Source: widgets/list.js

 * @fileOverview Requirejs module containing the antie.widgets.List class.
 * @preserve Copyright (c) 2013-present British Broadcasting Corporation. All rights reserved.
 * @license See for full licence

    function (Container, ListItem, Iterator, DataBoundEvent, SelectedItemChangeEvent) {
        'use strict';
         * The List widget contains an ordered list of items which may be populated either by a static
         * array or by binding to an asynchronous data source.
         * Note: The List widget has no spatial navigation. See {@link antie.widgets.VerticalList}
         * and {@link antie.widgets.HorizontalList} for widgets that support spatial navigation.
         * @name antie.widgets.List
         * @class
         * @extends antie.widgets.Container
         * @requires antie.widgets.ListItem
         * @requires antie.Iterator
         * @requires
         * @requires
         * @param {String} [id] The unique ID of the widget. If excluded, a temporary internal ID will be used (but not included in any output).
         * @param {antie.Formatter} [itemFormatter] A formatter class used on each data item to generate the list item child widgets.
         * @param {antie.DataSource|Array} [dataSource] An array of data to be used to generate the list items, or an asynchronous data source.
        var List = Container.extend(/** @lends antie.widgets.List.prototype */ {
             * @constructor
             * @ignore
            init: function init (id, itemFormatter, dataSource) {
                this._selectedIndex = 0;
                this._dataSource = dataSource;
                this._itemFormatter = itemFormatter;
                this._dataBound = false;
                this._totalDataItems = 0;
                this._renderMode = List.RENDER_MODE_CONTAINER;
                this._dataBindingOrder = List.DATA_BIND_FORWARD;

      , id);
             * Appends a child widget to this widget, creating a new list item.
             * @param {antie.widgets.Widget} widget The child widget to add.
            appendChildWidget: function appendChildWidget (widget) {
                if ((this._renderMode === List.RENDER_MODE_LIST) && !(widget instanceof ListItem)) {
                    var li = new ListItem();
          , li);
                    return li;
                } else {
          , widget);
                    return widget;
             * Inserts a child widget at the specified index.
             * @param {Integer} index The index where to insert the child widget.
             * @param {antie.widgets.Widget} widget The child widget to add.
            insertChildWidget: function insertChildWidget (index, widget) {
                var w;
                if ((this._renderMode === List.RENDER_MODE_LIST) && !(widget instanceof ListItem)) {
                    w = new ListItem();
          , index, w);
                } else {
          , index, widget);
                    w = widget;
                if (index <= this._selectedIndex &&
                    (( this._selectedIndex + 1 ) < this.getChildWidgetCount())) {
                return widget;
             * Attempt to set focus to the given child widget.
             * Note: You can only set focus to a focusable widget. A focusable widget is one that
             * contains an enabled antie.widgets.Button as either a direct or indirect child.
             * @param {antie.widgets.Widget} widget The child widget to set focus to.
             * @returns Boolean true if the child widget was focusable, otherwise boolean false.
            setActiveChildWidget: function setActiveChildWidget (widget) {
                var changed = this._activeChildWidget !== widget;
                if (, widget)) {
                    this._selectedIndex = this.getIndexOfChildWidget(widget);
                    if (changed) {
                        this.bubbleEvent(new SelectedItemChangeEvent(this, widget, this._selectedIndex));
                    return true;
                } else {
                    return false;
             * Renders the widget and any child widgets to device-specific output. If the list is bound
             * to an asynchronous data source, get the data.
             * @param {antie.devices.Device} device The device to render to.
             * @returns A device-specific object that represents the widget as displayed on the device (in a browser, a DOMElement);
            render: function render (device) {
                if (!this._dataBound && this._dataSource && this._itemFormatter) {
                if (!this.outputElement && (this._renderMode === List.RENDER_MODE_LIST)) {
                    this.outputElement = device.createList(, this.getClasses());
                return, device);
             * Create list items from the bound data.
             * @private
            _createDataBoundItems: function _createDataBoundItems () {
                this._dataBound = true;

                var self = this;

                function processDataCallback(data) {

                    var iterator = (data instanceof Iterator) ? data : new Iterator(data);
                    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                        var i = iterator._currentIndex;

                        var w = self._itemFormatter.format(iterator);
                        w._listIndex = i;
                        if (self._dataBindingOrder === List.DATA_BIND_FORWARD) {
                        } else if (self._dataBindingOrder === List.DATA_BIND_REVERSE) {
                            self.insertChildWidget(0, w);
                    self._totalDataItems = iterator._currentIndex;

                    self.bubbleEvent(new DataBoundEvent('databound', self, iterator));

                function processDataError(response) {
                    self.bubbleEvent(new DataBoundEvent('databindingerror', self, null, response));

