fraction(cast(FractionDict,
325                                 self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['pixel_aspect_ratio'])['numerator'],
326                            cast(FractionDict,
327                                 self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['pixel_aspect_ratio'])['denominator'])
328        else:
329            return None
331    @pixel_aspect_ratio.setter
332    def pixel_aspect_ratio(self, value: RationalTypes) -> None:
333        value = Fraction(value)
334        self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['pixel_aspect_ratio'] = {'numerator': value.numerator,
335                                                                       'denominator': value.denominator}
337    class UNITOFFSETS(MutableSequence):
338        def __init__(self, parent: "CodedVideoGrain"):
339            self.parent = parent
341        @overload
342        def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> int: ...
344        @overload  # noqa: F811
345        def __getitem__(self, key: slice) -> List[int]: ...
347        def __getitem__(self, key):  # noqa: F811
348            if 'unit_offsets' in self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']:
349                return self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['unit_offsets'][key]
350            else:
351                raise IndexError("list index out of range")
353        @overload
354        def __setitem__(self, key: int, value: int) -> None: ...
356        @overload  # noqa: F811
357        def __setitem__(self, key: slice, value: Iterable[int]) -> None: ...
359        def __setitem__(self, key, value):  # noqa: F811
360            if 'unit_offsets' in self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']:
361                self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['unit_offsets'][key] = value
362            else:
363                raise IndexError("list assignment index out of range")
365        def __delitem__(self, key: Union[int, slice]) -> None:
366            if 'unit_offsets' in self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']:
367                del cast(List[int], self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['unit_offsets'])[key]
368                if len(self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['unit_offsets']) == 0:
369                    del self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['unit_offsets']
370            else:
371                raise IndexError("list assignment index out of range")
373        def insert(self, key: int, value: int) -> None:
374            if 'unit_offsets' not in self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']:
375                d: List[int] = []
376                d.insert(key, value)
377                self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['unit_offsets'] = d
378            else:
379                cast(List[int], self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['unit_offsets']).insert(key, value)
381        def __len__(self) -> int:
382            if 'unit_offsets' in self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']:
383                return len(self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['unit_offsets'])
384            else:
385                return 0
387        def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
388            return list(self) == other
390        def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool:
391            return not (self == other)
393        def __repr__(self) -> str:
394            if 'unit_offsets' not in self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']:
395                return repr([])
396            else:
397                return repr(self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['unit_offsets'])
399    @property
400    def unit_offsets(self) -> "CodedVideoGrain.UNITOFFSETS":
401        return CodedVideoGrain.UNITOFFSETS(self)
403    @unit_offsets.setter
404    def unit_offsets(self, value: Iterable[int]) -> None:
405        if value is not None and not (hasattr(value, "__len__") and len(cast(Sized, value)) == 0):
406            self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['unit_offsets'] = list(value)
407        elif 'unit_offsets' in self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']:
408            del self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['unit_offsets']
410    @property
411    def media_rate(self) -> Optional[Fraction]:
412        if self.rate:
413            return self.rate
414        else:
415            return None
417    @property
418    def presentation_origin_timestamp(self) -> Timestamp:
419        if self.rate is not None and self.temporal_offset is not None:
420            return self.origin_timestamp + Timestamp.from_count(self.temporal_offset, self.rate)
421        else:
422            return self.origin_timestamp
424    def final_presentation_origin_timestamp(self) -> Timestamp:
425        if self.rate is not None and self.temporal_offset is not None:
426            return self.final_origin_timestamp() + Timestamp.from_count(self.temporal_offset, self.rate)
427        else:
428            return self.final_origin_timestamp()
430    def presentation_origin_timerange(self) -> TimeRange:
431        origin_tr = self.origin_timerange()
432        if self.rate is not None and self.temporal_offset is not None:
433            if origin_tr.start is not None:
434                start = origin_tr.start + Timestamp.from_count(self.temporal_offset, self.rate)
435            else:
436                start = None
438            if origin_tr.end is not None:
439                end = origin_tr.end + Timestamp.from_count(self.temporal_offset, self.rate)
440            else:
441                end = None
443            return TimeRange(start, end, origin_tr.inclusivity)
444        else:
445            return origin_tr

A class representing a coded video grain.

Any grain can be freely cast to a tuple:

(meta, data)

where meta is a dictionary containing the grain metadata, and data is the data element described below.

The Grain class provides a number of properties which can be used to access parts of the standard grain metadata, and this class inherits these:

meta The meta dictionary object

data Either None or an object which can be cast to bytes by passing it to the bytes constructor and will in of itself respond to the python-level portions of the bytes-like object protocol. It is not guaranteed that this object will always respond correctly to the C buffer-protocol, but it can always be converted into something that will by calling bytes on it.

grain_type A string containing the type of the grain, always "coded_video"

source_id A uuid.UUID object representing the source_id in the grain

flow_id A uuid.UUID object representing the flow_id in the grain

origin_timestamp An mediatimestamp.Timestamp object representing the origin timestamp of this grain.

sync_timestamp An mediatimestamp.Timestamp object representing the sync timestamp of this grain.

creation_timestamp An mediatimestamp.Timestamp object representing the creation timestamp of this grain.

rate A fractions.Fraction object representing the grain rate in grains per second.

duration A fractions.Fraction object representing the grain duration in seconds.

timelabels A list object containing time label data

length The length of the data element or 0 if that is None

The CodedVideoGrain class also provides additional properies

format An enumerated value of type CogFrameFormat

layout An enumerated value of type CogFrameLayout

origin_width The original video width in pixels

origin_height The original video height in pixels

coded_width The coded video width in pixels

coded_height The coded video height in pixels

temporal_offset An optional signed integer value indicating the offset from the origin timestamp of this grain to the expected presentation time of the picture in frames.

unit_offsets A list-like object containing integer offsets of coded units within the data array.

