UDPMessaging Framework
This framework allows UDP endpoints to be created by a component/protocol requiring asynchronous communication. IPv4/IPv6 are both supported.
A UDPEndpoint object enables a UDP server to be started by binding
the underlying socket to a specified port and provides a method to be scheduled for
checking for incoming packets. In client mode, a socket is created to target a remote
address and port. Data packets can then be sent to the remote UDP endpoint by calling
How to use
1. Add the framework to your project
A Cocoa Pod version of this library is not currently available. To use this library, you must add it and its dependencies to your project.
Either include UDPMessaging in your workspace and build it; or build it in this repository’s synckit.xcworkspace
Then add UDPMessaging.framework under Linked Frameworks and libraries in your project’s target configuration.
2. Import the header files
#import <UDPMessaging/UDPMessaging.h>
To use a UDPEndpoint in server mode, make your class implement the UDPCommsDelegate protocol and then create a UDPEndpoint as follows:
int port= 5567;
UDPEndpoint udpcomms = [[UDPEndpoint alloc] init];
assert(udpcomms != nil);
udpcomms.delegate = self;
[udpcomms startServerOnPort:port];
To use a UDPEndpoint in client mode:
- (BOOL)runClientWithHost:(NSString *)host port:(NSUInteger)port
assert(host != nil);
assert( (port > 0) && (port < 65536) );
assert(self.udpcomms == nil);
self.udpcomms = [[UDPEndpoint alloc] initWithBufferSize:65536];
assert(self.udpcomms != nil);
self.udpcomms.delegate = self;
[self.udpcomms startConnectedToHostName:host port:port];
while (self.udpcomms != nil) {
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode beforeDate:[NSDate distantFuture]];
// The loop above is supposed to run forever. If it doesn't, something must
// have failed and we want main to return EXIT_FAILURE.
return NO;
Run the example app
A demo client-server app UDPMessagingDemo is included. To run the demo:
Open the UDPMessagingDemo workspace in XCode.
Build and run the UDPMessagingServerDemo project to generate the UDPMessagingServerDemo OSX executable.
Start the server listening to, for example, port 5566:
$ UDPMessagingServerDemo -l 5566
Build and run the UDPMessagingClientDemo iOS project and deploy on your iOS device. Make sure your OS X machine and your iOS device are both on the same network.
Enter the server address and port number as:
This framework is developed by BBC R&D and distributed under Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
© Copyright 2016 BBC R&D. All Rights Reserved