                self.bubbleEvent(new DataBoundEvent('beforedatabind', self));
                if (!this._dataSource || (this._dataSource instanceof Array)) {
                } else {
                        onSuccess: processDataCallback,
                        onError: processDataError
             * Binds the list to a different data source. If the list is already rendered,
             * the output will be updated to reflect the new data.
             * @param {antie.DataSource} dataSource The data source to bind to.
            setDataSource: function setDataSource (dataSource) {
                // abort currently processing data requests
                if (this._dataSource && typeof(this._dataSource.abort) === 'function') {
                this._dataSource = dataSource;
                if (this.outputElement) {
             * Invalidates the data-related bindings - causing items to be re-created on next render;
            resetDataBindings: function resetDataBindings () {
                this._dataBound = false;
             * Re-iterates the data source, recreating list items.
            rebindDataSource: function rebindDataSource () {
                this._dataBound = false;
             * Sets the rendering mode to either <code>List.RENDER_MODE_CONTAINER</code> or <code>List.RENDER_MODE_LIST</code>.
             * List.RENDER_MODE_CONTAINER causes the list to be rendered as a generic container (e.g. &lt;div&gt;), with a generic container for each
             * list item. List.RENDER_MODE_LIST causes the list to be rendered as a list (e.g. &lt;ul&gt;), with list item elements (e.g. &lt;li&gt;) for each item.
             * @param {Integer} mode The rendering mode to use.
            setRenderMode: function setRenderMode (mode) {
                this._renderMode = mode;
             * Binds a progress indicator widget to this list.
             * @param {antie.Widgets.HorizontalProgress} widget The progress indicator widget.
             * @param {Function} [formatterCallback] A function that tkes the current item index and the total number of items and returns
             *                    a string to popular the progress indicator's label.
            bindProgressIndicator: function bindProgressIndicator (widget, formatterCallback) {
                var self = this;

                this._updateProgressHandler = function (evt) {
                    if ( !== self) {

                    if (evt.type === 'beforedatabind') {

                    // TODO: This is a bit of a hack - if more data items were iterated over to populate the list
                    // TODO: than there are items in the list, we assume some list items contain more than one
                    // TODO: data item, therefore we have to use their position within the data source, rather than
                    // TODO: their position within the rendered list widget.

                    var ignore = self._childWidgetOrder.length - self._totalDataItems;

                    if (ignore < 0) {
                        ignore = 0;

                    var activeWidget = self.getActiveChildWidget();
                    var index = (self._dataBound && activeWidget && (activeWidget._listIndex !== undefined)) ?
                          activeWidget._listIndex :
                          self._selectedIndex - ignore;

                    var total = self._childWidgetOrder.length - ignore;

                    var p;
                    if (index < 0) {
                        p = 0;
                    } else {
                        p = index / (total - 1);
                        if (p < 0) {
                            p = 0;

                    if (formatterCallback) {
                        var val = formatterCallback(index + 1, total);
                        if (typeof(val) === 'string') {
                        } else {
                            p = val.pos;

                    //if the formatter function has moved the position indicator, we don't change it
                this.addEventListener('selecteditemchange', this._updateProgressHandler);
                this.addEventListener('focus', this._updateProgressHandler);
                this.addEventListener('blur', this._updateProgressHandler);
                this.addEventListener('beforedatabind', this._updateProgressHandler);
                this.addEventListener('databound', this._updateProgressHandler);
             * Unbinds a previously-bound progress indicator widget.
            unbindProgressIndicator: function unbindProgressIndicator () {
                if (this._updateProgressHandler) {
                    this.removeEventListener('selecteditemchange', this._updateProgressHandler);
                    this.removeEventListener('focus', this._updateProgressHandler);
                    this.removeEventListener('blur', this._updateProgressHandler);
                    this.removeEventListener('databound', this._updateProgressHandler);

            removeChildWidget: function removeChildWidget (widget) {
                // TODO: Make this more generic - it will only work if carousel items contain a
                // TODO: single item of data.
                if (this._updateProgressHandler && (this._childWidgetOrder.length < this._totalDataItems)) {
                    this.getCurrentApplication().getDevice().getLogger().warn('antie.widgets.List::removeChildWidget - removing' +
                                                                              ' list items where multiple data items are contained within each list item' +
                                                                              ' can cause unintended behaviour within any position indicator attached' +
                                                                              ' to the list.');

                var ignore = this._childWidgetOrder.length - this._totalDataItems;
                var retValue =, widget);

                for (var i = 0; i < this._childWidgetOrder.length; i++) {
                    this._childWidgetOrder[i]._listIndex = i - ignore;
                return retValue;
            removeChildWidgets: function removeChildWidgets () {
                for (var i = 0; i < this._childWidgetOrder.length; i++) {

                this._totalDataItems = 0;

            setDataBindingOrder: function setDataBindingOrder (order) {
                this._dataBindingOrder = order;

            getDataBindingOrder: function getDataBindingOrder () {
                return this._dataBindingOrder;

         * Render as a generic container (e.g. &lt;div&gt;), with a generic container for each list item.
         * @name RENDER_MODE_CONTAINER
         * @memberOf antie.widgets.List
         * @constant
         * @static
         * Render as a list (e.g. &lt;ul&gt;), with list item elements (e.g. &lt;li&gt;) for each item.
         * @name RENDER_MODE_LIST
         * @memberOf antie.widgets.List
         * @constant
         * @static
        List.RENDER_MODE_LIST = 2;

        List.DATA_BIND_FORWARD = 0;
        List.DATA_BIND_REVERSE = 1;

        return List;