CodedVideoGrain( meta: Optional[mediagrains.typing.CodedVideoGrainMetadataDict] = None, data: Union[SupportsBytes, bytes, numpy.ndarray, Awaitable[Union[SupportsBytes, bytes, numpy.ndarray, NoneType]], NoneType] = None, src_id: Optional[uuid.UUID] = None, flow_id: Optional[uuid.UUID] = None, origin_timestamp: Optional[mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None, creation_timestamp: Optional[mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None, sync_timestamp: Optional[mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None, rate: fractions.Fraction = Fraction(25, 1), duration: fractions.Fraction = Fraction(1, 25), cog_frame_format: mediagrains.cogenums.CogFrameFormat = <CogFrameFormat.UNKNOWN: 4294967294>, origin_width: int = 1920, origin_height: int = 1080, coded_width: Optional[int] = None, coded_height: Optional[int] = None, is_key_frame: Optional[bool] = None, temporal_offset: Optional[int] = None, length: Optional[int] = None, cog_frame_layout: mediagrains.cogenums.CogFrameLayout = <CogFrameLayout.UNKNOWN: 4294967294>, unit_offsets: Optional[List[int]] = None)
108    def __init__(self,
109                 meta: Optional[CodedVideoGrainMetadataDict] = None,
110                 data: Optional[GrainDataParameterType] = None,
111                 src_id: Optional[UUID] = None,
112                 flow_id: Optional[UUID] = None,
113                 origin_timestamp: Optional[SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None,
114                 creation_timestamp: Optional[SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None,
115                 sync_timestamp: Optional[SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None,
116                 rate: Fraction = Fraction(25, 1),
117                 duration: Fraction = Fraction(1, 25),
118                 cog_frame_format: CogFrameFormat = CogFrameFormat.UNKNOWN,
119                 origin_width: int = 1920,
120                 origin_height: int = 1080,
121                 coded_width: Optional[int] = None,
122                 coded_height: Optional[int] = None,
123                 is_key_frame: Optional[bool] = None,
124                 temporal_offset: Optional[int] = None,
125                 length: Optional[int] = None,
126                 cog_frame_layout: CogFrameLayout = CogFrameLayout.UNKNOWN,
127                 unit_offsets: Optional[List[int]] = None):
128        if coded_width is None:
129            coded_width = origin_width
130        if coded_height is None:
131            coded_height = origin_height
133        if length is None:
134            if data is not None and hasattr(data, "__len__"):
135                length = len(cast(Sized, data))
136            else:
137                length = 0
139        if meta is None:
140            if not isinstance(src_id, UUID) and src_id is not None:
141                raise AttributeError(f"src_id: Seen type {type(src_id)}, expected UUID.")
142            if not isinstance(flow_id, UUID) and flow_id is not None:
143                raise AttributeError(f"flow_id: Seen type {type(flow_id)}, expected UUID.")
145            if creation_timestamp is None:
146                creation_timestamp = Timestamp.get_time()
147            if origin_timestamp is None:
148                origin_timestamp = creation_timestamp
149            if sync_timestamp is None:
150                sync_timestamp = origin_timestamp
151            meta = {
152                "@_ns": "urn:x-ipstudio:ns:0.1",
153                "grain": {
154                    "grain_type": "coded_video",
155                    "source_id": str(src_id),
156                    "flow_id": str(flow_id),
157                    "origin_timestamp": str(mediatimestamp(origin_timestamp)),
158                    "sync_timestamp": str(mediatimestamp(sync_timestamp)),
159                    "creation_timestamp": str(mediatimestamp(creation_timestamp)),
160                    "rate": {
161                        "numerator": Fraction(rate).numerator,
162                        "denominator": Fraction(rate).denominator,
163                        },
164                    "duration": {
165                        "numerator": Fraction(duration).numerator,
166                        "denominator": Fraction(duration).denominator,
167                        },
168                    "cog_coded_frame": {
169                        "format": cog_frame_format,
170                        "origin_width": origin_width,
171                        "origin_height": origin_height,
172                        "coded_width": coded_width,
173                        "coded_height": coded_height,
174                        "layout": cog_frame_layout
175                    }
176                },
177            }
178            if is_key_frame is not None:
179                meta["grain"]["cog_coded_frame"]["is_key_frame"] = is_key_frame
180            if temporal_offset is not None:
181                meta["grain"]["cog_coded_frame"]["temporal_offset"] = temporal_offset
183        if data is None:
184            data = bytearray(length)
186        if "grain" in meta and "cog_coded_frame" in meta['grain'] and unit_offsets is not None:
187            meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['unit_offsets'] = unit_offsets
189        super().__init__(meta, data)
190        self.meta: CodedVideoGrainMetadataDict
192        self._factory = "CodedVideoGrain"
193        self.meta['grain']['grain_type'] = 'coded_video'
194        if 'cog_coded_frame' not in self.meta['grain']:
195            self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame'] = {}  # type: ignore
196        if 'format' not in self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']:
197            self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['format'] = int(CogFrameFormat.UNKNOWN)
198        if 'layout' not in self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']:
199            self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['layout'] = int(CogFrameLayout.UNKNOWN)
200        if 'origin_width' not in self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']:
201            self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['origin_width'] = 0
202        if 'origin_height' not in self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']:
203            self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['origin_height'] = 0
204        if 'coded_width' not in self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']:
205            self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['coded_width'] = 0
206        if 'coded_height' not in self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']:
207            self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['coded_height'] = 0
208        if 'length' not in self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']:
209            self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['length'] = 0
210        self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['format'] = int(self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['format'])
211        self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['layout'] = int(self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['layout'])
meta: mediagrains.typing.CodedVideoGrainMetadataDict
format: mediagrains.cogenums.CogFrameFormat
213    @property
214    def format(self) -> CogFrameFormat:
215        return CogFrameFormat(self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['format'])
cog_frame_format: mediagrains.cogenums.CogFrameFormat
221    @property
222    def cog_frame_format(self) -> CogFrameFormat:
223        return CogFrameFormat(self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['format'])
layout: mediagrains.cogenums.CogFrameLayout
229    @property
230    def layout(self) -> CogFrameLayout:
231        return CogFrameLayout(self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['layout'])
cog_frame_layout: mediagrains.cogenums.CogFrameLayout
237    @property
238    def cog_frame_layout(self) -> CogFrameLayout:
239        return CogFrameLayout(self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['layout'])
origin_width: int
245    @property
246    def origin_width(self) -> int:
247        return self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['origin_width']
origin_height: int
253    @property
254    def origin_height(self) -> int:
255        return self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['origin_height']
coded_width: int
261    @property
262    def coded_width(self) -> int:
263        return self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['coded_width']
coded_height: int
269    @property
270    def coded_height(self) -> int:
271        return self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['coded_height']
is_key_frame: bool | None
277    @property
278    def is_key_frame(self) -> bool | None:
279        return self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame'].get('is_key_frame')
temporal_offset: int | None
291    @property
292    def temporal_offset(self) -> int | None:
293        return self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame'].get('temporal_offset')
source_aspect_ratio: Optional[fractions.Fraction]
305    @property
306    def source_aspect_ratio(self) -> Optional[Fraction]:
307        if 'source_aspect_ratio' in self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']:
308            return Fraction(cast(FractionDict,
309                                 self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['source_aspect_ratio'])['numerator'],
310                            cast(FractionDict,
311                                 self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['source_aspect_ratio'])['denominator'])
312        else:
313            return None
pixel_aspect_ratio: Optional[fractions.Fraction]
321    @property
322    def pixel_aspect_ratio(self) -> Optional[Fraction]:
323        if 'pixel_aspect_ratio' in self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']:
324            return Fraction(cast(FractionDict,
325                                 self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['pixel_aspect_ratio'])['numerator'],
326                            cast(FractionDict,
327                                 self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['pixel_aspect_ratio'])['denominator'])
328        else:
329            return None
unit_offsets: CodedVideoGrain.UNITOFFSETS
399    @property
400    def unit_offsets(self) -> "CodedVideoGrain.UNITOFFSETS":
401        return CodedVideoGrain.UNITOFFSETS(self)
media_rate: Optional[fractions.Fraction]
410    @property
411    def media_rate(self) -> Optional[Fraction]:
412        if self.rate:
413            return self.rate
414        else:
415            return None
presentation_origin_timestamp: mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp
417    @property
418    def presentation_origin_timestamp(self) -> Timestamp:
419        if self.rate is not None and self.temporal_offset is not None:
420            return self.origin_timestamp + Timestamp.from_count(self.temporal_offset, self.rate)
421        else:
422            return self.origin_timestamp
def final_presentation_origin_timestamp(self) -> mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp:
424    def final_presentation_origin_timestamp(self) -> Timestamp:
425        if self.rate is not None and self.temporal_offset is not None:
426            return self.final_origin_timestamp() + Timestamp.from_count(self.temporal_offset, self.rate)
427        else:
428            return self.final_origin_timestamp()
def presentation_origin_timerange(self) -> mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange:
430    def presentation_origin_timerange(self) -> TimeRange:
431        origin_tr = self.origin_timerange()
432        if self.rate is not None and self.temporal_offset is not None:
433            if origin_tr.start is not None:
434                start = origin_tr.start + Timestamp.from_count(self.temporal_offset, self.rate)
435            else:
436                start = None
438            if origin_tr.end is not None:
439                end = origin_tr.end + Timestamp.from_count(self.temporal_offset, self.rate)
440            else:
441                end = None
443            return TimeRange(start, end, origin_tr.inclusivity)
444        else:
445            return origin_tr
class CodedVideoGrain.UNITOFFSETS(
337    class UNITOFFSETS(MutableSequence):
338        def __init__(self, parent: "CodedVideoGrain"):
339            self.parent = parent
341        @overload
342        def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> int: ...
344        @overload  # noqa: F811
345        def __getitem__(self, key: slice) -> List[int]: ...
347        def __getitem__(self, key):  # noqa: F811
348            if 'unit_offsets' in self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']:
349                return self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['unit_offsets'][key]
350            else:
351                raise IndexError("list index out of range")
353        @overload
354        def __setitem__(self, key: int, value: int) -> None: ...
356        @overload  # noqa: F811
357        def __setitem__(self, key: slice, value: Iterable[int]) -> None: ...
359        def __setitem__(self, key, value):  # noqa: F811
360            if 'unit_offsets' in self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']:
361                self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['unit_offsets'][key] = value
362            else:
363                raise IndexError("list assignment index out of range")
365        def __delitem__(self, key: Union[int, slice]) -> None:
366            if 'unit_offsets' in self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']:
367                del cast(List[int], self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['unit_offsets'])[key]
368                if len(self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['unit_offsets']) == 0:
369                    del self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['unit_offsets']
370            else:
371                raise IndexError("list assignment index out of range")
373        def insert(self, key: int, value: int) -> None:
374            if 'unit_offsets' not in self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']:
375                d: List[int] = []
376                d.insert(key, value)
377                self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['unit_offsets'] = d
378            else:
379                cast(List[int], self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['unit_offsets']).insert(key, value)
381        def __len__(self) -> int:
382            if 'unit_offsets' in self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']:
383                return len(self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['unit_offsets'])
384            else:
385                return 0
387        def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
388            return list(self) == other
390        def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool:
391            return not (self == other)
393        def __repr__(self) -> str:
394            if 'unit_offsets' not in self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']:
395                return repr([])
396            else:
397                return repr(self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['unit_offsets'])

All the operations on a read-write sequence.

Concrete subclasses must provide __new__ or __init__, __getitem__, __setitem__, __delitem__, __len__, and insert().

