VideoPlayer Framework
This framework is designed to play a video file (e.g. an H264-encoded video) or HLS stream and to provide advanced playback adjustment operations. With the playback adaptation features it offers, it is possible to synchronise video playback to an external timing source.
The main class for the video player is the VideoPlayerViewController; it is a UIViewController that encapsulates an AVPlayer and embeds it within a supplied UIView instance. It utilises the AVPlayer object to play a video asset and allows playback to be adapted by skipping frames, changing the speed or changing the (media-timeline, host clock) relationship.
The VideoPlayerViewController object allows other components to monitor the progress of the video playback. As the video is loaded and the media-processing pipeline primed, it reports changes to particular video player properties (e.g. asset playable, tracks, duration, loaded time range, current media time) to interested observers via callbacks or notifications.
An object wishing to receive callbacks from the video player must implement the VideoPlayerDelegate protocol and register itself as a delegate with the VideoPlayerViewController object.
How to use
1. Add the framework to your project
A Cocoa Pod version of this library is not currently available. To use this library, you must add it and its dependencies to your project.
Either include VideoPlayer in your workspace and build it; or build it in this repository’s synckit.xcworkspace
Then add VideoPlayer.framework under Linked Frameworks and libraries in your project’s target configuration.
2. Import the header files
#import <VideoPlayer/VideoPlayerError.h>
#import <VideoPlayer/VideoPlayerView.h>
#import <VideoPlayer/VideoPlayerViewController.h>
Create a VideoPlayerViewController
Create a VideoPlayerViewController instance and set the video asset URL:
VideoPlayerViewController videoplayer =
[[VideoPlayerViewController alloc] initWithParentView:self.VideoView
url = [NSURL
self.videoPlayerController.videoURL = url;
The video player will load the video and start to play.
Run the example app
A demo app called TestVideoPlayer is included with the VideoPlayer library. In the VideoPlayer project, choose TestVideoPlayer as the build target and deploy to either a simulator or an iOS device.
This framework is developed by BBC R&D and distributed under Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
© Copyright 2016 BBC R&D. All Rights Reserved