Human Values podcast interview series

Last year during the Covid19 pandemic we interviewed a number of people about BBC Human Values.

Since then a lot has happened. One of the biggest developments for Human Values is our support from Nesta with the Next Generation Internet fund. This has given us the opportunity to host a number of workshops to get human values out further than the BBC, into the hands of practitioners and experts from a range of sectors. The excellent attendees brought passion, knowledge and expertise, so now we turn the spotlight on them. We have had some great conversations and wanted to highlight some of the people in a coffee conversation style. Below this text you’ll find those great conversations. 

In each of these conversations, I will introduce each guest before discussing their awareness of the BBC Human Values. We will talk about the workshop, and  in some cases the collaborative work we have done together. We will finish with thoughts about how they will be  taking the knowledge forward in their work or with us into the future.  

We hope you enjoy the conversations and if you found something useful, have any thoughts about our work, or would like to know more, do reach out to us.

There is much more detail on the related BBC R&D blog and all the interviews are available on our Soundcloud.


The coffee conversations were recorded during the pandemic when audio equipment was limited, so please expect variable quality from the typical BBC standard and quality. All the views shared by our guests do not reflect the views of the BBC or BBC R&D.

Sanjay d’Humières

Sanjay d’Humières is the CEO of RTCX (Real-time Community Experience), a start-up born in Paris and London in 2017 specialised in the field of audience and consumer engagement. Sanjay is a graduate of the University of Westminster where he completed an MA in Media Management. After completing his degree Sanjay went on to work with major UK and international broadcasters in Digital Marketing. Sanjay was previously Press Officer for the launch of of the A380 Superjumbo for the Asia-Pacific region at Airbus Group.

Jane Leach

Growing up in an 8-bed Victorian Villa, so cold that in winter frozen condensation decorated the windows, gave Jane Leach a love of characterful period property and a desire to make them suit modern lives comfortably.

An award winning architect, Jane helps eco-conscious homeowners who want more space and a home that makes their heart sing. Her work is underpinned by the strong beliefs that:

  • everyone deserves a home that supports them in living their version of their best life
  • we all have a responsibility to protect the planet for future generations

Richard Rutter

Richard is a designer living in Brighton, UK. In 2005, he co-founded Clearleft, now one of the world’s leading digital design consultancies. Clearleft has helped over 100 clients across 5 continents embrace digital to get the most from their products, services and people. Now Managing Director, Richard helps the team work with clients to create new and improved digital presences through a pragmatic combination of research, delivery and strategy. He’s particularly passionate about service design, developing design teams, and web typography. A few years ago Richard was named as one of Wired UK’s top 100 people shaping the digital world.

Dr Alison Powell

Dr Alison Powell

Dr Alison Powell is Associate Professor in the Department of Media and Communications at LSE, where she was inaugural Programme Director for the MSc Media and Communications (Data and Society). She researches how people’s values influence the way technology is built, and how technological systems in turn change the way we work and live together.

Dr Powell blogs at and contributes occasional thoughts on Internet freedom and openness to the LSE Media@LSE blog.

Outside of academia she plays the violin, trains in circus arts, and gets obsessed about her garden. 

Dr Adam Galpin

Dr. Adam Galpin is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Salford, specialising in Cognitive and Media Psychology. He developed the UK’s first (and only) MSc programme in Media Psychology which has been running since 2012. Adam specialises in understanding how we use we can use Psychology in the design of interactive media and technology. Special areas of focus include children’s media use, neurodiversity and creativity, and the psychological experience of prosthetic limbs.

Chris Northwood

Chris is a software developer by training and now works as the Head of Development at the tech for good startup Culture Shift, which allow victims of bullying and harassment to report these incidents and access support. Chris is also the author of The Full Stack Developer (Apress, 2018) and is driven by using technology to make the world a better place.

Dr Emeline Brulé

Dr Emeline Brulé is a designer, design lecturer at University of Sussex, and a researcher focused on Human-Computer Interactions. Her work spans across accessibility, technologies in education, the maker movement, design education and the study of design as a profession, always with the aim to improve inclusion.

Brian Suda

Brian Suda is an informatician currently residing in Reykjavík, Iceland. He has spent a good portion of each day connected to Internet after discovering it back in the mid-1990s. His own little patch of Internet can be found at where many of his past projects and crazy ideas can be found.