CodedVideoGrain.UNITOFFSETS(parent: CodedVideoGrain)
338        def __init__(self, parent: "CodedVideoGrain"):
339            self.parent = parent
def insert(self, key: int, value: int) -> None:
373        def insert(self, key: int, value: int) -> None:
374            if 'unit_offsets' not in self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']:
375                d: List[int] = []
376                d.insert(key, value)
377                self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['unit_offsets'] = d
378            else:
379                cast(List[int], self.parent.meta['grain']['cog_coded_frame']['unit_offsets']).insert(key, value)

S.insert(index, value) -- insert value before index

Inherited Members
class AudioGrain(mediagrains.Grain):
 33class AudioGrain(Grain):
 34    """\
 35A class representing a raw audio grain.
 37Any grain can be freely cast to a tuple:
 39  (meta, data)
 41where meta is a dictionary containing the grain metadata, and data is the data element described below..
 43The Grain class provides a number of properties which can be used to access
 44parts of the standard grain metadata, and this class inherits these:
 47    The meta dictionary object
 50    Either None or an object which can be cast to bytes by passing it to the bytes
 51    constructor and will in of itself respond to the python-level portions of the bytes-like
 52    object protocol. It is not guaranteed that this object will always respond correctly to the
 53    C buffer-protocol, but it can always be converted into something that will by calling bytes on it.
 56    A string containing the type of the grain, always "audio"
 59    A uuid.UUID object representing the source_id in the grain
 62    A uuid.UUID object representing the flow_id in the grain
 65    An mediatimestamp.Timestamp object representing the origin timestamp
 66    of this grain.
 69    An mediatimestamp.Timestamp object representing the sync timestamp
 70    of this grain.
 73    An mediatimestamp.Timestamp object representing the creation timestamp
 74    of this grain.
 77    A fractions.Fraction object representing the grain rate in grains per second.
 80    A fractions.Fraction object representing the grain duration in seconds.
 83    A list object containing time label data
 86    The length of the data element or 0 if that is None
 88The AudioGrain class also provides additional properies
 91    An enumerated value of type CogAudioFormat
 94    The number of audio samples per channel in this grain
 97    The number of channels in this grain
100    An integer indicating the number of samples per channel per second in this
101    audio flow.
103    def __init__(self,
104                 meta: Optional[AudioGrainMetadataDict] = None,
105                 data: Optional[GrainDataParameterType] = None,
106                 src_id: Optional[UUID] = None,
107                 flow_id: Optional[UUID] = None,
108                 origin_timestamp: Optional[SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None,
109                 sync_timestamp: Optional[SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None,
110                 creation_timestamp: Optional[SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None,
111                 rate: Fraction = Fraction(25, 1),
112                 duration: Fraction = Fraction(1, 25),
113                 cog_audio_format: CogAudioFormat = CogAudioFormat.INVALID,
114                 samples: int = 0,
115                 channels: int = 0,
116                 sample_rate: int = 48000):
118        if meta is None:
119            if not isinstance(src_id, UUID) and src_id is not None:
120                raise AttributeError(f"src_id: Seen type {type(src_id)}, expected UUID.")
121            if not isinstance(flow_id, UUID) and flow_id is not None:
122                raise AttributeError(f"flow_id: Seen type {type(flow_id)}, expected UUID.")
124            if creation_timestamp is None:
125                creation_timestamp = Timestamp.get_time()
126            if origin_timestamp is None:
127                origin_timestamp = creation_timestamp
128            if sync_timestamp is None:
129                sync_timestamp = origin_timestamp
130            meta = {
131                "@_ns": "urn:x-ipstudio:ns:0.1",
132                "grain": {
133                    'grain_type': "audio",
134                    'source_id': str(src_id),
135                    'flow_id': str(flow_id),
136                    'origin_timestamp': str(mediatimestamp(origin_timestamp)),
137                    'sync_timestamp': str(mediatimestamp(sync_timestamp)),
138                    'creation_timestamp': str(mediatimestamp(creation_timestamp)),
139                    'rate': {
140                        'numerator': Fraction(rate).numerator,
141                        'denominator': Fraction(rate).denominator
142                    },
143                    'duration': {
144                        'numerator': Fraction(duration).numerator,
145                        'denominator': Fraction(duration).denominator
146                    },
147                    'cog_audio': {
148                        "format": cog_audio_format,
149                        "samples": samples,
150                        "channels": channels,
151                        "sample_rate": sample_rate
152                    }
153                }
154            }
156        if data is None:
157            size = size_for_audio_format(cog_audio_format, channels, samples)
158            data = bytearray(size)
160        super().__init__(meta, data)
161        self.meta: AudioGrainMetadataDict
163        self._factory = "AudioGrain"
164        self.meta['grain']['grain_type'] = 'audio'
165        if 'cog_audio' not in self.meta['grain']:
166            self.meta['grain']['cog_audio'] = {}  # type: ignore
167        if 'format' not in self.meta['grain']['cog_audio']:
168            self.meta['grain']['cog_audio']['format'] = int(CogAudioFormat.INVALID)
169        if 'samples' not in self.meta['grain']['cog_audio']:
170            self.meta['grain']['cog_audio']['samples'] = 0
171        if 'channels' not in self.meta['grain']['cog_audio']:
172            self.meta['grain']['cog_audio']['channels'] = 0
173        if 'sample_rate' not in self.meta['grain']['cog_audio']:
174            self.meta['grain']['cog_audio']['sample_rate'] = 0
175        self.meta['grain']['cog_audio']['format'] = int(self.meta['grain']['cog_audio']['format'])
177    def final_origin_timestamp(self) -> Timestamp:
178        return (self.origin_timestamp + TimeOffset.from_count(self.samples - 1, self.sample_rate, 1))
180    @property
181    def format(self) -> CogAudioFormat:
182        return CogAudioFormat(self.meta['grain']['cog_audio']['format'])
184    @format.setter
185    def format(self, value: CogAudioFormat) -> None:
186        self.meta['grain']['cog_audio']['format'] = int(value)
188    @property
189    def cog_audio_format(self) -> CogAudioFormat:
190        return CogAudioFormat(self.meta['grain']['cog_audio']['format'])
192    @cog_audio_format.setter
193    def cog_audio_format(self, value: CogAudioFormat) -> None:
194        self.meta['grain']['cog_audio']['format'] = int(value)
196    @property
197    def samples(self) -> int:
198        return self.meta['grain']['cog_audio']['samples']
200    @samples.setter
201    def samples(self, value: int) -> None:
202        self.meta['grain']['cog_audio']['samples'] = int(value)
204    @property
205    def channels(self) -> int:
206        return self.meta['grain']['cog_audio']['channels']
208    @channels.setter
209    def channels(self, value: int) -> None:
210        self.meta['grain']['cog_audio']['channels'] = int(value)
212    @property
213    def sample_rate(self) -> int:
214        return self.meta['grain']['cog_audio']['sample_rate']
216    @sample_rate.setter
217    def sample_rate(self, value: int) -> None:
218        self.meta['grain']['cog_audio']['sample_rate'] = int(value)
220    @property
221    def expected_length(self) -> int:
222        return size_for_audio_format(self.format, self.channels, self.samples)
224    @property
225    def media_rate(self) -> Optional[Fraction]:
226        if self.sample_rate:
227            return Fraction(self.sample_rate, 1)
228        else:
229            return None

A class representing a raw audio grain.

Any grain can be freely cast to a tuple:

(meta, data)

where meta is a dictionary containing the grain metadata, and data is the data element described below..

The Grain class provides a number of properties which can be used to access parts of the standard grain metadata, and this class inherits these:

meta The meta dictionary object

data Either None or an object which can be cast to bytes by passing it to the bytes constructor and will in of itself respond to the python-level portions of the bytes-like object protocol. It is not guaranteed that this object will always respond correctly to the C buffer-protocol, but it can always be converted into something that will by calling bytes on it.

grain_type A string containing the type of the grain, always "audio"

src_id A uuid.UUID object representing the source_id in the grain

flow_id A uuid.UUID object representing the flow_id in the grain

origin_timestamp An mediatimestamp.Timestamp object representing the origin timestamp of this grain.

sync_timestamp An mediatimestamp.Timestamp object representing the sync timestamp of this grain.

creation_timestamp An mediatimestamp.Timestamp object representing the creation timestamp of this grain.

rate A fractions.Fraction object representing the grain rate in grains per second.

duration A fractions.Fraction object representing the grain duration in seconds.

timelabels A list object containing time label data

length The length of the data element or 0 if that is None

The AudioGrain class also provides additional properies

format An enumerated value of type CogAudioFormat

samples The number of audio samples per channel in this grain

channels The number of channels in this grain

sample_rate An integer indicating the number of samples per channel per second in this audio flow.

