Source: widgets/widget.js

 * @fileOverview Requirejs module containing the antie.widgets.Widget abstract base class.
 * @preserve Copyright (c) 2013-present British Broadcasting Corporation. All rights reserved.
 * @license See for full licence

 * User interface widgets.
 * @name antie.widgets.Widget
 * @namespace

    function(Class, RuntimeContext) {
        'use strict';

         * Keep a count of generated IDs so we can ensure they're always unique
         * @private
        var widgetUniqueIDIndex = 0;

         * The base widget class. A widget is a UI-component which can be rendered to device-specific output
         * via a {@link antie.devices.Device} object.
         * @name antie.widgets.Widget
         * @class
         * @abstract
         * @extends antie.Class
         * @param {String} [id] The unique ID of the widget. If excluded, a temporary internal ID will be used (but not included in any output).
        return Class.extend(/** @lends antie.widgets.Widget.prototype */ {
             * @constructor
             * @ignore
            init: function init (id) {
                this._classNames = {'widget':true};
                this.parentWidget = null;
                this.outputElement = null;
                this._eventListeners = {};
                this._dataItem = null; // Any data item bound to this widget
                this._isFocussed = false;

                function createUniqueID() {
                    return '#' + (new Date() * 1) + '_' + (widgetUniqueIDIndex++);

                // ensure all widgets have an ID
       = id ? id : createUniqueID();
             * Renders the widget to device-specific output.
             * @param {antie.devices.Device} device The device to render to.
             * @returns A device-specific object that represents the widget as displayed on the device (in a browser, a DOMElement);
            render: function render (/*device*/) {
                throw new Error('Widget::render called - the subclass for widget \'' + + '\' must have not overridden the render method.');
             * Adds a CSS class to the widget if not already present.
             * @param {String} className The class name to add.
            addClass: function addClass (className) {
                if (!this._classNames[className]) {
                    this._classNames[className] = true;
                    if (this.outputElement) {
                        var device = this.getCurrentApplication().getDevice();
                        device.setElementClasses(this.outputElement, this.getClasses());
             * Removes a CSS class from the widget if present.
             * @param {String} className The class name to remove.
            removeClass: function removeClass (className) {
                if (this._classNames[className]) {
                    if (this.outputElement) {
                        var device = this.getCurrentApplication().getDevice();
                        device.setElementClasses(this.outputElement, this.getClasses());
             * Checks to see if the widget has a given CSS class.
             * @param {String} className The class name to check.
             * @returns Boolean true if the device has the className. Otherwise boolean false.
            hasClass: function hasClass (className) {
                return (this._classNames[className] ? true : false);
             * Get an array of class names that this widget has.
             * @returns An array of class names (Strings)
            getClasses: function getClasses () {
                var _names = [];
                for (var i in this._classNames) {
                    if(this._classNames.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
                return _names;
             * Add an event listener function to this widget.
             * @param {String} ev The event type to listen for (e.g. <code>keydown</code>)
             * @param {Function} func The handler to be called when the event is fired.
             * @see
            addEventListener: function addEventListener (ev, func) {
                var listeners = this._eventListeners[ev];
                if (typeof listeners === 'undefined') {
                    listeners = [];
                    this._eventListeners[ev] = listeners;
                if (!~listeners.indexOf(func)) {
             * Removes an event listener function to this widget.
             * @param {String} ev The event type that the listener is to be removed from (e.g. <code>keydown</code>)
             * @param {Function} func The handler to be removed.
             * @see
            removeEventListener: function removeEventListener (ev, func) {
                var listeners = this._eventListeners[ev],

                if (!listeners) {
                    RuntimeContext.getDevice().getLogger().error('Attempting to remove non-existent event listener');
                    return false;

                listener = listeners.indexOf(func);
                if (~listener) {
                    listeners.splice(listener, 1);
             * Fires an event on this object, triggering any event listeners bound to this widget only.
             * Note: this does not bubble or propagate the event to other widgets, for that functionality
             * see {@link #bubbleEvent}.
             * @param {} ev The event to fire.
             * @see
            fireEvent: function fireEvent (ev) {
                var listeners = this._eventListeners[ev.type];
                if (listeners) {
                    for (var func in listeners) {
                        if(listeners.hasOwnProperty(func)) {
                            try {
                            } catch (exception) {
                                var logger = this.getCurrentApplication().getDevice().getLogger();
                                logger.error('Error in ' + ev.type + ' event listener on widget ' + + ': ' + exception.message, exception, listeners[func]);
             * Bubbles an event from object, triggering any event listeners bound to this widget and any
             * parent widgets.
             * To halt bubbling of the event, see {@link}.
             * @param {} ev The event to bubble.
             * @see
            bubbleEvent: function bubbleEvent (ev) {
                if (!ev.isPropagationStopped()) {
                    if (this.parentWidget) {
                    } else {