AudioGrain( meta: Optional[mediagrains.typing.AudioGrainMetadataDict] = None, data: Union[SupportsBytes, bytes, numpy.ndarray, Awaitable[Union[SupportsBytes, bytes, numpy.ndarray, NoneType]], NoneType] = None, src_id: Optional[uuid.UUID] = None, flow_id: Optional[uuid.UUID] = None, origin_timestamp: Optional[mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None, sync_timestamp: Optional[mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None, creation_timestamp: Optional[mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None, rate: fractions.Fraction = Fraction(25, 1), duration: fractions.Fraction = Fraction(1, 25), cog_audio_format: mediagrains.cogenums.CogAudioFormat = <CogAudioFormat.INVALID: 4294967295>, samples: int = 0, channels: int = 0, sample_rate: int = 48000)
103    def __init__(self,
104                 meta: Optional[AudioGrainMetadataDict] = None,
105                 data: Optional[GrainDataParameterType] = None,
106                 src_id: Optional[UUID] = None,
107                 flow_id: Optional[UUID] = None,
108                 origin_timestamp: Optional[SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None,
109                 sync_timestamp: Optional[SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None,
110                 creation_timestamp: Optional[SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None,
111                 rate: Fraction = Fraction(25, 1),
112                 duration: Fraction = Fraction(1, 25),
113                 cog_audio_format: CogAudioFormat = CogAudioFormat.INVALID,
114                 samples: int = 0,
115                 channels: int = 0,
116                 sample_rate: int = 48000):
118        if meta is None:
119            if not isinstance(src_id, UUID) and src_id is not None:
120                raise AttributeError(f"src_id: Seen type {type(src_id)}, expected UUID.")
121            if not isinstance(flow_id, UUID) and flow_id is not None:
122                raise AttributeError(f"flow_id: Seen type {type(flow_id)}, expected UUID.")
124            if creation_timestamp is None:
125                creation_timestamp = Timestamp.get_time()
126            if origin_timestamp is None:
127                origin_timestamp = creation_timestamp
128            if sync_timestamp is None:
129                sync_timestamp = origin_timestamp
130            meta = {
131                "@_ns": "urn:x-ipstudio:ns:0.1",
132                "grain": {
133                    'grain_type': "audio",
134                    'source_id': str(src_id),
135                    'flow_id': str(flow_id),
136                    'origin_timestamp': str(mediatimestamp(origin_timestamp)),
137                    'sync_timestamp': str(mediatimestamp(sync_timestamp)),
138                    'creation_timestamp': str(mediatimestamp(creation_timestamp)),
139                    'rate': {
140                        'numerator': Fraction(rate).numerator,
141                        'denominator': Fraction(rate).denominator
142                    },
143                    'duration': {
144                        'numerator': Fraction(duration).numerator,
145                        'denominator': Fraction(duration).denominator
146                    },
147                    'cog_audio': {
148                        "format": cog_audio_format,
149                        "samples": samples,
150                        "channels": channels,
151                        "sample_rate": sample_rate
152                    }
153                }
154            }
156        if data is None:
157            size = size_for_audio_format(cog_audio_format, channels, samples)
158            data = bytearray(size)
160        super().__init__(meta, data)
161        self.meta: AudioGrainMetadataDict
163        self._factory = "AudioGrain"
164        self.meta['grain']['grain_type'] = 'audio'
165        if 'cog_audio' not in self.meta['grain']:
166            self.meta['grain']['cog_audio'] = {}  # type: ignore
167        if 'format' not in self.meta['grain']['cog_audio']:
168            self.meta['grain']['cog_audio']['format'] = int(CogAudioFormat.INVALID)
169        if 'samples' not in self.meta['grain']['cog_audio']:
170            self.meta['grain']['cog_audio']['samples'] = 0
171        if 'channels' not in self.meta['grain']['cog_audio']:
172            self.meta['grain']['cog_audio']['channels'] = 0
173        if 'sample_rate' not in self.meta['grain']['cog_audio']:
174            self.meta['grain']['cog_audio']['sample_rate'] = 0
175        self.meta['grain']['cog_audio']['format'] = int(self.meta['grain']['cog_audio']['format'])
meta: mediagrains.typing.AudioGrainMetadataDict
def final_origin_timestamp(self) -> mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp:
177    def final_origin_timestamp(self) -> Timestamp:
178        return (self.origin_timestamp + TimeOffset.from_count(self.samples - 1, self.sample_rate, 1))
format: mediagrains.cogenums.CogAudioFormat
180    @property
181    def format(self) -> CogAudioFormat:
182        return CogAudioFormat(self.meta['grain']['cog_audio']['format'])
cog_audio_format: mediagrains.cogenums.CogAudioFormat
188    @property
189    def cog_audio_format(self) -> CogAudioFormat:
190        return CogAudioFormat(self.meta['grain']['cog_audio']['format'])
samples: int
196    @property
197    def samples(self) -> int:
198        return self.meta['grain']['cog_audio']['samples']
channels: int
204    @property
205    def channels(self) -> int:
206        return self.meta['grain']['cog_audio']['channels']
sample_rate: int
212    @property
213    def sample_rate(self) -> int:
214        return self.meta['grain']['cog_audio']['sample_rate']
expected_length: int
220    @property
221    def expected_length(self) -> int:
222        return size_for_audio_format(self.format, self.channels, self.samples)
media_rate: Optional[fractions.Fraction]
224    @property
225    def media_rate(self) -> Optional[Fraction]:
226        if self.sample_rate:
227            return Fraction(self.sample_rate, 1)
228        else:
229            return None
class CodedAudioGrain(mediagrains.Grain):
 18class CodedAudioGrain(Grain):
 19    """\
 20A class representing a coded audio grain.
 22Any grain can be freely cast to a tuple:
 24  (meta, data)
 26where meta is a dictionary containing the grain metadata, and data is a
 27bytes-like object containing the coded audio data.
 29The Grain class provides a number of properties which can be used to access
 30parts of the standard grain metadata, and this class inherits these:
 33    The meta dictionary object
 36    Either None or an object which can be cast to bytes by passing it to the bytes
 37    constructor and will in of itself respond to the python-level portions of the bytes-like
 38    object protocol. It is not guaranteed that this object will always respond correctly to the
 39    C buffer-protocol, but it can always be converted into something that will by calling bytes on it.
 42    A string containing the type of the grain, always "coded_audio"
 45    A uuid.UUID object representing the source_id in the grain
 48    A uuid.UUID object representing the flow_id in the grain
 51    An mediatimestamp.Timestamp object representing the origin timestamp
 52    of this grain.
 55    An mediatimestamp.Timestamp object representing the sync timestamp
 56    of this grain.
 59    An mediatimestamp.Timestamp object representing the creation timestamp
 60    of this grain.
 63    A fractions.Fraction object representing the grain rate in grains per second.
 66    A fractions.Fraction object representing the grain duration in seconds.
 69    A list object containing time label data
 72    The length of the data element or 0 if that is None
 74The AudioGrain class also provides additional properies
 77    An enumerated value of type CogAudioFormat
 80    The number of audio samples per channel in this grain
 83    The number of channels in this grain
 86    An integer indicating the number of samples per channel per second in this
 87    audio flow.
 90    An integer
 93    An integer
 95    def __init__(self,
 96                 meta: Optional[CodedAudioGrainMetadataDict] = None,
 97                 data: Optional[GrainDataParameterType] = None,
 98                 src_id: Optional[UUID] = None,
 99                 flow_id: Optional[UUID] = None,
100                 origin_timestamp: Optional[SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None,
101                 creation_timestamp: Optional[SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None,
102                 sync_timestamp: Optional[SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None,
103                 rate: Fraction = Fraction(25, 1),
104                 duration: Fraction = Fraction(1, 25),
105                 cog_audio_format: CogAudioFormat = CogAudioFormat.INVALID,
106                 samples: int = 0,
107                 channels: int = 0,
108                 priming: int = 0,
109                 remainder: int = 0,
110                 sample_rate: int = 48000,
111                 length: Optional[int] = None):
113        if length is None:
114            if data is not None and hasattr(data, "__len__"):
115                length = len(cast(Sized, data))
116            else:
117                length = 0
119        if meta is None:
120            if not isinstance(src_id, UUID) and src_id is not None:
121                raise AttributeError(f"src_id: Seen type {type(src_id)}, expected UUID.")
122            if not isinstance(flow_id, UUID) and flow_id is not None:
123                raise AttributeError(f"flow_id: Seen type {type(flow_id)}, expected UUID.")
125            creation_timestamp = Timestamp.get_time() if not creation_timestamp else creation_timestamp
126            if origin_timestamp is None:
127                origin_timestamp = creation_timestamp
128            if sync_timestamp is None:
129                sync_timestamp = origin_timestamp
130            meta = {
131                "@_ns": "urn:x-ipstudio:ns:0.1",
132                "grain": {
133                    'grain_type': "coded_audio",
134                    'source_id': str(src_id),
135                    'flow_id': str(flow_id),
136                    'origin_timestamp': str(mediatimestamp(origin_timestamp)),
137                    'sync_timestamp': str(mediatimestamp(sync_timestamp)),
138                    'creation_timestamp': str(mediatimestamp(creation_timestamp)),
139                    'rate': {
140                        'numerator': Fraction(rate).numerator,
141                        'denominator': Fraction(rate).denominator
142                    },
143                    'duration': {
144                        'numerator': Fraction(duration).numerator,
145                        'denominator': Fraction(duration).denominator
146                    },
147                    'cog_coded_audio': {
148                        "format": cog_audio_format,
149                        "samples": samples,
150                        "channels": channels,
151                        "priming": priming,
152                        "remainder": remainder,
153                        "sample_rate": sample_rate
154                    }
155                }
156            }
158        if data is None:
159            data = bytearray(length)
161        super().__init__(meta, data)
162        self.meta: CodedAudioGrainMetadataDict
164        self._factory = "CodedAudioGrain"
165        self.meta['grain']['grain_type'] = 'coded_audio'
166        if 'cog_coded_audio' not in self.meta['grain']:
167            self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio'] = {}  # type: ignore
168        if 'format' not in self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']:
169            self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']['format'] = int(CogAudioFormat.INVALID)
170        if 'channels' not in self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']:
171            self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']['channels'] = 0
172        if 'samples' not in self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']:
173            self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']['samples'] = 0
174        if 'priming' not in self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']:
175            self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']['priming'] = 0
176        if 'remainder' not in self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']:
177            self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']['remainder'] = 0
178        if 'sample_rate' not in self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']:
179            self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']['sample_rate'] = 48000
180        self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']['format'] = int(self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']['format'])
182    def final_origin_timestamp(self) -> Timestamp:
183        return (self.origin_timestamp + TimeOffset.from_count(self.samples - 1, self.sample_rate, 1))
185    @property
186    def format(self) -> CogAudioFormat:
187        return CogAudioFormat(self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']['format'])
189    @format.setter
190    def format(self, value: int) -> None:
191        self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']['format'] = int(value)
193    @property
194    def cog_audio_format(self) -> CogAudioFormat:
195        return CogAudioFormat(self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']['format'])
197    @cog_audio_format.setter
198    def cog_audio_format(self, value: int) -> None:
199        self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']['format'] = int(value)
201    @property
202    def channels(self) -> int:
203        return self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']['channels']
205    @channels.setter
206    def channels(self, value: int) -> None:
207        self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']['channels'] = value
209    @property
210    def samples(self) -> int:
211        return self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']['samples']
213    @samples.setter
214    def samples(self, value: int) -> None:
215        self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']['samples'] = value
217    @property
218    def priming(self) -> int:
219        return self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']['priming']
221    @priming.setter
222    def priming(self, value: int) -> None:
223        self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']['priming'] = value
225    @property
226    def remainder(self) -> int:
227        return self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']['remainder']
229    @remainder.setter
230    def remainder(self, value: int) -> None:
231        self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']['remainder'] = value
233    @property
234    def sample_rate(self) -> int:
235        return self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']['sample_rate']
237    @sample_rate.setter
238    def sample_rate(self, value: int) -> None:
239        self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']['sample_rate'] = value
241    @property
242    def media_rate(self) -> Optional[Fraction]:
243        if self.sample_rate:
244            return Fraction(self.sample_rate, 1)
245        else:
246            return None

A class representing a coded audio grain.

Any grain can be freely cast to a tuple:

(meta, data)

where meta is a dictionary containing the grain metadata, and data is a bytes-like object containing the coded audio data.

The Grain class provides a number of properties which can be used to access parts of the standard grain metadata, and this class inherits these:

meta The meta dictionary object

data Either None or an object which can be cast to bytes by passing it to the bytes constructor and will in of itself respond to the python-level portions of the bytes-like object protocol. It is not guaranteed that this object will always respond correctly to the C buffer-protocol, but it can always be converted into something that will by calling bytes on it.

grain_type A string containing the type of the grain, always "coded_audio"

src_id A uuid.UUID object representing the source_id in the grain

flow_id A uuid.UUID object representing the flow_id in the grain

origin_timestamp An mediatimestamp.Timestamp object representing the origin timestamp of this grain.

sync_timestamp An mediatimestamp.Timestamp object representing the sync timestamp of this grain.

creation_timestamp An mediatimestamp.Timestamp object representing the creation timestamp of this grain.

rate A fractions.Fraction object representing the grain rate in grains per second.

duration A fractions.Fraction object representing the grain duration in seconds.

timelabels A list object containing time label data

length The length of the data element or 0 if that is None

The AudioGrain class also provides additional properies

format An enumerated value of type CogAudioFormat

samples The number of audio samples per channel in this grain

channels The number of channels in this grain

sample_rate An integer indicating the number of samples per channel per second in this audio flow.