             * Broadcast an event from object, triggering any event listeners bound to this widget and any
             * parent widgets.
             * To halt bubbling of the event, see {@link}.
             * @param {} ev The event to bubble.
             * @see
            broadcastEvent: function broadcastEvent (ev) {

             * Checks to see if a widget is focussable, i.e. contains an enabled button.
             * @see antie.widgets.Button
            isFocusable: function isFocusable () {
                // a widget can receive focus if any of it's children or children-of-children are Buttons
                // We're not a button and we have no children, so we're not.
                return false;
             * Gets a reference to the application responsible for creating the widget.
             * @see antie.RuntimeContext
            getCurrentApplication: function getCurrentApplication () {
                try {
                    return RuntimeContext.getCurrentApplication();
                } catch (ex) {
                    return null;
             * Get any data item associated with this widget.
            getDataItem: function getDataItem () {
                return this._dataItem;
             * Associate a data item with this widget.
             * @param {object} dataItem Object to associate with this widget.
            setDataItem: function setDataItem (dataItem) {
                this._dataItem = dataItem;
             * Returns the component this widget is a descendant of
            getComponent: function getComponent () {
                var widget = this;
                while (widget && !(widget.isComponent())) {
                    widget = widget.parentWidget;
                return widget;
             * Remove focus state from this widget.
            removeFocus: function removeFocus () {
                this._isFocussed = false;
             * Get if this widget is in the current focus path.
             * @returns Boolean true if this widget is in the focus path, otherwise false.
            isFocussed: function isFocussed () {
                return this._isFocussed;
             * Returns whether the widget is a Component.
             * @returns {Boolean} True if the widget is a Component.
            isComponent: function isComponent () {
                return false;
             * Shows a widget. If animation is enabled the widget will be faded in.
             * @param {Object}    options Details of the element to be shown, with optional parameters.
             * @param {Boolean} [options.skipAnim] By default the showing of the element will be animated (faded in). Pass <code>true</code> here to prevent animation.
             * @param {Function} [options.onComplete] Callback function to be called when the element has been shown.
             * @param {Number}    [options.fps=25] Frames per second for fade animation.
             * @param {Number}    [options.duration=840] Duration of fade animation, in milliseconds (ms).
             * @param {String}    [options.easing=linear] Easing style for fade animation.
             * @returns Boolean true if animation was called, otherwise false
            show : function(options) {
                if (this.outputElement) {
                    options.el = this.outputElement;
                    var device = this.getCurrentApplication().getDevice();
                } else {
                    throw new Error('Widget::show called - the current widget has not yet been rendered.');
             * Hides a widget. If animation is enabled the widget will be faded out of view.
             * @param {Object}    options Details of the element to be shown, with optional parameters.
             * @param {Boolean} [options.skipAnim] By default the showing of the element will be animated (faded in). Pass <code>true</code> here to prevent animation.
             * @param {Function} [options.onComplete] Callback function to be called when the element has been shown.
             * @param {Number}    [options.fps=25] Frames per second for fade animation.
             * @param {Number}    [options.duration=840] Duration of fade animation, in milliseconds (ms).
             * @param {String}    [options.easing=linear] Easing style for fade animation.
             * @returns Boolean true if animation was called, otherwise false
            hide : function(options) {
                if (this.outputElement) {
                    options.el = this.outputElement;
                    var device = this.getCurrentApplication().getDevice();
                } else {
                    throw new Error('Widget::hide called - the current widget has not yet been rendered.');
             * Moves a widget so that its top-left corner is at the given position.
             * @param {Object}    options Details of the element to be shown, with optional parameters.
             * @param {Boolean} [options.skipAnim] By default the showing of the element will be animated (faded in). Pass <code>true</code> here to prevent animation.
             * @param {Function} [options.onComplete] Callback function to be called when the element has been shown.
             * @param {Number}    [options.fps=25] Frames per second for fade animation.
             * @param {Number}    [options.duration=840] Duration of fade animation, in milliseconds (ms).
             * @param {String}    [options.easing=linear] Easing style for fade animation.
             * @returns Boolean true if animation was called, otherwise false
            moveTo : function(options) {
                if (this.outputElement) {
                    options.el = this.outputElement;
                    var device = this.getCurrentApplication().getDevice();
                } else {
                    throw new Error('Widget::moveTo called - the current widget has not yet been rendered.');