priming An integer

remainder An integer

CodedAudioGrain( meta: Optional[mediagrains.typing.CodedAudioGrainMetadataDict] = None, data: Union[SupportsBytes, bytes, numpy.ndarray, Awaitable[Union[SupportsBytes, bytes, numpy.ndarray, NoneType]], NoneType] = None, src_id: Optional[uuid.UUID] = None, flow_id: Optional[uuid.UUID] = None, origin_timestamp: Optional[mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None, creation_timestamp: Optional[mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None, sync_timestamp: Optional[mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None, rate: fractions.Fraction = Fraction(25, 1), duration: fractions.Fraction = Fraction(1, 25), cog_audio_format: mediagrains.cogenums.CogAudioFormat = <CogAudioFormat.INVALID: 4294967295>, samples: int = 0, channels: int = 0, priming: int = 0, remainder: int = 0, sample_rate: int = 48000, length: Optional[int] = None)
 95    def __init__(self,
 96                 meta: Optional[CodedAudioGrainMetadataDict] = None,
 97                 data: Optional[GrainDataParameterType] = None,
 98                 src_id: Optional[UUID] = None,
 99                 flow_id: Optional[UUID] = None,
100                 origin_timestamp: Optional[SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None,
101                 creation_timestamp: Optional[SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None,
102                 sync_timestamp: Optional[SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None,
103                 rate: Fraction = Fraction(25, 1),
104                 duration: Fraction = Fraction(1, 25),
105                 cog_audio_format: CogAudioFormat = CogAudioFormat.INVALID,
106                 samples: int = 0,
107                 channels: int = 0,
108                 priming: int = 0,
109                 remainder: int = 0,
110                 sample_rate: int = 48000,
111                 length: Optional[int] = None):
113        if length is None:
114            if data is not None and hasattr(data, "__len__"):
115                length = len(cast(Sized, data))
116            else:
117                length = 0
119        if meta is None:
120            if not isinstance(src_id, UUID) and src_id is not None:
121                raise AttributeError(f"src_id: Seen type {type(src_id)}, expected UUID.")
122            if not isinstance(flow_id, UUID) and flow_id is not None:
123                raise AttributeError(f"flow_id: Seen type {type(flow_id)}, expected UUID.")
125            creation_timestamp = Timestamp.get_time() if not creation_timestamp else creation_timestamp
126            if origin_timestamp is None:
127                origin_timestamp = creation_timestamp
128            if sync_timestamp is None:
129                sync_timestamp = origin_timestamp
130            meta = {
131                "@_ns": "urn:x-ipstudio:ns:0.1",
132                "grain": {
133                    'grain_type': "coded_audio",
134                    'source_id': str(src_id),
135                    'flow_id': str(flow_id),
136                    'origin_timestamp': str(mediatimestamp(origin_timestamp)),
137                    'sync_timestamp': str(mediatimestamp(sync_timestamp)),
138                    'creation_timestamp': str(mediatimestamp(creation_timestamp)),
139                    'rate': {
140                        'numerator': Fraction(rate).numerator,
141                        'denominator': Fraction(rate).denominator
142                    },
143                    'duration': {
144                        'numerator': Fraction(duration).numerator,
145                        'denominator': Fraction(duration).denominator
146                    },
147                    'cog_coded_audio': {
148                        "format": cog_audio_format,
149                        "samples": samples,
150                        "channels": channels,
151                        "priming": priming,
152                        "remainder": remainder,
153                        "sample_rate": sample_rate
154                    }
155                }
156            }
158        if data is None:
159            data = bytearray(length)
161        super().__init__(meta, data)
162        self.meta: CodedAudioGrainMetadataDict
164        self._factory = "CodedAudioGrain"
165        self.meta['grain']['grain_type'] = 'coded_audio'
166        if 'cog_coded_audio' not in self.meta['grain']:
167            self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio'] = {}  # type: ignore
168        if 'format' not in self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']:
169            self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']['format'] = int(CogAudioFormat.INVALID)
170        if 'channels' not in self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']:
171            self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']['channels'] = 0
172        if 'samples' not in self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']:
173            self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']['samples'] = 0
174        if 'priming' not in self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']:
175            self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']['priming'] = 0
176        if 'remainder' not in self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']:
177            self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']['remainder'] = 0
178        if 'sample_rate' not in self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']:
179            self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']['sample_rate'] = 48000
180        self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']['format'] = int(self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']['format'])
meta: mediagrains.typing.CodedAudioGrainMetadataDict
def final_origin_timestamp(self) -> mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp:
182    def final_origin_timestamp(self) -> Timestamp:
183        return (self.origin_timestamp + TimeOffset.from_count(self.samples - 1, self.sample_rate, 1))
format: mediagrains.cogenums.CogAudioFormat
185    @property
186    def format(self) -> CogAudioFormat:
187        return CogAudioFormat(self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']['format'])
cog_audio_format: mediagrains.cogenums.CogAudioFormat
193    @property
194    def cog_audio_format(self) -> CogAudioFormat:
195        return CogAudioFormat(self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']['format'])
channels: int
201    @property
202    def channels(self) -> int:
203        return self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']['channels']
samples: int
209    @property
210    def samples(self) -> int:
211        return self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']['samples']
priming: int
217    @property
218    def priming(self) -> int:
219        return self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']['priming']
remainder: int
225    @property
226    def remainder(self) -> int:
227        return self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']['remainder']
sample_rate: int
233    @property
234    def sample_rate(self) -> int:
235        return self.meta['grain']['cog_coded_audio']['sample_rate']
media_rate: Optional[fractions.Fraction]
241    @property
242    def media_rate(self) -> Optional[Fraction]:
243        if self.sample_rate:
244            return Fraction(self.sample_rate, 1)
245        else:
246            return None
class EventGrain(mediagrains.Grain):
 30class EventGrain(Grain):
 31    """\
 32A class representing an event grain.
 34Any grain can be freely cast to a tuple:
 36  (meta, None)
 38where meta is a dictionary containing the grain metadata.
 40The Grain class provides a number of properties which can be used to access
 41parts of the standard grain metadata, and this class inherits these:
 44    The meta dictionary object
 47    Either None or an object which can be cast to bytes by passing it to the bytes
 48    constructor and will in of itself respond to the python-level portions of the bytes-like
 49    object protocol. It is not guaranteed that this object will always respond correctly to the
 50    C buffer-protocol, but it can always be converted into something that will by calling bytes on it.
 53    A string containing the type of the grain, always "event"
 56    A uuid.UUID object representing the source_id in the grain
 59    A uuid.UUID object representing the flow_id in the grain
 62    An mediatimestamp.Timestamp object representing the origin timestamp
 63    of this grain.
 66    An mediatimestamp.Timestamp object representing the sync timestamp
 67    of this grain.
 70    An mediatimestamp.Timestamp object representing the creation timestamp
 71    of this grain.
 74    A fractions.Fraction object representing the grain rate in grains per second.
 77    A fractions.Fraction object representing the grain duration in seconds.
 80    A list object containing time label data
 83    the length of the json representation in data
 85The EventGrain class also provides additional properies
 88    A urn representing the type of the event
 91    A string which should be an identifier for the topic of the event
 94    A list-like sequence object of EVENTGRAIN.DATA objects representing the
 95    data in the event
 97And the class provides one additional method:
 99append(path, pre=None, post=None)
100    Adds a new data element to the event_data property with path set to the
101    provided string, and pre and post set optionally. All calls should use
102    only json serialisable objects for the values of pre and post.
103    """
104    def __init__(self,
105                 meta: Optional[EventGrainMetadataDict] = None,
106                 data: Optional[GrainDataParameterType] = None,
107                 src_id: Optional[UUID] = None,
108                 flow_id: Optional[UUID] = None,
109                 origin_timestamp: Optional[SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None,
110                 creation_timestamp: Optional[SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None,
111                 sync_timestamp: Optional[SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None,
112                 rate: Fraction = Fraction(25, 1),
113                 duration: Fraction = Fraction(1, 25),
114                 event_type: str = '',
115                 topic: str = ''):
117        if meta is None:
118            if not isinstance(src_id, UUID) and src_id is not None:
119                raise AttributeError(f"src_id: Seen type {type(src_id)}, expected UUID.")
120            if not isinstance(flow_id, UUID) and flow_id is not None:
121                raise AttributeError(f"flow_id: Seen type {type(flow_id)}, expected UUID.")
123            cts = creation_timestamp
124            if cts is None:
125                cts = Timestamp.get_time()
126            if origin_timestamp is None:
127                origin_timestamp = cts
128            if sync_timestamp is None:
129                sync_timestamp = origin_timestamp
130            meta = EventGrainMetadataDict({
131                "@_ns": "urn:x-ipstudio:ns:0.1",
132                "grain": {
133                    "grain_type": "event",
134                    "source_id": str(src_id),
135                    "flow_id": str(flow_id),
136                    "origin_timestamp": str(mediatimestamp(origin_timestamp)),
137                    "sync_timestamp": str(mediatimestamp(sync_timestamp)),
138                    "creation_timestamp": str(mediatimestamp(cts)),
139                    "rate": {
140                        "numerator": Fraction(rate).numerator,
141                        "denominator": Fraction(rate).denominator,
142                        },
143                    "duration": {
144                        "numerator": Fraction(duration).numerator,
145                        "denominator": Fraction(duration).denominator,
146                        },
147                    "event_payload": {
148                        "type": event_type,
149                        "topic": topic,
150                        "data": []
151                    }
152                },
153            })
155        super().__init__(meta, None)
156        self.meta: EventGrainMetadataDict
158        self._factory = "EventGrain"
159        self.meta['grain']['grain_type'] = 'event'
160        if 'event_payload' not in self.meta['grain']:
161            self.meta['grain']['event_payload'] = {
162                'type': "",
163                'topic': "",
164                'data': []}
165        if isawaitable(data):
166            self._data_fetcher_coroutine = cast(Awaitable[Optional[GrainDataType]], data)
167        elif data is not None:
168            if isinstance(data, bytes):
169       = data
170            else:
171       = bytes(cast(SupportsBytes, data))
172        if 'type' not in self.meta['grain']['event_payload']:
173            self.meta['grain']['event_payload']['type'] = ""
174        if 'topic' not in self.meta['grain']['event_payload']:
175            self.meta['grain']['event_payload']['topic'] = ""
176        if 'data' not in self.meta['grain']['event_payload']:
177            self.meta['grain']['event_payload']['data'] = []
179    # ignoring typing here because mypy does not accept narrowing of the type here
180    # (bytes is in the GrainDataType union) and it doesn't accept @overload
181    # of @property
182    @property  # type: ignore
183    def data(self) -> bytes:
184        return json.dumps({'type': self.event_type,
185                           'topic': self.topic,
186                           'data': [dict(datum) for datum in self.event_data]}).encode('utf-8')
188    @data.setter
189    def data(self, value: Union[str, bytes]):
190        if not isinstance(value, str):
191            payload = json.loads(value.decode('utf-8'))
192        else:
193            payload = json.loads(value)
195        if 'type' not in payload or 'topic' not in payload or 'data' not in payload:
196            raise ValueError("incorrectly formated event payload")
197        self.event_type = payload['type']
198        self.topic = payload['topic']
199        self.meta['grain']['event_payload']['data'] = []
200        for datum in payload['data']:
201            d: EventGrainDatumDict = {'path': datum['path']}
202            if 'pre' in datum:
203                d['pre'] = datum['pre']
204            if 'post' in datum:
205                d['post'] = datum['post']
206            self.meta['grain']['event_payload']['data'].append(d)
208    def __repr__(self) -> str:
209        return "EventGrain({!r})".format(self.meta)
211    @property
212    def event_type(self) -> str:
213        return self.meta['grain']['event_payload']['type']
215    @event_type.setter
216    def event_type(self, value: str) -> None:
217        self.meta['grain']['event_payload']['type'] = value
219    @property
220    def topic(self) -> str:
221        return self.meta['grain']['event_payload']['topic']
223    @topic.setter
224    def topic(self, value: str) -> None:
225        self.meta['grain']['event_payload']['topic'] = value
227    class DATA(Mapping):
228        """\
229A class representing a data element within an event grain.
231It can be trated as a dictionary:
233    {"path": "/a/path",
234     "pre": <json serialisable object>,
235     "post": <json serialisable object>}
237But also provides additional properties:
240    The path
243    The pre value, or None if none is present. If set to None will remove "pre"
244    key from dictionary.
247    The post value, or None if none is present. If set to None will remove
248    "post" key from dictionary.
250        def __init__(self, meta: EventGrainDatumDict):
251            self.meta = meta
253        def __getitem__(self, key: Literal['path', 'pre', 'post']) -> MediaJSONSerialisable:
254            return self.meta[key]
256        def __setitem__(self, key: Literal['path', 'pre', 'post'], value: MediaJSONSerialisable) -> None:
257            self.meta[key] = value
259        def __delitem__(self, key: Literal['pre', 'post']) -> None:
260            del self.meta[key]
262        def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]:
263            return self.meta.__iter__()
265        def __len__(self) -> int:
266            return self.meta.__len__()
268        def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
269            return dict(self) == other
271        def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool:
272            return not (self == other)
274        @property
275        def path(self) -> str:
276            return self.meta['path']
278        @path.setter
279        def path(self, value: str) -> None:
280            self.meta['path'] = value
282        @property
283        def pre(self) -> Optional[MediaJSONSerialisable]:
284            if 'pre' in self.meta:
285                return self.meta['pre']
286            else:
287                return None
289        @pre.setter
290        def pre(self, value: Optional[MediaJSONSerialisable]) -> None:
291            if value is not None:
292                self.meta['pre'] = value
293            else:
294                del self.meta['pre']
296        @property
297        def post(self) -> Optional[MediaJSONSerialisable]:
298            if 'post' in self.meta:
299                return self.meta['post']
300            else:
301                return None
303        @post.setter
304        def post(self, value: Optional[MediaJSONSerialisable]) -> None:
305            if value is not None:
306                self.meta['post'] = value
307            elif 'post' in self.meta:
308                del self.meta['post']
310    @property
311    def event_data(self) -> List["EventGrain.DATA"]:
312        return [EventGrain.DATA(datum) for datum in self.meta['grain']['event_payload']['data']]
314    @event_data.setter
315    def event_data(self, value: List[EventGrainDatumDict]) -> None:
316        self.meta['grain']['event_payload']['data'] = [cast(EventGrainDatumDict, dict(datum)) for datum in value]
318    def append(self, path: str, pre: Optional[MediaJSONSerialisable] = None,
319               post: Optional[MediaJSONSerialisable] = None) -> None:
320        datum = EventGrainDatumDict(path=path)
321        if pre is not None:
322            datum['pre'] = pre
323        if post is not None:
324            datum['post'] = post
325        self.meta['grain']['event_payload']['data'].append(datum)

A class representing an event grain.

Any grain can be freely cast to a tuple:

(meta, None)

where meta is a dictionary containing the grain metadata.

The Grain class provides a number of properties which can be used to access parts of the standard grain metadata, and this class inherits these:

meta The meta dictionary object

data Either None or an object which can be cast to bytes by passing it to the bytes constructor and will in of itself respond to the python-level portions of the bytes-like object protocol. It is not guaranteed that this object will always respond correctly to the C buffer-protocol, but it can always be converted into something that will by calling bytes on it.

grain_type A string containing the type of the grain, always "event"

source_id A uuid.UUID object representing the source_id in the grain

flow_id A uuid.UUID object representing the flow_id in the grain

origin_timestamp An mediatimestamp.Timestamp object representing the origin timestamp of this grain.

sync_timestamp An mediatimestamp.Timestamp object representing the sync timestamp of this grain.

creation_timestamp An mediatimestamp.Timestamp object representing the creation timestamp of this grain.

rate A fractions.Fraction object representing the grain rate in grains per second.

duration A fractions.Fraction object representing the grain duration in seconds.

timelabels A list object containing time label data

length the length of the json representation in data

The EventGrain class also provides additional properies

event_type A urn representing the type of the event

topic A string which should be an identifier for the topic of the event

event_data A list-like sequence object of EVENTGRAIN.DATA objects representing the data in the event

And the class provides one additional method:

append(path, pre=None, post=None) Adds a new data element to the event_data property with path set to the provided string, and pre and post set optionally. All calls should use only json serialisable objects for the values of pre and post.

EventGrain( meta: Optional[mediagrains.typing.EventGrainMetadataDict] = None, data: Union[SupportsBytes, bytes, numpy.ndarray, Awaitable[Union[SupportsBytes, bytes, numpy.ndarray, NoneType]], NoneType] = None, src_id: Optional[uuid.UUID] = None, flow_id: Optional[uuid.UUID] = None, origin_timestamp: Optional[mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None, creation_timestamp: Optional[mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None, sync_timestamp: Optional[mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None, rate: fractions.Fraction = Fraction(25, 1), duration: fractions.Fraction = Fraction(1, 25), event_type: str = '', topic: str = '')
104    def __init__(self,
105                 meta: Optional[EventGrainMetadataDict] = None,
106                 data: Optional[GrainDataParameterType] = None,
107                 src_id: Optional[UUID] = None,
108                 flow_id: Optional[UUID] = None,
109                 origin_timestamp: Optional[SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None,
110                 creation_timestamp: Optional[SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None,
111                 sync_timestamp: Optional[SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None,
112                 rate: Fraction = Fraction(25, 1),
113                 duration: Fraction = Fraction(1, 25),
114                 event_type: str = '',
115                 topic: str = ''):
117        if meta is None:
118            if not isinstance(src_id, UUID) and src_id is not None:
119                raise AttributeError(f"src_id: Seen type {type(src_id)}, expected UUID.")
120            if not isinstance(flow_id, UUID) and flow_id is not None:
121                raise AttributeError(f"flow_id: Seen type {type(flow_id)}, expected UUID.")
123            cts = creation_timestamp
124            if cts is None:
125                cts = Timestamp.get_time()
126            if origin_timestamp is None:
127                origin_timestamp = cts
128            if sync_timestamp is None:
129                sync_timestamp = origin_timestamp
130            meta = EventGrainMetadataDict({
131                "@_ns": "urn:x-ipstudio:ns:0.1",
132                "grain": {
133                    "grain_type": "event",
134                    "source_id": str(src_id),
135                    "flow_id": str(flow_id),
136                    "origin_timestamp": str(mediatimestamp(origin_timestamp)),
137                    "sync_timestamp": str(mediatimestamp(sync_timestamp)),
138                    "creation_timestamp": str(mediatimestamp(cts)),
139                    "rate": {
140                        "numerator": Fraction(rate).numerator,
141                        "denominator": Fraction(rate).denominator,
142                        },
143                    "duration": {
144                        "numerator": Fraction(duration).numerator,
145                        "denominator": Fraction(duration).denominator,
146                        },
147                    "event_payload": {
148                        "type": event_type,
149                        "topic": topic,
150                        "data": []
151                    }
152                },
153            })
155        super().__init__(meta, None)
156        self.meta: EventGrainMetadataDict
158        self._factory = "EventGrain"
159        self.meta['grain']['grain_type'] = 'event'
160        if 'event_payload' not in self.meta['grain']:
161            self.meta['grain']['event_payload'] = {
162                'type': "",
163                'topic': "",
164                'data': []}
165        if isawaitable(data):
166            self._data_fetcher_coroutine = cast(Awaitable[Optional[GrainDataType]], data)
167        elif data is not None:
168            if isinstance(data, bytes):
169       = data
170            else:
171       = bytes(cast(SupportsBytes, data))
172        if 'type' not in self.meta['grain']['event_payload']:
173            self.meta['grain']['event_payload']['type'] = ""
174        if 'topic' not in self.meta['grain']['event_payload']:
175            self.meta['grain']['event_payload']['topic'] = ""
176        if 'data' not in self.meta['grain']['event_payload']:
177            self.meta['grain']['event_payload']['data'] = []
meta: mediagrains.typing.EventGrainMetadataDict
data: bytes
182    @property  # type: ignore
183    def data(self) -> bytes:
184        return json.dumps({'type': self.event_type,
185                           'topic': self.topic,
186                           'data': [dict(datum) for datum in self.event_data]}).encode('utf-8')
event_type: str
211    @property
212    def event_type(self) -> str:
213        return self.meta['grain']['event_payload']['type']
topic: str
219    @property
220    def topic(self) -> str:
221        return self.meta['grain']['event_payload']['topic']
event_data: List[EventGrain.DATA]
310    @property
311    def event_data(self) -> List["EventGrain.DATA"]:
312        return [EventGrain.DATA(datum) for datum in self.meta['grain']['event_payload']['data']]
def append( self, path: str, pre: Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]]]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]]]]]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]]]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]]]]]]], NoneType] = None, post: Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]]]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]]]]]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]]]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]]]]]]], NoneType] = None) -> None:
318    def append(self, path: str, pre: Optional[MediaJSONSerialisable] = None,
319               post: Optional[MediaJSONSerialisable] = None) -> None:
320        datum = EventGrainDatumDict(path=path)
321        if pre is not None:
322            datum['pre'] = pre
323        if post is not None:
324            datum['post'] = post
325        self.meta['grain']['event_payload']['data'].append(datum)
class EventGrain.DATA(
227    class DATA(Mapping):
228        """\
229A class representing a data element within an event grain.
231It can be trated as a dictionary:
233    {"path": "/a/path",
234     "pre": <json serialisable object>,
235     "post": <json serialisable object>}
237But also provides additional properties:
240    The path
243    The pre value, or None if none is present. If set to None will remove "pre"
244    key from dictionary.
247    The post value, or None if none is present. If set to None will remove
248    "post" key from dictionary.
250        def __init__(self, meta: EventGrainDatumDict):
251            self.meta = meta
253        def __getitem__(self, key: Literal['path', 'pre', 'post']) -> MediaJSONSerialisable:
254            return self.meta[key]
256        def __setitem__(self, key: Literal['path', 'pre', 'post'], value: MediaJSONSerialisable) -> None:
257            self.meta[key] = value
259        def __delitem__(self, key: Literal['pre', 'post']) -> None:
260            del self.meta[key]
262        def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]:
263            return self.meta.__iter__()
265        def __len__(self) -> int:
266            return self.meta.__len__()
268        def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
269            return dict(self) == other
271        def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool:
272            return not (self == other)
274        @property
275        def path(self) -> str:
276            return self.meta['path']
278        @path.setter
279        def path(self, value: str) -> None:
280            self.meta['path'] = value
282        @property
283        def pre(self) -> Optional[MediaJSONSerialisable]:
284            if 'pre' in self.meta:
285                return self.meta['pre']
286            else:
287                return None
289        @pre.setter
290        def pre(self, value: Optional[MediaJSONSerialisable]) -> None:
291            if value is not None:
292                self.meta['pre'] = value
293            else:
294                del self.meta['pre']
296        @property
297        def post(self) -> Optional[MediaJSONSerialisable]:
298            if 'post' in self.meta:
299                return self.meta['post']
300            else:
301                return None
303        @post.setter
304        def post(self, value: Optional[MediaJSONSerialisable]) -> None:
305            if value is not None:
306                self.meta['post'] = value
307            elif 'post' in self.meta:
308                del self.meta['post']

A class representing a data element within an event grain.

It can be trated as a dictionary:

{"path": "/a/path",
 "pre": <json serialisable object>,
 "post": <json serialisable object>}

But also provides additional properties:

path The path

pre The pre value, or None if none is present. If set to None will remove "pre" key from dictionary.

post The post value, or None if none is present. If set to None will remove "post" key from dictionary.

EventGrain.DATA(meta: mediagrains.typing.EventGrainDatumDict)
250        def __init__(self, meta: EventGrainDatumDict):
251            self.meta = meta
path: str
274        @property
275        def path(self) -> str:
276            return self.meta['path']
pre: Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]]]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]]]]]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]]]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]]]]]]], NoneType]
282        @property
283        def pre(self) -> Optional[MediaJSONSerialisable]:
284            if 'pre' in self.meta:
285                return self.meta['pre']
286            else:
287                return None
post: Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]]]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]]]]]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]]]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]], Mapping[str, Union[str, int, uuid.UUID, mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.Timestamp, mediatimestamp.immutable.timerange.TimeRange, fractions.Fraction, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]]]]]]], NoneType]
296        @property
297        def post(self) -> Optional[MediaJSONSerialisable]:
298            if 'post' in self.meta:
299                return self.meta['post']
300            else:
301                return None
Inherited Members
ParseGrainType = typing.Callable[[typing.Union[mediagrains.typing.EmptyGrainMetadataDict, mediagrains.typing.AudioGrainMetadataDict, mediagrains.typing.CodedAudioGrainMetadataDict, mediagrains.typing.VideoGrainMetadataDict, mediagrains.typing.CodedVideoGrainMetadataDict, mediagrains.typing.EventGrainMetadataDict], typing.Union[typing.SupportsBytes, bytes, numpy.ndarray, typing.Awaitable[typing.Union[typing.SupportsBytes, bytes, numpy.ndarray, NoneType]], NoneType]], ForwardRef('Grain')]
def GrainFactory( meta: Union[mediagrains.typing.EmptyGrainMetadataDict, mediagrains.typing.AudioGrainMetadataDict, mediagrains.typing.CodedAudioGrainMetadataDict, mediagrains.typing.VideoGrainMetadataDict, mediagrains.typing.CodedVideoGrainMetadataDict, mediagrains.typing.EventGrainMetadataDict, NoneType] = None, data: Union[SupportsBytes, bytes, numpy.ndarray, Awaitable[Union[SupportsBytes, bytes, numpy.ndarray, NoneType]], NoneType] = None, src_id: Optional[uuid.UUID] = None, flow_id: Optional[uuid.UUID] = None, origin_timestamp: Optional[mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None, sync_timestamp: Optional[mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None, creation_timestamp: Optional[mediatimestamp.immutable.timestamp.SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None, rate: fractions.Fraction = Fraction(0, 1), duration: fractions.Fraction = Fraction(0, 1), **kwargs):
 59def GrainFactory(meta: Optional[GrainMetadataDict] = None,
 60                 data: GrainDataParameterType = None,
 61                 src_id: Optional[UUID] = None,
 62                 flow_id: Optional[UUID] = None,
 63                 origin_timestamp: Optional[SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None,
 64                 sync_timestamp: Optional[SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None,
 65                 creation_timestamp: Optional[SupportsMediaTimestamp] = None,
 66                 rate: Fraction = Fraction(0, 1),
 67                 duration: Fraction = Fraction(0, 1),
 68                 **kwargs):
 69    from .VideoGrain import VideoGrain
 70    from .AudioGrain import AudioGrain
 71    from .CodedVideoGrain import CodedVideoGrain
 72    from .CodedAudioGrain import CodedAudioGrain
 73    from .EventGrain import EventGrain
 74    if meta is None:
 75        if creation_timestamp is None:
 76            creation_timestamp = Timestamp.get_time()
 77        if origin_timestamp is None:
 78            origin_timestamp = creation_timestamp
 79        if sync_timestamp is None:
 80            sync_timestamp = origin_timestamp
 82        if src_id is None:
 83            raise AttributeError("src_id is None. Meta is None so src_id must not be None.")
 84        if flow_id is None:
 85            raise AttributeError("flow_id is None. Meta is None so flow_id must not be None.")
 87        if not isinstance(src_id, UUID):
 88            raise AttributeError(f"src_id: Seen type {type(src_id)}, expected UUID.")
 89        if not isinstance(flow_id, UUID):
 90            raise AttributeError(f"flow_id: Seen type {type(flow_id)}, expected UUID.")
 92        meta = EmptyGrainMetadataDict({
 93            "@_ns": "urn:x-ipstudio:ns:0.1",
 94            "grain": {
 95                'grain_type': "empty",
 96                'source_id': str(src_id),
 97                'flow_id': str(flow_id),
 98                'origin_timestamp': str(mediatimestamp(origin_timestamp)),
 99                'sync_timestamp': str(mediatimestamp(sync_timestamp)),
100                'creation_timestamp': str(mediatimestamp(creation_timestamp)),
101                'rate': {
102                    'numerator': Fraction(rate).numerator,
103                    'denominator': Fraction(rate).denominator
104                },
105                'duration': {
106                    'numerator': Fraction(duration).numerator,
107                    'denominator': Fraction(duration).denominator
108                }
109            }
110        })
111        data = None
112    if 'grain' in meta and 'grain_type' in meta['grain'] and meta['grain']['grain_type'] == 'video':
113        return VideoGrain(cast(VideoGrainMetadataDict, meta), data)
114    elif 'grain' in meta and 'grain_type' in meta['grain'] and meta['grain']['grain_type'] == 'audio':
115        return AudioGrain(cast(AudioGrainMetadataDict, meta), data)
116    elif 'grain' in meta and 'grain_type' in meta['grain'] and meta['grain']['grain_type'] == 'coded_video':
117        return CodedVideoGrain(cast(CodedVideoGrainMetadataDict, meta), data)
118    elif 'grain' in meta and 'grain_type' in meta['grain'] and meta['grain']['grain_type'] == 'coded_audio':
119        return CodedAudioGrain(cast(CodedAudioGrainMetadataDict, meta), data)
120    elif 'grain' in meta and 'grain_type' in meta['grain'] and meta['grain']['grain_type'] in ['event', 'data']:
121        return EventGrain(cast(EventGrainMetadataDict, meta), data)
122    else:
123        return Grain(cast(GrainMetadataDict, meta), data)